This forum has defintly kept me going through my 2nd icsi cycle. I have loved reading and supporting posts of mommy dreams finally coming true, felt the pain of those posts that the end of the road- infertility cab be truly heartbreaking.
In just 10 minutes I changed from being content I could do no more/calm to then being told none of the 7 eggs fertilsed made it to blastocyst. We got the call from the embryologist on the way to the clinic for our transfer that she would have a chat when we got there....heart wrenching. We knew it was bad news. In our first cycle we got the call earlier that they wearnt quite ready the morning of transfer-🥺 although 2 good good blastocysts did get transfered it was bfn for us after 2ww😭
We had hoped that the two embryos they kept back to today would make blastocyst today but they didnt. They hadn't changed from yesterday. Our hope completely gone Cycle number 2 over.
They put it down to a bad batch of eggs, even though this time we were on long protocal-
Feeling heartbroken, angry alone...not to mention this time I didn't drink for 3 months, improved diet and walked most days with yoga- how could we get none to transfer? it is even rare- for this to happen- keep asking why over and over in my head?
Im over analysing everything, DH mortitality was just 3% even after taking impryl for 3 months. I was taking infolic. I've been worried through this cycle that although he has cut down on the booze, just 2 weeks before EC he mixed a small bottle of vodka and juice i found in the garden..... after this he didn't drink much he, but he didn't give up drinking like i did. He doesn't think he has a drink dependancy problem (past discussions have made him angry) but he did sometimes consuming up to 20 units a week at the start of the cycle...i know I shouldn't place blame just on his shoulders but I am trying to find answers.
I have no idea what to do now,
To go for number 3?- although this will be self funded
Consider changing clinic?
Go abroad for treatment?
Adoption ?
Where do you start? My body and mind are 💔
We will ask for further tests on sperm...egg quality they said they cant do much- and age isent on my side at 39.
Why is infertility so gut wrenching heartbreaking?🥺🥺