I had some brown spotting today and am concerned as this is how my chemical pregnancy started last cycle. I don't have my viability scan for another 2 weeks. I don't think there's any point telling the IVF clinic just yet as last time they only did a beta test for me once I started with bright red blood which at the moment I dont have. Looking for reassurance please. I don't want this to be end but I'm so afraid that it might be
6 weeks pregnant and brown spotting - Fertility Network UK
6 weeks pregnant and brown spotting

I had brown spotting around the 6 week mark. It only lasted half a day or so and turned out to be implantation bleeding and all was fine at my early scan. My clinic said it was quite common to have spotting around the 6 week mark
Sorry you're experiencing this. The fact that it's brown for now is a reassuring sign.
I had brown/pink spotting for 5 days in week 5 - it was terrifying but I spoke to a midwife from my private clinic and she said it could be irritation from vaginal pessaries. Switched to taking it rectally and stopped within a couple of days. So I think in my case it was due to that.
I think the general advice when spotting is to look out for 1) color - is it bright or brown/pink? 2) amount - does it fill a sanitary pad? 3) pain - is it accompanied by abdominal pain?
You could try contacting GP or early pregnancy unit (EPU) at your local hospital if it continues or gets worse.
Fingers crossed everything is ok for you xxx
I know it's very worrying, especially if you've had this before, but I think it's quite common early on and there can be lots of reasons that aren't anything to be concerned about. I think now it wouldn't be a chemical as you're probably past that stage and more likely and hopefully due to all the hormonal and physical changes you're going through - my first pregnancy I had brown spotting that went red and to light bleeding, from when I came of the pessaries throughout the pregnancy. This time I had it only around the time my period would have been due. It's worth speaking to your GP or clinic though as they should be able to tell you what to watch out for and just so they'reaware too in case your situation changes. The GP can also order HCGs which may give you a better idea what's going on, or you can get them done privately.
I had the same with both successful pregnancies until I stopped cyclogest x
I had spotting in my only successful pregnancy from not long after bfp off and on till 13 weeks ish. It’s petrifying but isn’t always a negative outcome.
As Jinis said, if it stays brown it really could be anything from the pesseries, hormones and your cervix or even a small amount of bleeding from implantation.
Hang in there x
Hi, I had spotting on and off from 5 weeks to 11 weeks. I am now 22 weeks and everything is fine xxx
I know it’s hard not to worry when you want something so bad, I too had spotting at this stage and my clinic’s advice was that unless it’s bright red and you’re in extreme pain, assume all is well. I had to do a lot of self-talk to get through it and I did and all was well. I hope that brings you some comfort and reassurance X
I had quite a lot of brown blood at 6 weeks and went for a private scan and all was fine. I then had another big bleed of fresh blood with a clot at 7 weeks and thought it was all over. I had another scan and everything still fine with no obvious reason for bleed!! I’m now 9 weeks had clinic scan yesterday all good! I know it’s impossible not to worry when you see any blood but if you can get a private scan somewhere that might help? I use hey baby they’re all round the uk. Good luck xx
I just want to send you some good luck and positive vibes 💖