3rd transfer failed : Another low... - Fertility Network UK

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3rd transfer failed

MiniCeeCee profile image
21 Replies

Another low fertility day today as found out this morning that our 3rd transfer failed. Hope is dwindling 😔 We’ve had two egg collections so far - first NHS one we got 4 embryos and have transferred 2 so far, 2nd egg collection was private (whilst waiting for next NHS Transfer) and only got 1 day 3 embryo which is the one that’s just failed. Private round feels like a complete waste of time, money and hope. I’m hoping it’s just a numbers game for me, and it will happen one day 🤞 just doesn’t feel like that today sadly. Any stories of hope and success after transferring multiple embryos welcome ❤️❤️❤️

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MiniCeeCee profile image
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21 Replies
Thierry101 profile image

sending you a huge hug. I’ve also had 3 transfers (5 embryos) fail and it’s absolutely heartbreaking. Look after yourself my lovely xxx

MiniCeeCee profile image
MiniCeeCee in reply to Thierry101

Thanks lovely, wishing you success too, it’s so so tough xxx

Kittykat198 profile image

I’m sorry to hear about your transfer. I was successful on my third egg collection, 5th transfer, 6th embryo. Fingers crossed your next transfer is your last one xx

MiniCeeCee profile image
MiniCeeCee in reply to Kittykat198

Thanks so much for your reply Kittykat198 , so glad to hear! Anything you did differently along the way that you could share? 🤞🤞🤞🤞 too xxx

Kittykat198 profile image
Kittykat198 in reply to MiniCeeCee

I’m sorry but there isn’t a lot treatment wise. The only think that was different was they increased the progesterone after our second failed transfer. I took cq10 for our final egg collection for a bit. Even the consultant just put our final successful transfer down to luck and persistence. X

MiniCeeCee profile image
MiniCeeCee in reply to Kittykat198

Even this is good to hear, as helps me want to just stick with it and persevere like you say! Thanks again for sharing! xx

CyclingAddict profile image

Hey MiniCeeCee, I had 4 failed transfers and 1 chemical. My 6th one stuck in and I'm now 36 weeks pregnant. You feel so hopeless when they keep failing and don't know why. I kept getting told that it was just bad luck but, prior to my successful transfer, we did do a lot of additional testing and our consultant tailored our protocol based on those results. As a couple we also started taking additional supplements.

Wishing you luck x

MiniCeeCee profile image
MiniCeeCee in reply to CyclingAddict

Thanks so much CyclingAddict , appreciate your note. Do you mind asking what additional testing you had? And what supplements you went on? I’m starting to wonder if I should shake up mine a little, seeing as results between egg collection 1 and 2 declined quite dramatically. Thanks again x

CyclingAddict profile image
CyclingAddict in reply to MiniCeeCee

Yes, absolutely - happy to help. I did the Emma, Alice and ERA testing. 1 of them is to check your natural killer cells which can cause implantation issues (results were normal), 1 is to calculate exactly to the hour how much progesterone you should be on before transfer (it turned out they had been putting embryos back before my womb was ready and I needed an extra day of progesterone), and 1 is to check the bacterial culture in your womb (results came back that they could be improved and I was advised to take vaginal probiotics). He also ran loads of blood tests to check if I had any underlying conditions. It turned out I have hashimotos, which is a thyroid condition - a huge surprise as I had no symptoms, but usually symptoms don't reveal themselves until the condition is quite far on. He treated me for that before and after transfer as it can increase the risk of implantation failure and miscarriage. And due to the frequent implantation failure, we did PGT-A testing. He also told me to take Q10 before egg collection to improve the quality of my eggs. I started with the NHS but moved to private because I wanted him as my consultant because of how thorough he is. He did push my body to the limit when it came to egg collection, but he closely monitored me throughout to make sure it was done safely. I had 13 eggs collected during my first cycle with the NHS and, in my second cycle with him, he managed to get 21 eggs out of me (despite the fact I was 2 years older at this point).

Hope this helps x

MiniCeeCee profile image
MiniCeeCee in reply to CyclingAddict

So unbelievably helpful thank you! I’m due another NHS transfer next month with one of my two remaining embryos, so 🤞 for that, but in the meantime also going to prepare myself for if I did need another egg collection. So might try the vaginal probiotics and the Q10 for now. And really great to know re the other tests too - something for me to explore. Sorry for all the qns, but can I ask where you got you Q10 and probiotics from? Bit of a minefield out there when it comes to this stuff so not sure where to start! X

Lemons1986 profile image
Lemons1986 in reply to CyclingAddict

Hi would you mind sharing your clinic by message?

CyclingAddict profile image
CyclingAddict in reply to Lemons1986

DM'd you

MiniMe23 profile image

Sending you a huge virtual hug 💖

I’m so sorry that it’s not worked out this time. But please don’t loose hope. I had multiple fails. And held very little hope on my last transfer. Especially as the embryologist selected the poorer of my 2 remaining on my last transfer.

It felt like a waste of time. But that was the one that stuck around. So I truly believe it will happen for you. Look after yourself and be kind to yourself xx

MiniCeeCee profile image
MiniCeeCee in reply to MiniMe23

Thanks so much MiniMe23 The hope is a bit harder to cling on to each time, but messages like yours really help so thank you, and so glad you saw success ❤️ xx

Doodlebug23 profile image

10 embryos over 7 transfers to get my miracle BFP! Clinic always said no issues it’s a numbers game. It’s bloody hard but keep going it’s worth it!

MiniCeeCee profile image
MiniCeeCee in reply to Doodlebug23

So much hope in this message ❤️ thank you!! having never seen a BFP it feels so far away / impossible but these messages keep me going xxx

Doodlebug23 profile image
Doodlebug23 in reply to MiniCeeCee

There is hope I promise! And I totally understand how you are feeling right now cause I have been there! I had a vvv faint positive transfer 3 which turned out to be a chemical, but this BFP almost knocked me off my feet!!! 🙈

Citizenerased83 profile image

Hi lovely, sorry to hear your news. Its crushing every time a transfer doesn't work. Be gentle on yourself. I am currently 17 weeks pregnant - transfer number 6 was the one. We'd had 2 egg collections and 2 miscarriages previously. We ended up pgta testing our embryos due to my age and a chromosomal issue.

Wishing you so much luck x

MiniCeeCee profile image
MiniCeeCee in reply to Citizenerased83

Thanks so much, really appreciate your reply and hearing your story! And huge congrats on your pregnancy! I’m thinking PGTA testing might be helpful if we get enough embryos next round! Xx

Ffion-wyn profile image

hi there. Firstly, i hope youre ok. And if youre not thats okay and sending a big hug.

My 3rd transfer failed yesterday. I know exactly how you feel. In a way I feel quite numb to it? Like i just expect this feeling now.

I hope youre next round works for you but just know youre not alone.


MiniCeeCee profile image
MiniCeeCee in reply to Ffion-wyn

So sorry to hear your result too, it’s so tough. I’m exactly the same, I was upset yesterday and today, but feels different this time, like you say, I just feel quite numb, feel like I should be processing it more and crying more now. But just feel strange. I’m also going through redundancy at work, and start a new job in 2 weeks, and so my head is just a bit of a mess all round. Will you go again do you think? Have you any frozen embryos? X

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