Poor response to stim: Hi Ladies, I... - Fertility Network UK

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Poor response to stim

Viorela profile image
43 Replies

Hi Ladies,

I have started my first ivf cycle in April, was on buserelin for 3 weeks and now am in the 3rd week of stimulation but am very disappointed as I only have 2 folicles of 11mm ): . I am taking gonal f started at 300 now taking 450 but despite increased dose the response isn't good. The lining is good though 7mm. I am 41 and have one ovary only and didn't expect too many folicles but I thought they grow as they should. Any advice on how to help my lazy folicles grow? I am taking baby aspirin and keep a bottle of hot water (though not recommended by the doctor), any other ideas would be grateful. Thanks. I hope you are doing well!

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Viorela profile image
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43 Replies
BECIO profile image

Hey love I don’t have any advice but messaging to say I’m a similar position! Doctor told me there is nothing I can do the only thing is to try again with different protocol.... hoping we get miracles xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to BECIO

Thanks BECIO. Yes, we can only pray for a miracle. I hope everything goes well for you!

Purpledoggy profile image

Vitamin E helps with blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, but you should not take it alongside aspirin as they both have anti-coagulant effects. I was taking 200IU a day on my last round and only had a couple of follicles, so upped it to 400IU for a couple of days and they did seem to jump up in size and number, and we got 8 mature eggs at collection. It could absolutely have just been the timing from the stims but I have a feeling the vitamin E helped. Just make sure you stop it (or the aspirin if you stay on that) a few days before EC as they both predispose to bleeding. xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

Congrats Purpledoggy! Thanks for you suggestion. I have a scan again tomorrow, will see how it goes and maybe take vit E for a couple of days. Xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

Just to add, I am in the middle of stims on my second cycle and had to downreg with buserelin for 3 weeks this time instead of 2 weeks, and I think I have had a slower response this time around going on how I feel at this stage (still quite warm all the time and CM texture). I have my first stim scan tomorrow so it will be interesting to see what is happening in there. Everything else in my protocol is identical to last time so I am wondering whether being on buserelin for longer means the ovaries take a bit longer to kickstart back up again, which could be why yours are being a little slow as well. Hope the scan goes well tomorrow xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

Thanks Purpledoggy. I was also thinking that downregulating for a longer period made my follicles too lazy as at the baseline scan I had 3 very small (!) follicles. I hope you scan goes well tomorrow and you have nice follicles growing xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

How did your scan go? xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

Hi Purpledoggy. Not very well unfortunately. My scan from last Wednesday showed no difference from the one on Monday, the nurse looked very surprised, I was on 450iu gonal. The dose was increased to 600iu and there was a slow progress at the scan on Friday. I now have two follicles of 14mm and 12mm, and 3 very small but they don't even look at these, we will work with these two if we get to EC. I continue on 600iu and have another (hopefully last) scan on Monday. I will see how it goes but am not very optimistic, was devastated on Wednesday. How are you? How was your scan? xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Viorela

Not sure if increasing the dose during the treatment affects the egg quality. I think that the doctors got my treatment wrong. Had they done a blood test at my first scan they would have increased the dose then and I wouldn't have to stimulate for 3 weeks. Not impressed at all 😞

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

I'm so sorry to hear things have not gone well :( It is very disheartening when you have put so much effort into it. However, it is not over yet and hopefully they will be happy to go to EC with your two and you'll get some nice eggs from them. I will keep everything crossed for you. It won't help right now but the first cycle is a bit of a test run as everyone responds to treatment differently, so even if things don't work out this time your clinic will have learned a lot and should change your protocol significantly. My first scan on Weds was OKish, my follicles have definitely been slower than last time despite being on an identical protocol, so I really do think 3 weeks of buserelin has made the difference and made them a bit sluggish. I had a second scan yesterday and they had done a bit but not enough (last time I was good to go at d11) so I have another scan on Monday as well and hoping I will be OK to go for EC. Sending you many hugs, here's to an eggy Monday xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

Hahaha eggy Monday 😀. Yes, the downreg affects the stims response and, in my case, the age too. All the very best for you on Moday! I hope you have your EC on Wednesday. Come on little follicles 😀 Many hugs xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

I have had my scan today, my follicles are still small for collection 😞 the nurse said maybe on Fri or next Monday. Have another scan on Wednesday, will see how it goes. How was your scan Purpledoggy? I hope your EC is on Wednesday xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

Ah that’s a bummer. It sounds like they are maybe growing even if slowly so they will get there in the end? What size were they today? I had 3 follicles 18+today so we are doing EC Wednesday. I’m a little concerned leaving it over the weekend has let a couple get too big (24 and 22mm) so not sure we’ll get good eggs from those. But there are 5 other normal largeish ones 14-18 so hope to get eggs from those 🤞🤞🤞 I hope all goes well at your next scan lovely, let me know how you get on xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

Sounds like it will be a good harvest for you on Wednesday 😀. Yes, they are getting there finally :) I have 2 follies, they were 16 and 15 mm on Monday so very much hope they will be around 18mm at tomorrow's scan so the EC gets scheduled for Fri. I am a bit concerned about the egg quality though as I have stimulated from over 3 weeks 😞 Hoping for the best. Keeping everything crossed for your EC tomorrow. Let me know how it goes xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

That's promising - they are definitely getting there! Quality should hopefully be OK otherwise I don't think the clinic would keep you going. It is possible your smaller ones might be big enough to aspirate as well - on my first EC I had 3 over 18mm when they let me go for trigger and then a few smaller ones. I was expecting 5 eggs but they got 8 mature eggs out in the end, as anything over 14mm can have a mature egg in it. Stay positive xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Purpledoggy

How was your scan today lovely?? Really hoping you can have your EC on Friday. I got 9 eggs in the end when I thought I'd get 5-7, will find out tomorrow how many were mature and fertilised 🎉🥳 So I'm feeling hopeful for you that you'll get your 2 expected ones plus a couple extra 🤞🤞🤞 xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

Wow 9 eggs is excellent, Congrats! 🥳 I am very happy for you. Hopefully they all fertilise. How do you feel after sedation? Did you start your progesterone? Yes, I have the EC on Fri. My eggs were 20 and 17mm and a couple of about 11-12mm but the nurse said we can't rely on these. So only 2 for the moment, will see on Fri. I am just praying not to ovulate by then. Fingers crossed for your eggs to fertilise 😀 xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

That sounds promising! 🎉Keeping everything crossed for you. I feel fine post sedation, this one was also far less stressful than the first as I knew the drill. Bit bloated but otherwise OK 🙂 I have started progesterone, my luteal phase is a bit of a disaster in general so we are still in negotiations on how to proceed to stop me bleeding before OTD. Best of luck on Friday, hoping for 4 for you xx

BECIO profile image

So pleased things have improved Viorela! Purpledoggy that’s an amazing result have my EC tomorrow hoping for miracles x

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to BECIO

Ah best of luck to you! Hope you get some nice eggos. Let us know how you get on. Xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to BECIO

Best of luck Beico. I have my fingers crossed for you. Let us know how you get on xx

BECIO profile image

Thanks so much I got two eggs a bit disappointed but trying to be positive they both fertilise and develop ok xxx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to BECIO

They might be the 2 most perfect eggs, you just never know 🙂 A lot can be learned from a first cycle and your clinic should adjust accordingly if the worst happens this time. But for now, stay positive xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to BECIO

Quality is important! You only need one but good quality. I hope they both develop OK by the ET day. Stay positive and keep us updated.

How are your eggs developing Purpledoggy? I hope everything is fine.

I am having my EC tomorrow so will let you know if I have any eggs from my 2 follies 😀 xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

All were mature and 7/9 fertilised normally, which is exactly the same no. fertilised as last round. I'm nowt if not consistent 😂 Keeping everything crossed for you two lovelies xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

How did you get on today lovely? Xx

BECIO profile image

Thanks so much for your kind words xxx hope your collection goes well Viorela I have everything crossed for you! How are your eggs Purpledoggy If it works out for us we will find out similar times xxx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to BECIO

I have 7 fertilised normally 🎉 So, hoping for a 5d transfer on Monday but will find out how things are going on Sat xx

BECIO profile image

Heyy just for the call both have fertilised they booked me for 3 days transfer! Excited and scared but so happy they have fertilised! Good luck today Viorela xxx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to BECIO

Brilliant! That’s great news-good luck for Sunday! xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to BECIO

This is great news! Congrats and best of luck for ET day! I have two eggs as well. They will call me tomorrow to let know if they fertilised. Praying for this xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

Great, so pleased you have something to go forward with after all that waiting! Fingers crossed xx

BECIO profile image
BECIO in reply to Viorela

Amazinnggg how you feeling after collection I’m a bit sore today but hopefully will all be worth it xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to BECIO

I have a headache and weakness but hopefully will be OK by tomorrow. What progesterone are you both taking, pessaries? I was also recommended an antibiotic for 5 days and am a bit concerned about its side effects on the embrious

BECIO profile image
BECIO in reply to Viorela

I was told they had put antibiotic snd painkiller up my bum while I was asleep! lol x

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

Hopefully you will feel much better tomorrow. Plenty of rest and paracets! The antibiotic shouldn’t affect your embies as they rattle around in there til they implant at around 8-10 days, plus some antibiotics are safe in pregnancy.

I’m on Utrogestan pessaries and Lubion injections. I have a luteal phase defect and seem to be insensitive to progesterone but hopeful using Utrogestan vaginally will be better than cyclogest rectally, which I did last time in addition to Lubion and bled through it with BFN. I am not a good comparison to anyone as I have severe intermenstrual bleeding on my natural cycles (which is hormonal) and my wonky luteal phase is the apparent reason for my infertility. Xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

How are your eggs doing lovely? Xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

I was pretty sure I had commented here this morning but I can't see my comment, strange

None of my eggs have fertilised unfortunately, the clinic called me this morning 😞 I have stopped the treatment but still can't believe this has happened. Though I shouldn't have been too optimistic with two eggs only and having stimmed for so long I thought I could at least make it to ET 😞 I am not sure I could start it allover again, so disappointed.

I really hope that you will have more luck and get your BFP soon xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

Oh I am so so sorry, that is really sad. I know another round seems unthinkable right now but once the dust has settled and you have had a WTF discussion with the clinic hopefully you will have a good plan for next time. Look after yourself and be extra kind to yourself. Sending you many hugs xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

Hi ladies, how are you? How was the ET? I hope all is well xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

ET went fine thanks, lovely. Nice n smooth and hubby could come in with me this time, which was awesome. OTD on 4/6 (will do it 5/6 as it’s a sat)🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

Have you got your WTF appointment scheduled yet (or had it)? Some clinics like you to wait whereas others will do it really soon after. I found it helpful for my closure and moving on to do it ASAP although I was still a bit hormonal (progesterone withdrawal isn’t fun) so probably came across a bit nutty 🤪 xx

Viorela profile image
Viorela in reply to Purpledoggy

Glad that all is fine. I hope time doesn't go by too slowly for you during the 2ww 😀 Did you take some time off work?

I am waiting for a call from the clinic this week but I suspect I will need to wait at least 2 months before staring again to allow for the hormons to regulate.

Best of luck on your OTD 😀 xx

Purpledoggy profile image
Purpledoggy in reply to Viorela

Yes usually it is 2 bleeds before the next round unless embryo banking. At least once you have spoken to them you will have a plan on what to do next time. Hopefully they will change your protocol quite a bit. As you are 41 (IIRC) it might be worth seeing whether they do mild IVF as this can be good for ladies with poor response to standard protocols. But a short protocol might be worth a shot as well. Anyway, see what they say. If you are not familiar with it, you could also ask them about DHEA supplementation as this can help boost ovaries with low reserve. xx

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