New to IVF - EC, work, side effects - Fertility Network UK

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New to IVF - EC, work, side effects

LR16 profile image
20 Replies

Hi All

I have been trawling the threads searching for answers to all of my questions and then thought that I should probably join the conversations myself now.

After a very difficult end to 2017 and beginning to 2018 (close family cancer diagnosis and bereavement), my husband and I found out three to four weeks ago that he had a severely low sperm count such that it is almost impossible for us to conceive naturally. The count on his first sperm analysis was less than 2 million and the second s/a said there was no sperm. I am erring on the side of optimism and praying that given there was sperm in the first s/a, he can produce.

Although I was devastated when we found out, I realise that we have access to some amazing medical facilities and are otherwise very healthy (keeping everything crossed!) and so are actually very lucky.

We’ve not started IVF yet as we first need to get some good samples from my husband and freeze them. But once we do, and praying (again!) that we can, we’re good to go!

Turning to my part, I do though have some questions on IVF/ICSI and would be so grateful to hear from someone who has been through the process.

1. Egg collection - I am petrified about the surgery for egg collection. I’ve realised that I am a massive control freak and so the thought of being under general anaesthetic absolutely petrifies me. How long is the procedure? How long does it take to recover? Any other thoughts/comments would be so appreciated.

2. Work - how have people managed going through IVF whilst continuing their usual work routine? I work fairly long hours (c. 8:30-8:30) and so wonder if it is actually possible to maintain normal working hours throughout the IVF cycle (excluding the time off for EC obviously).

3. Side Effects - what are the common side effects from the injections and tablets? Do they stop/go away as soon as you come off the medication? I’ve never been great with PMS and understand that it’s often like that but multiplied. The ultimate goal would obviously outweigh any temporary effects, though it would be good to be prepared. Would family and colleagues be aware that something is going on? My husband and I haven’t spoken to anyone about it yet as, for the moment, we want to get our heads round it together. I am though conscious that it’s such a massive part of your life, it may be impossible for them not to know.

I think I’ll probably have heaps more questions but thank you so very much in advance and sorry for the huge message!

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LR16 profile image
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20 Replies
Smurf34 profile image

Hi LR16 Welcome to the community!

I start my injections next month so I am not sure about the affects of treatment or pain as of yet, but I would love these answers too! You have come to the right place, as all the ladies on here are so supportive, informative and encouraging; you realise that you are so not alone in this.

I wish you all the best with your journey. :)

LR16 profile image
LR16 in reply toSmurf34

Thank you so much!

Best of luck with yours too! Have you had to do anything/take anything in preparation for the injections starting? Do they start on the first day of your next period?

I hope it all goes very smoothly and happily for you.

Smurf34 profile image
Smurf34 in reply toLR16

Thanks! And you're welcome! :)

As far as I know you don't need anything else in prep of injections, but I could be wrong. Not that I have been made aware of anyway.

The only thing they said is to start taking folic acid everyday (400 mcg), right away, if not taking it already. I won't know much more until the 10th May. Waiting is so annoying! I want it all done now! lol!

LR16 profile image
LR16 in reply toSmurf34

Yes, I have jars of folic acid a plenty! 10 May will whizz round before you know it. I am constantly willing time to speed up too, ha!

Orla9298 profile image

You can be awake for egg collection and just have IV pain relief - I was sedated for my first two (out of it like a GA) and not knowing what’s going on or what rubbish you’ve been talking when you come around isn’t the nicest. My 3rd EC their machine was broken so I had to be awake and I’m doing that now for round 4 and 5 if they will let me as I’m a total control freak too :-)

Being a control freak makes ivf hard (I cannot bear to wait for anything!) so try and find ways to relax and distract yourself xxx

LR16 profile image
LR16 in reply toOrla9298

Thank you, this is amazing. If there’s anyway of not being completely knocked out that would be a big relief. I’ll have to ask next time I have an appointment.

Are you on your 4th IVF cycle at the moment? Sending you lots of luck for your journey and thank you xx

E_05 profile image

Welcome to the forum, I to am quite a control freak and it took me a long to to accept that if I can focus on the things I can control (as there is a lot you can’t) on this journey it helps - for example I started having Acupunture as I felt like it was me doing something positive towards treatment.

In terms of EC I was sedated not GA so I only had the day and day after off, I was aware of being in the room and needed some gas and aid as my left ovary sits higher and was difficult to get to.

Work can be difficult, but your clinic show be able to offer earlier appts for scans etc - I found the work and Ivf balance tough as I’ve gone further into my journey.

Side affects vary for each person, I had really bad headaches and felt exhausted during down reg but once I started stimulation I began to feel better - drinking lots of water even more than normal helped with it though. I think it’s up to you if you want to share with people, in the beginning we only told our parents and a couple of good friends but have become more open now. I hope I’ve been of some help, as the time goes on everything will become a lot clearer xx

LR16 profile image
LR16 in reply toE_05

Yes, acupuncture is my next project to sort. My husband is on a course and I’ve said that I’ll go and see the same person - hopefully she can work her magic and help me chill out! :-)

Good to know that work is still feasible. Hopefully my clinic will have early slots.

Thank you so much for getting back to me, it’s so helpful. I think with time we will discuss everything with family - at the moment, we just want to focus on getting things moving. Fingers crossed!

Thank you again xx

E_05 profile image
E_05 in reply toLR16

Make sure you find someone who specialises in infertility - the First Lady I went to didn’t and I’ve definitely noticed a difference since going to someone who does.

No problem at all, any other questions feel free to ask. It’s easier than it all going round in your head and someone on here is always bound to know the answer xx

Hi! Welcome! I had EC yesterday so it's all pretty fresh!

I was heavily sedated so don't remember anything really. I woke up at one point and remember it being crampy but painless. I think I told them I could feel it then I was out again! Such an odd feeling but I quite liked it! It took 20 minutes for me. I had some mild cramps when I came round but they were so minor. I didn't bleed either though I had a tiny bit of diluted brown stuff when I wiped later but that's gone now. I think the majority of women find EC fine.

I underestimated how tired I would be afterwards so I would rest when you get home. I sat up doing stuff on my laptop but it made me feel quite dizzy and sick so I should have slept it off. I still feel a bit ropey today. I was advised to take only paracetamol and to keep taking them for the rest of the day even if I wasn't in pain. I have not needed any today at all.

Side effects - with down regging I had a couple of days of headaches halfway through but I managed it with paracetamol. The headaches came back for a bit with stimming but the worst side affect for me was bloating and tiredness. I became really bloated the closer I got to EC (I looked pregnant) and had really sore boobs. The bloating has gone down drastically, though I've been warned it could take a while to settle completely as the empty sacs fill up with fluid. My boobs are still heavy and sore. Bloating is common due to the follicles growing so it should be worth it.

Everyone is different though - I was told by some to expect the worst because it's horrendous and others have said it wasn't too bad for them. Luckily I fell into the latter.

I managed a lot of my appointments with holiday but that gets difficult once you get to your stims scans. I was scanned every other day so just told my line manager that I had hospital appts and was having a minor procedure, which isn't a lie. Our workplace has a 'smart working' policy so I've been able to make some of the time up by doing this.

Good luck with everything. Feel free to ask more questions! X

LR16 profile image
LR16 in reply to

Amazing that you had your EC yesterday - and thank you for replying when you’re in the middle of it all. I hope that the next few days and weeks bring you lots of happy news!

I’m in a very similar situation w work and am sure I could manage it all. I just wanted to check that you are physically able to make it in for most of the cycle which it seems you are. As to symptoms, like the rest of the journey, I’m trying to moderate my expectations so that I’m hopeful without being naive. It can be hard though.

Sending you lots of happy wishes for your next steps xx

in reply toLR16

Oh yeah, you can just carry on as normal for most of the process. I was surprised at how life just carried on; I'd always imagined ivf completely taking over but you just fit it in around your life. Yes, you have to make sure you are consistent with injection times but you will work out what works for you. You're advised not do any strenuous exercise during stims but you won't feel like it anyway! I didn't think I would feel that way but I did! I would advise you to take one day at a time and you should be fine. Xx

gemmy999 profile image

Hi LR56,

We start our second IVF cycle on Saturday. Our first was ICSI.

I was sedated during EC, still remember a little pain, and discharged soon after. Not being in control is a strange feeling but nothing to be concerned about, your in safe hands. I had a rest that afternoon but carried on as normal. They used to recommend 3 days rest but don’t any longer so it’s individual preference. And everyone experiences things in different ways. This might be the time you want a few days off.

I work 12 hours shifts and for round 1 I had a lot of leave to take so I was off for all the important parts. I’m concerned with how I’ll be through this cycle. My work are fairly supportive, more so knowing what I’m going through so I have told my work. I will ask for hours and role to be adjusted if I need to. You need to pick a time for your injections that suits you. I often have to do it at work as I do days and nights. But I got into a routine.

While down reg I got horrendous migraine style headaches. I used co-codomal as the strongest I could take. I usually had to take myself to bed. I also got very tired. Things a bit easier during stims except for the bloating and pain. But things feel like there moving quicker by this point. And for me made it easier to deal with then.

I find this site great, so supportive. Good luck. Xx

LR16 profile image
LR16 in reply togemmy999

Thank you so much for getting back to me. I haven’t been told about down reg- does everyone do that? We’ve been so focused on what to do re my husband’s sperm count, I haven’t gone through everything with the consultant for me yet.

Do you mind me asking why you had ICSI please? We’ve been told that we would have to have that because of the low s/c. At the moment, if we get a decent sperm sample and get to do IVF, I’ll consider that a victory!

Re work, it sounds like you’ve done incredibly with having to inject yourself there. So brave.

So many things to think about. Thank you so much again xx

LR16 profile image
LR16 in reply toLR16

And best of luck for your cycle this weekend - that’s super exciting for you. Sending lots of well wishes xx

gemmy999 profile image
gemmy999 in reply toLR16

Thank you ❣️

there are short and long protocols. My clinic only does the long and you inject for 3 weeks which shuts your system down, called down regulating. There are ways of missing that bit if your clinic offers it.

I don’t mind any questions. We actually had ICSI as we’d been to a Zika country and had to use frozen sperm. When defrosted it wasn’t IVF quality. This time we’ll be using fresh and planning on IVF but they make the final decision on the day. I wasn’t worried about having ICSI but as it failed I’m hoping fresh will help 🤞🏻

Hope it all works out for you. So much to take in and learn. Stick with it.


For question one I wanted to reassure you that I just had heavy sedation- just like falling asleep naturally rather than being knocked out. I also have control issues but rather enjoy being sedated as you get a lovely sleep x

LR16 profile image
LR16 in reply toLizzielizzielizzie

That’s a great way to think of it - I’m already trying to practise to chill out a bit so I don’t find the whole journey too difficult. Must. Be. Positive. :-) x

JenRoy profile image

I didn’t get any side effects with the down regulation meds except some night sweats.

For stimulation, I felt fine day 1 to day 8 but slightly uncomfortable day 9-11 and very uncomfortable day 12-14! I didn’t work days 9-14. I struggled to walk my ovaries were so big.

Egg collection was absolutely fine! I was super nervous and I’m not only a control freak but an anaesthetist!! 😝

And it’s not done under a general anaesthetic, just deep sedation. It was so quick...20 mins. I literally closed my eyes and then woke up and all done.

I was very sore for 4 days after EC, there’s no way I could have worked. Our transfer was on a Sunday and I was back to work a day later. I work long busy hours and although feel a bit tired, I’m fine.

Working throughout is manageable but it is emotionally tiring too so you should try and be kind to yourself and get a few days off. Definitely plan dats off just before and after EC.

Good luck!! Xx

LR16 profile image
LR16 in reply toJenRoy

That’s so helpful to know, thank you. Gosh, I don’t know if it’s worse or better that you’re an anaesthetist and in the know when you’re having it done. But so helpful to hear your experience.

We had an appointment a couple of weeks with a fertility consultant who basically suggested that I would be on the agnostic protocol, which I now understand to be short protocol. I didn’t get a chance to ask him about it properly because we spoke mostly about my husband. Having done a bit more research on the long and short protocols I was slightly baffled why he’s suggested that I do short because all of my tests were pretty normal. But long seems to be more common. I’ll have to ask him next time but if I do short, I guess my down reg period will be different to most. So confusing!

Thank you again for your message. Xx

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