Hi all. You might have seen my other post about having a fairly major bleed on Saturday night and attending A&E. I had another bleed last night so continuing to stress massively.
The hospital did blood tests and came back with HCG levels around 4500 and progesterone at 24.9. The midwife said that the progesterone is low (should be over 30) and advised me to speak to my clinic, which I did.
However the clinic said that they only really care about progesterone levels before transfer as it is important for implantation and refused to do any more progesterone tests or change my dosage. I pushed back on this as I've seen so many people say that bleeds are caused by low progesterone. In the end they said I could increase the dose of my pessaries from 3 to 4 a day as "it won't do any harm".
Should they be taking this more seriously? I've seen people talking about progesterone injections, so surely there is something else they can do now to increase the chance of this pregnancy surviving. They seem like they have just written this one off already!
Thanks in advance ladies.