I was wondering if anyone else has been on the same drugs regime as me and come off them at 12 weeks without any problems. We had a FET in May, and we’re lucky enough to get our BFP. This is the first time we have got this far after a missed miscarriage at 7 weeks previously. I also had a big scare with this pregnancy as I had a heavy bleed at 5 and a half weeks and was convinced we had miscarried. By some miracle at our scan at 6 and a half weeks our baby was there with a heartbeat. My clinic put me onto lubion injections once a day, cyclogest pessaries 4 times a day and 4x progynova tablets a day… so it felt quite a lot. I had my last lubion jab 2 days ago and I’m weaning off the other drugs over this next week. I am just scared and so nervous, as far as the clinic is concerned I am no longer under their care and the NHS don’t monitor or seem to care that I’ve been on these drugs to sustain my pregnancy so far. I’ve never had my progesterone levels tested so no idea what they are.
Has anyone else gone through this? Did you feel any different or have side effects from coming off the meds? I swear I can feel more constant cramping all the time, whereas before it was on and off. Any advice on what I should do or is it all anxiety in my head?
I had to go for a NIPT test today as our odds for Down syndrome came back at 1:136. We would keep the baby either way. Also added to anxiety is I had my Covid jab yesterday and just hoping that was the right decision and won’t harm the baby (I know rationally it won’t have) and we are moving house in a week. Midwife has offered me a reassurance scan next Tuesday. Just struggling whether to listen to my head, my heart, my gut. Should I just go to A&E and get a scan now? But then what could they do if it was bad news anyway.
Any advice/reassurance/help would be soooo appreciated! Thanks Tilly xx