It’s my first cycle of IVF & ICSI- had to cancel my fresh cycle due to OHSS. I am 10dp5dt with 2 frozen embryos transferred blastocysts 5AA and 5AB & embryo glue but I just don’t know if it’s worked!! Desperate to test early but don’t want to at the same time. My only symptoms I’ve had was cramping 3-5 days past transfer, and lower back pain the last two days which is making me thing AF will show... Anyone else had this and got BFP?
Lower back pain, 10dp5dt, anyone else... - Fertility Network UK
Lower back pain, 10dp5dt, anyone else had and BFP?

Yes me! I had a 5AA transferee last Tuesday (11th feb) and I had lower back ache the last 7 days I got my bfp at 6dp because I was too impatient to wait. If your going to test I’d advise you to use a first response as their the most sensitive! Good luck I hope you get your bfp x
Ohh great to hear a positive story. Thank you! My transfer was on the 12th I’ve been soo tempted to test but my partner wants to wait 😬 congrats on your BFP 🤗
Same for me as Rach I had my 5dt on the 11th and tested positive on day 8 and I’ve still got lower back cramps now.
Fingers crossed for you well done sticking it out till yest day xx
I'm on my 2 ww too had transfer on the 15th. I had really AF cramps day 4 and 5 then I've had nothing until this morning day 8 and I've got bad AF type cramps, so I think I'm out of the running as AF is due tomorrow so think my cramps have been that. I'm going to test tomorrow as I just want to know and I am also back to work on Tue so need to get my head in the right frame of mind too!!
All the best ladies xx

Good luck!! I had cramps on day 4 and 5 too I really thought it was coming then nothing.. I’ve had the odd twinge here and there. I’ve no idea how I’ve managed to hold off testing, still tempted to do one today but they’ve said test tomorrow (12dp5dt) and again on Wednesday... I took the day off after transfer and then went back to work, it was a good distraction but it still didn’t stop me from googling symptoms every day 😂 x
Very similar then I had nothing after that until today but really feel she is on her way! All the best tomorrow 🤞 for you xx

Thank you. Did you have a fresh cycle or frozen? X
I had a fresh cycle of ICSI with just the one blastocyst transfer. It was either 5AA or 5 BB I can't recall. We froze 2. They will only transfer 1 due to my age and miscarriage risk apparently I'm a high risk?! Xx

Ohh okay. I’m 31 but they transferred 2 for me, just said it’s more chance of multiple birth! I’ve got 6 frozen embryos left x
I'm 39. That's great having 6 frosties!! Xx
Hi that was a sign for me low back pain. I was pregnant with multiples. Good luck. Xxx
Oh really did you have twins? I’ve still got the back pain again today. Thank you fingers crossed I get my BFP tomorrow x
Did you have any other symptoms besides low back ache? I'm asking because this is literally the only symptom I've had this cycle (last cycle I had af pains but none this time). First time I've ever had two embryos transfered too. X
Nope not really! I had lower back cramps and that was literally it. I was convinced my period was coming. I didn’t get sore boobs for a few weeks either. I didn’t test until my test day either... I had two embryos transferred in a frozen cycle and had my 7 week scan last week and 1 embryo stuck! They were both 5AA embryos too. So I am sooo glad I put two in. I was apprehensive about doing two at first but it worked out for me 😊
When was your transfer?
Wishing you all the luck in the world xx
My transfer was weds last week. Otd 31st. Literally no symptoms except low back pain the last two days. No af cramps like in my last cycle (gave me a bfp ending in mmc). Clutching at straws a bit. I'm worrying I'm out as I have no other symptoms like my last cycle. I'm currently 6dpt5dt. I transferred two embryos.. A 2 and a 3-4bb progressing to become 4aa within just hours according to our embryologist. I'm not hopeful but busy googling stuff.
Congratulations on your bfp! X
Thank you, I still can’t fully relax until I get to my 12 week scan though as happy as I am. It seems to good to be true. Only 3 weeks to go..
I really hope you get your BFP. I had zero symptoms other than the cramps around day 3-5 after the transfer and then lower back cramps on and off. The lack of symptoms also made me think it hadn’t worked! It was my first IVF/ICSI cycle so I didn’t know what to expect either! X
It’s sooo hard not to google either. I was even looking up on Instagram and typing in the hash tags like 6dp5dt to see what symptoms the person had and if it was similar to me 🤣 the 2WW drove me crazy x
Just wishing you good luck for tomorrow my lovely xxxx
Thank you 😊
Yeah, I got serious lower back pain , and am now 7-8 weeks gone, sending you baby dust.
So I’ve just tested and there is a really faint line so I’m not sure?? I would of thought it would of been a stronger line at 12p5dt?? I’ll attach a photo