Recurrent Miscarriage: Does anyone ha... - Fertility Network UK

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Recurrent Miscarriage: Does anyone have any experience with APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time)?

anz07 profile image
6 Replies

The more I try to search for answers, the more confused I get!

I recently had a load of bloodwork done (as my 3 embryo transfers to date have resulted in 3 early miscarriages). The tests were for the following:

Full Blood Count, INR, APTT, Factor V Leiden, Factor II Gene, MTHFR Gene, Fibrinogen, Act Prot Res, Lupus Anticoagulant, Protein C & S, Cardiolipin Antibodies and Anti-thrombin III.

All appear to have come back fine other than APTT which is at 39 secs (the normal range cited on my report says 25-37 secs, even though Web MD cites 30-40 secs as the average).

I am waiting for my clinic to get back to me but just feel like I'm never getting any clear answers. It's always 'maybes', 'there is conflicting research' and 'it's likely just bad lucky'. Every day I feel one step closer to gaining a medical degree as I seem to be doing all the legwork here!!

I found the following which concerned me:

'Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) – this test looks at a variety of factors involved in the normal blood clotting process. If any of these factors has a defect the blood will take longer than normal to clot. The consequence of such a defect can result in hemorrhaging. In terms of pregnancy this type of deficiency has been associated with failed implantations and recurrent pregnancy loss.'

If anyone has any insight or experience with APTT, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise, please feel free to leave some form of joke or uplifting comment below as I have reached the 'why is my life constantly revolving around IVF?' stage where one laughs instead of cries!!

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anz07 profile image
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6 Replies
Ranchu90 profile image

I did twice APTT but my results are in ratio not in seconds 🤔 and came back 1.1 (last test) and normal range is 0.8-1.2. Numbers can fluctuate looking at my 2 tests. Of course I am not an expert but if there is a problem which I don't think it is your doctor can prescribe you blood thinner. I am also taking blood thinner because I have an issue with MTHFR genes, I have 2 mutations of the same gene. I also did all the tests you mentioned in your post because of 3 chemicals in the past. Don't stress that much those test are so difficult to interpret and I also found them very controversial 🙃😣. All the best 💖

anz07 profile image
anz07 in reply to Ranchu90

Thank you for your response! I also have the MTHFR gene (heterozygote). I'm rather confused over what this means. I have read one of your older posts which has been mega helpful! Sounds like an issue with folic acid and having to go on blood thinners? I was on blood thinners (Clexane and aspirin) for my last FET but had another chemical pregnancy (the third one). Desperate to find something that will make the necessary difference. Congratulations on your amazing news today - it gives me much needed hope! xxx

Ranchu90 profile image
Ranchu90 in reply to anz07

I was also on clexane and aspirin last time and had a chemical with PGS tested embryo. I am homozygous, even worse 😤 but I am trying to not overthink. This time my clinic decided to put me on steroids and I also took antibiotics before transfer in case I have something hiden inside. Also they never told me to switch to folate instead of folic acid so I listened to them and I am taking folic acid 🤷🏻‍♀️ so far so good...but still early days. Thank you 💕☺️

anz07 profile image
anz07 in reply to Ranchu90

I’m going to switch to folate, that’s the only thing that is making sense to me so far! How much folate do you take? Will see what my clinic says re Clexane and aspirin but I’m guessing it’s likely I’ll be on them again. It’s great that your clinic put you on steroids and suggested antibiotics. Mine are a dozy lot and will probably just tell me to chill. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄 xxx

Ranchu90 profile image
Ranchu90 in reply to anz07

Yes, I cannot explain how chill we are during an IVF cycle 😵🥵🤢. I did lots of tests and only MTHFR was a bit out of range and found a micropolyp during hysteroscopy but dispate the other results beeing normal my doctor decided to change the protocol anyway, just like a prevention. Ups I put the otherway round, I am on folic acid 5mg a day not folate, sorry. For some reason they told me to continue with folic acid ...

I don't know if in the UK clinics are prescribing now steroids 🤔 it will be good for you to try also 😊🤗

anz07 profile image
anz07 in reply to Ranchu90

Haha yes! We are super chilled during IVF...better than any spa!! 🤯🙄 Thank you for the info, it’s been really helpful xxx

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