Hi all,
I hope you’re keeping well! I am currently undergoing round 2 of IVF and have just talked to my doctor – have to extend stimulations to cycle day 16 due to lower response in comparison to last time. I’m currently on 2x150IU menopur + cetrotide a day. Now we’re faced with the question of whether or not to do a fresh transfer after the egg collection on cycle day 19. The doctor said that the endometrium may be impacted by the extended stimulation duration, but there is no scientific evidence for this. During my previous cycle (normal cycle with EC on CD15), we couldn’t do a fresh transfer because my endometrium had changed from triple-line to homogenous and a polyp had developed. My endometrium today is good, triple-line, 9.6mm. We want to increase our chances as much as possible. We’re abroad for treatment, which in the case of a FET would mean another trip (with all the extra time, hassle, cost...). But more importantly we want to make sure we have good chances!
If any of you could share your experiences and thoughts, this would be greatly appreciated!!
I’ll have my progesterone levels checked Wednesday, which is the only thing we can do to check anything at this point.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts/experiences! Really don’t know what to do now… x