A bit of a rant really..: Hi everyone... - Fertility Network UK

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A bit of a rant really..

Betty567 profile image
41 Replies

Hi everyone,

I just really want a bit of a vent, to people who understand...

My frozen embryo transfer failed. We haven't been doing this journey long, 1x IVF + fresh transfer and 1x FET, never had a BFP, unexplained fertility. There's nothing wrong, there's no reason for it, I don't know my AMH sorry but I'm 34 and no health issues other than my inability to have a baby, and my husband is the same.

The first cycle was tough, but it was the first time and we were both excited that something was happening and that it might just work, and when it didn't we were so disappointed, even though I tried to tell myself not to be. After the first round we had 3x day 5 embryos, and 2 that needed an extra day to catch up. So the best one was transferred fresh at the time and now I've just had my first frozen cycle. On Tuesday I found it hadn't worked. And after having had a bit of a cry and blamed the ridiculous amount of extra hormones floating around, and deciding that it's ok to have another go as we have three more embryos in the freezer, I can't help but think there is less chance of these working than the previous fresh and frozen transfers I already had. The clinic said they transferred the best one first (fresh transfer), then the second best for the frozen cycle, which means the three we have left are less good then the ones that have already failed. So what is to say these will work, when the better quality ones didn't? We have one 'good' (5AB) and two 'average' (5BB), and I know there is debate as to how much we should pin our hopes and fears on the grading, but if they already transferred our best ones then surely the remaining ones have less chance of success?

We have a follow up consultation booked for next week, and last time the doctor was really positive about how things had gone. The first cycle I blamed myself for it not working; if only I had used different shampoo with no sulphates, or not worn nail varnish on my toes, or stuck to the Mediterranean diet better, or not had that cup of coffee (one a day only). So this time I did everything right, no caffeine at all, no nail varnish, no hair dye, switched my cosmetics, and tried to be as relaxed as possible knowing that I did everything I could. And it sort of worked - I blame myself less this time - but on the other hand that doesn't help because it still failed, and how can I make sure it works next time? I know I can't do anything more, I just have to let what will happen happen, but I really wish that hoping and wishing and really, really trying was enough to make an embryo stick.

I'm moaning. I know that. My family and the people closest to me at work know about our IVF journey, so telling them about appointments etc along the way has helped. But having to tell everyone that it didn't work, again, and having to see people feel sorry for me and say 'oh dear, maybe next time' while having no idea how hard and horrible it is, that part I really hate. This whole journey is so isolating, it makes you feel so inadequate and so useless, and I think I'm struggling to find hope for the next transfer knowing we already used up our best chances. And I also know that I'm still going to try because it only needs one embryo to work.

Really, I think I needed to rant to some people who understand. So if you made it this far, thank you for reading my complaining. I know I'm still upset by this latest failure, and I know it will get better, so sorry for being so negative.

Good luck with your own journeys, and to all those lovely lucky people who've had positive results this week, a massive congratulations. I'm jealous as hell. But also really pleased for you all.

B x

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Betty567 profile image
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41 Replies
Pandapants profile image

It's not moaning and you don't need to apologise for wanting to get that off your chest. Vent as much as you need too - it's better than bottling it up and carrying it around with you all day.

I wish I could tell you that I've been in the same position and that it all worked out fine, but I'm still at the beginning of my treatment. I understand how you feel isolated, and I hope that you can get some support from the community on here. There's also the counselling services clinics refer into, that might help you to work through how you are feeling at the moment.

Don't feel isolated. You're not alone. Everyone here is rooting for you xxx

Betty567 profile image
Betty567 in reply to Pandapants

thank you, it's really kind of you to take the time to reply. tbh it's been a week nearly and I've been telling people it's fine, so you're right - venting here is definitely useful :) Good luck with your treatment x

Millbanks profile image

Hi Betty, firstly I'm sorry to hear that your transfer failed. It's a heartbreaking and a horrible experience. I had my fair share of them and completely understand where you're coming from.Secondly, if the embryologist freezes your embryo, they think it's good enough to form a baby - don't get hung up on grades and whether or not they are good enough. It's 100% possible for a lower grade embryo to give you a BFP.

Also, a lot of doctors say that the more FETs you have, the higher your chance of success - it makes sense really - you've got to be in it to win it!

I also completely understand what you're saying about telling friends and family. When we first started IVF I told anyone who would listen. And my friends and family were so supportive and amazing. But as our first failed, then second, then third I found myself feeling worse and worse having to disappoint everyone else as well as me and my husband. The last 3 transfers we only told my sister. And actually the last one we didn't tell a soul - so when I told my sister it had worked she was very surprised. It's completely ok to keep it to yourselves. I find saying "I'll let you know when I have something to tell you" a good way to rebuff those kind folks who ask.

I think that IVF takes away so much of our control, that managing what we put on / in our bodies is really the only thing left we can control! But I also found that as time went on I relaxed my "rules" and it made me happier. There is no way that wearing nail varnish made your transfer fail, but it's best to not give your brain that option to think about it. Don't beat yourself up - you did nothing wrong.

There are lots of test that you can have if you are inclined, to help with future success.

For me, the key ones were the ERA test (to determine the exact window of implantation - and tells you exactly how many hours of progesterone you need before transfer) and having my immunology tested - which showed a high level of natural killer cells which were essentially attacking each embryo we transferred. A low dose of steroids seemed to do the trick. I was also lumped in to the "unexplained fertility" category so I know how frustrating this is - when really it's anything BUT unexplained - it just needed more investigating that the NHS were willing to do. (nothing against the NHS - they are incredible)

I hope you're looking after yourself today - do something nice - buy a treat - anything to make you feel a bit less crappy.

My inbox is always open xxx

Betty567 profile image
Betty567 in reply to Millbanks

Hi Millbanks, I really like ' I'll let you know when I have something to tell you' - it feels like it's going to be very useful. I know I'm being ungrateful and people are asking because they care, but gosh it's hard work feeling like such a disappointment!

Thank you for reassurances re: nail varnish etc - my sensible head knows there's no way it could have been that, or the fact I didn't eat enough green veg, or anything else - there is so much information around that I just wanted to rule it out, just in case. As you say, we have so little control over whether a cycle will work or not, that I think I'm trying to cover all bases just so I know I've done all I can.

I will have a chat to our doctor about the extra tests, it's definitely worth a chat to see whether it makes sense for us.

Thanks for your reply

B x

Millbanks profile image
Millbanks in reply to Betty567

You're not ungrateful. If there is one thing that I have learned it's that it's impossible for people who haven't been through IVF to understand the enormity of emotions that come with it. People often think that it's akin to just "trying" and it's really in no way the same at all. Your friends and family wouldn't ask you if you'd had sex at the right time that month..... Yes definitely have a chat and explore all options. There is a lot and it can be overwhelming, but they can help you filter through what might be useful. One of the reasons I had my immunity tested was because both my parents have psoriasis (which is an autoimmune disease) and I read somewhere that this can be a marker that you may have immune issues too - and they were spot on.

Sometimes I think clinics don't do enough background research in to your history so a bit of reading can be good.

There is a website call The Duff which goes through all IVF options with impartial information and I found it really useful. If you've got the energy have a look there.


MakingbabyN profile image

Sorry to hear that it hasn’t worked for you so far, and I completely know the feeling.

Those embryos you have in the freezer are really good quality. I’ve just had my first BFP on my third transfer of a 4BB. This 4BB is the best quality I’ve ever had and yours are even better. So I think you need to take a lot of faith in the embryos you have and stay positive for your next round.

Also try not to blame yourself. I think everything in our bodies just has to all line up at the right time and it’s almost down to luck (I know that’s not helpful). But I don’t believe that nail varnish, or one cup of coffee a day would have made a difference. Try not to to be so hard on yourself 😄

Did they test your progesterone levels? Could be worth asking if they need to increase your dosage.

Good luck! X

Betty567 profile image
Betty567 in reply to MakingbabyN

Congratulations on your BFP! That's amazing news. Third time lucky... I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for the same :)They tested my progesterone when we first started with the clinic and everything was normal, but I guess it varies a lot through the cycle. I will ask them when I speak to the doctor next week.

Thank you for your reply x

Chicky86 profile image

Im so sorry to reac its not worked yet, but have faith and keep your chin up as you never know what that next frozen embryo has in store for you.

I'm 34, with no known reason for my infertility, both me and my partner are relatively healthy.

Both my fresh transfer and my first frozen transfer failed, and I had 2 left in the freezer.

I felt for sure another transfer was a waste of time as I didn't think it would work. We had the 3rd transfer in April and I finally got my BFP, I'm now 2p weeks pregnant with a little boy!

I know it's easier said than, but please try to stay positive!! And if you do need to rant and vent then you know where to find us all ready and willing to listen


Betty567 profile image
Betty567 in reply to Chicky86

Congratulations on your pregnancy!! It's really good news, congratulations. This journey has so many lows and so many hard parts, it's really good to hear success stories and that it can all work out :)

Chicky86 profile image
Chicky86 in reply to Betty567

Thank you!

Sometimes a good story is just what you need to pick you up again. You'll get there xx

XOXO13 profile image

Hi Betty, sorry to hear you’ve experienced unsuccessful transfers 💔 I went through three before I got my BFP, so I can relate to how you’re feeling right now.

I also fell under the unexplained category, though my husband has low sperm morphology which is why we were recommended for IVF ICSI in the first place. With my first fresh transfer, we had a hatching 5AA blastocysts- they say you can’t get better, and yet it still didn’t work. The second transfer (first FET) it was a 4AA and again, it didn’t work. For our third, we did a double transfer and introduced blood thinners (as one of my tests notified elevated blood clot markers). We went onto have a CP but we got one step further.

For our fourth, I wasn’t happy to proceed without trying something new and exploring more unconventional tests after having all the evidence based tests and none of it made a difference (HyCoSy, hysteroscopy, karyotype screening…though it’s good to check these things if you haven’t already)

We went on to explore immunology and it identified me as having elevated NK cells and elevated thyroid antibodies. Both treated with low dose steroids. With a new protocol, closer monitoring and those new drugs, I’m now 9+1 with twins. It’s been quite a journey, lots of hurdles and upset along the way but we kept going and pushing for answers and it eventually has given us a positive test and some hope.

IVF takes so much from us, we lose so much control and we can be so strict with ourselves but it’s okay to relax those rules. I didn’t wear fluffy socks everyday for this transfer, I didn’t drink pom juice daily or eat Brazil nuts. I ate a bit of ice cream because it was hot and I generally ate what I wanted though made sure I also had a balance of lots of nutritious food. I wore nail varnish (still do) as well, and I’m okay. Don’t fret too much about that stuff, if it helps your mindset then great - do it but don’t let it control you even further because we deserve to be kind to ourselves and to allow ourselves treats here and there!

I hope you’re looking after yourself. One step at a time, you’ll get there ☘️🤞🏻💗 xx

Betty567 profile image
Betty567 in reply to XOXO13

Hi XOXO13, thank you for taking the time to reply to me. It's really good to hear it worked out for you - a massive CONGRATULATIONS!! on your twin pregnancy - that's amazing news, you must be so happy. Thank you for your suggestions as well, I will chat to the doctor at our appointment next week and see what is worth us trying. As I read people's replies it's really reassuring to hear that there are more things to try, it feels like otherwise we'd just end up doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different outcome..

... I should be wearing fluffy socks every day after the transfer?! Is that the reason this one didn't work??!! ;)

XOXO13 profile image
XOXO13 in reply to Betty567

Thank you 💗 it’s taken some time and experimenting but it’s been so worth it just for the positive and a viable pregnancy! Hopefully all continues to be well!

Definitely worth discussing further options and tests, it helps to feel like you’re constantly moving forward in this journey.

And apparently yes… warm feet = warm uterus and likewise with warm food! I usually wear fluffy socks but it’s been so hot that I didn’t really this time! I made sure I was never cold but also wasn’t super strict with it! Xx

AJJ123 profile image

I’ve got a similar thing going on, same age too.

My outcomes are blighted, bfn or chemical. Great that you had so many day 5 blasts.

I don’t have any left, so my next go will be another gruelling round of IVF.

After that, it’s over.

I know how you feel, it’s not fair that we have to go through this and other people have it easy.

You’ve still got a good chance with what you have left but I agree it sucks when it doesn’t work out xx

Betty567 profile image
Betty567 in reply to AJJ123

Hi AJJ123, Sorry you're in a similar position, it's pretty rubbish what we put ourselves through especially compared to other people when it's so straightforward for them.

Good luck for your next cycle, I really hope it works out :)

B x

AJJ123 profile image
AJJ123 in reply to Betty567

Next time I’m going to request two embryos are put in as it’s the last bash.

It does increase your chances, they just don’t want us to have multiples (that’s my view) however twins are not for the faint hearted. Xx

Daisy0909 profile image

Hi Betty567,

I just wanted to reach out to you, I am so sorry for the difficulties you are experiencing at the moment.

I just wanted you to know that your not on your own in how you are feeling right now.

I found out today that my first FET failed, we had our first cycle cancelled due to sepsis following egg collection and I feel like I’m grieving.

I am cross, disappointed and upset that it didn’t work. I ate pineapple core, Brazil nuts and drank a glass of Pom juice everyday. My diet was restrictive and as nutritious as it could be. I cut caffeine out completely and it still FAILED. I have had a very depressing 2WW and it was all for nothing 😢 my life feels as thought it has come to a stop but you try to do these things so that you know deep inside you did everything you could.

My transfer wasn’t the best either, the embryo didn’t come out the first time and she had removed the speculum before checking so had another one inserted which was really painful. This pain continued for the majority of my 2WW and I’m not sure if this didn’t help matters. It’s something that I will have to discuss on my review appointment.

Your words really resonate with me, it’s rubbish to be part of this club but we have great support on this forum and I have learnt so much from everyone.

I feel as though I have hijacked your post by opening up about my story but I hope it shows that you are not alone on how you’re feeling.

IVF can really do one right now 😢 this can be blamed on my hormones.

Take good care of yourself.

Betty567 profile image
Betty567 in reply to Daisy0909

Oh Daisy it sounds like you’ve had a real time of it. Sorry your transfer failed.That’s how I feel, I’ve been doing all the things so that I can say ‘I gave it my all’ and I know I did everything I could, and after the 2ww still nothing.

You’re right, this is a rubbish club to have to be in, but I’m really grateful to everyone for being so supportive and sharing their own stories, so I feel less alone x

Daisy0909 profile image
Daisy0909 in reply to Betty567

Stay strong and look after yourself, it’s so important that we continue to share our stories in a protected forum like this as it really does help when times are tough x

Rain415 profile image

I'm so sorry having two fails on the trot is so shit. I had two 'beautiful top quality couldn't get higher' (clinics words) 5 day blastocyst transfered. The fresh BFN the first FET was a chemical pregnancy.

Then transferred the 'lower quality' frozen 5 day blastocyst and currently 10 weeks pregnant. So try not to get hung up on quality as my embryologist said its just a beauty contest quite superficial.

Fingers crossed for your next cycle!! X

Betty567 profile image
Betty567 in reply to Rain415

Hi Rain415, Congratulations on your pregnancy, that’s such good news :) x

I relate to everything you’ve said. Its good to rant to people that know what you’re going through.

It’s great that you have some embryos left. Crossing my fingers for you xx

Betty567 profile image
Betty567 in reply to

Thank you! Having read through these replies it’s good to know people have had the same feelings, and that there are supportive people who understand what I’m going through. Good luck with your journey x

minnesota_girl profile image

Hi Betty I'm sorry to hear you're struggling like so many of us are. You're not alone.

I read your whole post and I have decided to focus on one element because it matters SO much to me: you did nothing to cause the failures. You simply didn't. Nothing you could do, short of hard drugs and over drinking could have an impact on the outcome. I feel so strongly about how many women on this forum feel the "if onlys" about their habits during IVF and it's pressure that we shouldn't have, and while it can help with an element of feeling control over a terribly difficult process, the other factor is then we blame ourselves when things don't turn out.

It's not our fault that we are struggling w with infertility. It's not your fault 💕

Fruitandflowers profile image

Hi Betty, we are similar - TTC since age 30 and extensive tests and investigations put us in the unexplained category. We gave ourselves many many excuses for why it wasn't working and I felt like a complete failure having to go down the IVF route. We didn't tell anyone we were trying let alone have treatment and everyone thinks we don't want children - that's fine to an extent, but also does mean you get some upsetting comments. Also, you can't explain why your ankles have swollen (buserelin is not my friend), you're not drinking (not another urinary tract infection requiring antibiotics?...) or you've suddenly decided sack dresses are the new thing (have you tried yoga? It helped me tone up...). And then when you get the heartbreak, it's yours alone, well save the people on this forum, who are brilliant. However, I would also hate to be having to update people and deal with their misinformed if well meaning observations.

Re embryo quality: first round we had 'the best ever' hatching 5 day blast transferred - the way the embryologist raved about it, I half expected it to be reading a book. That implanted really fast and strong, but was a confirmed chemical a week or so after OTD. Total shock as I sort of thought we'd 'won' at this. Second round, similar story. We have frosties but my current clinic have been very cagey about what quality there are - they just keep saying good. Changed a few things with meds and just had a FET with embryo of unknown quality.

I've had (chocolate covered) brazil nuts and pineapple juice because I happen to like them and if that's 'medicine' I will guzzle them in the interests of my unborn. Ditto milkshake (milk/fat). I'm not keen on pomegranate juice so I have put that in the unnecessary for me category. I had a pedicure last month (first in two years) and it included nail varnish. I dye my hair as otherwise I will send cortisol to the little one when looking at my roots on endless zoom calls. I use a sulphate free shampoo to protect said hair dye. First transfer I went straight back into a stressful time at work, second time I took two weeks off, same result.

Ranting and venting is healthy - I took out all my rage on the herbal tea I was drinking last time that secretly contained licorice root (apparently causes all kinds of problems, not chemicals but I blamed it anyway...).

It's rubbish and isolating but if you've got the energy to be furious you'll probably be fine. Best of luck x

Lou22xx profile image

Don’t feel like your moaning as it’s a tough journey. I am exactly the same but had 3 fails this year, it is an emotional rollercoaster as you want to believe it is going to work. Just because it doesn’t work the first time does not mean it won’t next time. Have you had your progesterone checked as after 2 fails I pushed for this on my 3rd transfer and now I know I have very low levels even after taking 3 pessaries a day, if only they had checked this earlier it could have helped. You could/will send yourself crazy thinking hsvd I done something wrong so please try not to do that. My clinic said they don’t even look into things until you’ve had 3 fails which I feel is not the best decision. Emotionally and financially it’s very very hard but there’s so many success stories so the best thing is to not stress and look forward to your next transfer. I have just booked in for Alice,Emma and ERA testing before I go for my 4th one. It’s not always the top graded embryos that sticks best of luck cx

Leea1984 profile image

Hi Betty I felt like this before my son. That they transfer the ‘strongest’ embryo first and then each transfer my chances would lower. Anyway 5 embryos failed to implant and he was the 6th embryo that didn’t indeed implant and he is now a healthy 2.5 year old so as hard as it maybe try to stay positive. I’ve heard this happen many times and the lower graded embryos are actually the ones that often result in babies. I’m now 35 weeks pregnant again after retrieving only 1 egg from my last egg collection rated 4AB so it does just take the one! The most difficult journey you will go on but the reward is massive when eventually it does work xxx

Daffodils140 profile image

First of all, really sorry that it didn’t work out this time. I’m having my third FET this Friday and I know how disappointing a BFN is.

As other people have said, the grading system is not really worth worrying about, if an embryo is considered good enough to freeze then it could potentially become a baby. So many ladies on this forum have had success with these so called ‘lower grade’ embryos so try to stay hopeful.

Sending love and hugs xx

Daffodils140 profile image

If this third FET doesn’t work then I am going to explore further tests before having another go. My consultant is very much “it’s a numbers game” so the chances are after a few attempts it will work; but I will definitely explore other tests before

3700jane profile image

You aren't moaning you are just expressing all the feelings we have. I am lucky to be supported too but it's a double edge sword cos there are times I just don't want to answer questions about it. I'll be honest I'm really blessed to have got a positive and I'm struggling to enjoy it due to bleeds and hospital appointments and worry around 'if there's something wrong' ' why has my body tried to reject this?' I think with IVF the truth is it's brutal and tears you down and robs you of enjoyment, but it's a process and you're a good age to keep battling. I know that's no consolation but in a couple years when you have your little family all the stress and heartache will be history. You are being a warrior and these traits will pass on to your strong little babe x

CAS2 profile image

Sorry it didn’t work. It’s such a tough journey. But for some reassurance it’s nothing you have done and the eggs that were the ‘best’ were visually only. This doesn’t determine viability or that they are genetically sound.I had 3 rounds of IVF. The second round transferred two A’s and nothing (shock was unreal). Third round. I mentally gave up and didn’t think it would work. Didn’t bother telling anyone. Ate a relatively ok diet but also wine (within the safe unit limits) and it was the best round yet. But we had two eggs transferred that were the best quality and one was chromosomal abnormal (the other is my son).

I think in essence it comes down to the right egg and one of the three you have left could well be the one 👍

And try not to be too hard on yourself. It’s a tough enough journey as it is xxx

Twiglet2 profile image

So sorry to hear of your negative result. Your feelings are totally normal and understandable. I felt the same at your stage in the journey BUT our ‘4th best’ embryo is the one that brought us our beautiful son so I don’t believe there is any less of a chance with the ones you have left and I don’t think the grading are particularly helpful when predicting the actual outcome (although helpful on predicting whether they are suitable or not for transfer at all). Ps the one that worked for us when the ‘perfect’ 5aas and 5abs didn’t was even less graded than ANY of yours. It’s a crazy journey but some of it is down to luck I believe, especially with unexplained infertility, so please please please don’t lose hope in your little frozen embryos one of those might just be the one 🥚 good luck 🤗💐 xx

camydulce profile image

Wow your story is so similar with mine. I understand you so well. I had 1 fresh transfer failed and 1FET miscarriage at 7weeks a few days before viability scan. Unexplained infertility with no health issues. It was so hard. What you need now is people, friends and family to encourage you. Don't lose hope everything happens for a reason! Stay positive and positive things will happen. I had a 2nd FET in June and now I am 12 weeks pregnant. Good luck for the next round. You can do this🤗

staaa88 profile image

First up, it’s not moaning. You are absolutely allowed to be upset and annoyed. You have a free pass, don’t get caught up in feeling like you shouldn’t feel down beat, because you’ve be dealt a difficult hand and this process is tough.

I read comments like yours as if I’m looking back on myself in your position. I’d never believe I would be in the position I am in now. The good news is there isn’t anything that appears to be wrong, the bad news is that you can’t pinpoint the issue! I had exactly the same problem, but I guarantee it’s not because of the sulphates in your shampoo or anything you are doing wrong.

Massive hugs to you, it feels like a lonely journey but you are not on your own.


VMJ007 profile image

It’s a sh*t ride, and at some point, I think 99% of us here have felt the same despondent, hopeless, why me, what’s wrong with me. I’m on my 4th cycle and every bloody day, it’s up or it’s down. Perfect embryo’s that don’t stick. Or not enough. Or we too old.

And we can’t drink!!!

I see the other girls at my IVF clinic. And it gives me comfort to know I’m not alone. That despair, that hopelessness I feel daily. They feel too.

xMLx profile image

Hi. I can 100% relate to your post. This is exactly how I felt after my 1st fresh and 1st FET failed. Unfortunately I don't have any more frozen embryos, so I'm going to have to start from scratch, but we are in the same position of having no reason why we can't get pregnant. I'm hoping that now we are going to have to go private that we can pay for more tests and maybe get an idea as to why it hasn't worked, because I can't understand how if everything is 'fine' why I've never been able to even get a positive test result in my life. I'm now 38, so I feel like time is running out for me. I'm sure many people have said it, but the rating of the embryo should be taken with a grain of salt, some of the highly rated ones fail and some of the low rated ones work. Whilst it's a guide, it's not a guarantee, so please try and remain positive for your next FET. I know it's hard and I won't lie, I'm finding that each time it's getting harder and harder, but I have to keep hold of the fact that one day it will work and I hope that it does for you too. sending you lots of luck x

Imhabba profile image

hey some of us have been there and believe me it took nine years of waiting, hoping, crying my heart out, not sleeping at times and just wondering why! After 3 unsuccessful frozen embryo cycles, it worked for me on my 4th attempt aged 38! My baby is now 5 weeks old, born 2 days after my 39th birthday, and every day I look at her and thank the greater powers that be for my blessings. The important thing is that you don't ever give up - the unexplained infertility will remain unexplained. Unfortunately we live in a world that has misused chemicals which has lead to increased infertility in human beings. So you will not find an answer for the infertility dilemma - but keep hoping and keep trying! I sincerely wish you the best! xxx

You have the right to vent your frustrations. We all being trough a lot and is easy for us to understand what is happening to you. First I like to say that nothing this happened because of something that you did. I accepted that that is not my fault the times that I tried and failed. So I wish for you not to blame yourself for anything. Second I like to tell you that I had a two miscarriages before IVF and then fresh and frozen cycle that ended up in miscarriage. So my frustration was really high too. Did you talk to your doctor about doing PGS on the embryos? Because PGS also helps implantation and you have better chances of a positive outcome. I had 6 embryos left and did PGS on them and only one was a normal embryo. My doctor was against PGS but I was frustrated enough to keep trying without a positive outcome. I know you want to see the positive line, but also you want this positive line to bring your baby home afterwards. I wish the best for you and we are all here for you when you need to vent your feelings ok? Good luck!

Weareback2 profile image

Hi Betty567, sorry you are feeling like this. I totally understand. I will tell you our story and hope it gives you some hope. We also have unexplained, which i initially found frustrating but the doctors shared that their is a slightly higher success raylte with unexplained as there is no obvious reason why (however still a game of luck and no gauratee).

1st round was a good grade and ended in miscarriage. Frozen round was a really tricky transfer, was difficult to get in, they had to keep restarting it and i was really sore and bloated after with all the pocking about. I had prepareded for it not working. The frozen embroy wasn't the best grade but it worked. We now have a beautiful wee girl who is 9 months old.

I too was asking the doctos about diet, lifestyle and not using certain things. The Dr said that IVF is stressful enough and to ensure you have a balanced diet but no need to cut out facecreams etc. They said do lots of things that make you happy to produce "happy hormones".

1st round we told friends, family, work collegues. I found it more stressful than helpful. People naturally want it to work and ask questions, want to know what stage your at etc. When i had the miscarrage it was horrible telling people. I made the decision to keep it to ourself the next round. For us, this was much better and i absolutley loved seeing their faces when we produced the scan picture.

Wishing you all the best of luck. Xx

Snurf profile image

I pretty much wrote the same post a few weeks ago. Prepping for 3rd go next week now and thoroughly fed up given we will have to do the full cycle again if this fails. It’s a horribly frustrating thing and I’m fed up of living my life waiting for either my period, my lining or to take more stupid drugs!

Dogmum37 profile image

Hi there. So sorry to here about what your going through - it’s the toughest thing ever going through treatment.

I just wanted to comment about the grading as we’ve had six cycles… across these cycles (since two yielded nothing to transfer) we’ve had 9 transfers of 10 embryos as we did a double one time. For the first 3 cycles I never got a positive. For the last 3 we switched to using PGT-A and I had one negative, one chemical and we are currently pregnant from the latest transfer. It was an AB grade that was put back, whereas previously I’ve had top grade ones returned… the way they explained it to us is that the embryos being chromosomally normal has the biggest say in the outcome. Hope this helps - hang on in there xx

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