Levothyroxine 25mcg anybody else taki... - Fertility Network UK

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Levothyroxine 25mcg anybody else taking to keep levels at optimum?

Hopefulat44 profile image
10 Replies

Hi there

I dont have any thyroid problem but on tests my consultant said he will prescribe me Levothyroxine tiny doze of 25mcg simply to keep my levels at optimum. Its otherwise in a normal range but he said to keep it at 2.5 will prevent some miscarriages when I get pregnant and would need to take for that reason.

Anybody else taking it for that? What side effects have you felt?

I am trying to figure out that I took it for a month and not sure thats any link to my fatigue or was it just the case of my menopur and the stress wifh the cycle (that got cancelled and we have resorted to go with donation now).

I havent taken the Levo now for 3 days to see if I get my energy back. It could be number of other things too - had my period last week, also started intermittent fasting to lose weight (whilst I am waiting for a donor i thought it would be good to get rid of my extra 10 kg and be at top form for when we go ahead with the next stage).

Just wonder what experience people have had with Levo and especially is fatique one of the possible side effects?

Ps my bloods were all ideal when checked during the cycle earlier this month.

Thank you🙏

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10 Replies
Millbanks profile image

Hi lovely, I’m on 50mcg for exactly the same reason but haven’t noticed any side affects. I’ve been on it for about 2 years… I think it can affect your energy levels though so not too strange I think xx

Hopefulat44 profile image
Hopefulat44 in reply to Millbanks

Thank you, thats really good to know. I was really hesitant to think that my tiredness if from that. So good to know that you havent experienced any side effects. It makes me feel better.

Hope_1234 profile image

Hi I'm on 50mcg levothyroxine mine was slightly elevated at 3.7, they wanted it below 2.5. after a few weeks it went down to 1.67. Ive had a positive test since and I'll be taking it throughout my pregnancy.I didn't notice any major side affects xx

Hopefulat44 profile image
Hopefulat44 in reply to Hope_1234

Thank you, and congratulations! I hope it goes well. My consultant also said that I will need to take it throughout once I get pregnant. Fingers crossed!

MofM profile image

I am on 25mcg for similar reasons (good levels but slightly raised anti-TPO antibody). I have been on it for a bit more than one year, and haven’t noticed any side effects.

To be honest, the first three months I was feeling much better (more energy, better mood, less hair loss) but then everything went back to normal. My GP told me that our bodies may take 6-8 weeks to get used to the Levo, so this would explain my experience (and perhaps also yours?)

Hopefulat44 profile image
Hopefulat44 in reply to MofM

Thank you for this. I have had the 3 day gap and now today went back on it. I think my fatigue could be from a number of things all happening at the same time. So I will see how it goes. My energy levels do seem to get a bit better now that the weight is starting to shift and body getting used to the intermittent fasting. I thought I will try to use the time whilst we wait for a donor to take care of myself and get back on my old self from years ago.

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Hopefulat44

They told me that once I started I should not stop (but if you forget a pill don't get stressed, a friend of mine is 150mcg/day and if she forgets it for a day nothing is gonna happen!).

Did they explain to you that you should take it in the morning, at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything? My friend even said to wait for 1h, especially if I have breakfast with milk! You can also take it in the evening, before going to bed, but you should have fasted for at least 4h before (no longer 100% sure about this). You should also take it always at the same time (roughly). No one explained this to me, thankfully I had a chat with that friend of mine I mentioned above!

Hopefulat44 profile image
Hopefulat44 in reply to MofM

Oh ok, nobody mentioned to me that once I start I shouldnt stop. Consultant just said that I should take it now and until when I get pregnant throughout the pregnancy. But I dont think I need it after that. I have been taking rough the same time in the morning, when I wake up around 6-7am with a glass of warm lemon water. I dont eat breakfast before 10am but yes there is at least a 30 min gap before I eat. Thats what they told me to wait. At the moment it works out to be more than 30min. I took it today, I did the 3 day gap purely to see if I get any instant release from the fatigue but I think it was connected to all sorts of other things at the same time. I am now used to no longer snacking in between my 3 meals and feel great. But it was really tough last week. In any case, wouldnt do it if I would actively try to conceive this month but because our cycle was cancelled and now sorting donor then I thought I best use this time to get myself in shape. As for the last 2 years when trying I didnt want to put my body through any diet or fasting to not risk any month. Its been difficult and now I feel so much better already.

Thank you for sharing your knowledged and experience.

MofM profile image
MofM in reply to Hopefulat44

Sorry, with "stop" I meant stop for a limited amount of time, and then start again, and then stop again.

No one told me about the 30 min gap, so for the first week or so I took it with my latte!

You may also discuss whether you need Levo also during nursing since in some cases quitting it after delivery makes baby blues worse (this was my GP suggestion, I am too far from this stage to be really worried!)

Hopefulat44 profile image
Hopefulat44 in reply to MofM

Thank, thats really helpful to know. Fingers crossed for best outcomes for our families. Its a nervewrecking time to fight for the opportunity to have a child. So unfair but we need to keep positive.

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