Hi there fingers crossed we should be back on the rollercoaster ride of our 3rd icsi cycle in January and I want to do everything to make it a success and wondered if any of your partners have used male fertility supplements to help their sperm count and if so did they help?
Question re male fertility supplements - Fertility Network UK
Question re male fertility supplements

Hi miaow. We used procieve max can get it from boots. His count went from 13 million to 26 million within 6 months. Alot of people also recommend proxeed or impryl. We only went for procieve max because its always on 3for2. X
Hi, my husband and I used the pregnacare/wellman supplements. To be honest I think the biggest difference for us was my husband's lifestyle changes. He really cut back on drinking and trying to be less stressed for the 3 months prior to collection. I also banned him from the sauna, which he wasn't happy with at the time!
His sample went from low count to normal range and normal level of morphology. His motility improved but was still lower than average but we were successful with icsi to help on that front.
Best of luck x
Hi Chiefy thanks for your reply and I’m really pleased to hear icsi worked for you, congrats. We tried pregnacare the last 2 times but have been recommended to try procieve max this time which we’d not heard of so going to give that a go and fingers crossed we’ll be third time lucky 🤞🏻
Hi Miaow1975, my husband used proxeed for more than 6 months, he’s tests came out fine 2 weeks ago.
Hi lovely
My husband has been on Impryl for 7 months and though count was never his issue, it jumped from 90 million to 150 million after 3 months. It’s also significantly improved his dna damage which was his reason for taking it.
Whichever supplement you end up deciding on, I would also recommend that your partner take extra vitamin D and cod liver oil (for omega 3s). Both are really important ingredients in sperm development and most of us don’t get enough of either! xx
My husband's sperm count has always been okay but his morphology was low (1%). Since the initial SA in 2019, he's lost 3 stone in weight and I've had him on the following supplements:
Wellman Conception for men, Seven Seas Omega 3 and Immunity, NAC 600mg, l-arginine 500mg, l-carnitine 500mg, 300mg ubiquinol coq-10 and vitamin-e 200iu.
His latest SA showed he now has 5% morphology (06/21). If your partner is okay with drinking sachets he might want to consider Proceive Max and 200mg ubiquinol as well as lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, cutting back on alcohol, no hot baths and moderate exercise.
I created a spreadsheet showing all the ingredients/nutritional information of some popular male supplements.
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