Just finished our third cycle .... which at the outset of our IVF journey was going to be our limit.
In summary
Cycle 1: 9 follicles, 3 eggs, 3 fertilised, 2 x 3day embie transfer. BFN
Different clinic for next rounds (privately as >40yrs)
Cycle 2: pre cycle endo scratch, 10 follicles, 8 eggs, 5 fertilised and lasted to day 3, 1 x 5 day BC. 2 BCs frozen (not great quality) Biochemical pregnancy ended @ week 6.
Cycle 3: pre cycle endo scratch, 14 follicles, 13 eggs, 3 fertilised (unknown reason), 2 x 5 day BC transfer. BFN. Addition of tinzaparin injections following ET.
I consider myself fortunate that I have coped with all the demands of treatment despite a negative experience of EC on my first round.
i find myself now considering more cycles (finance permitting) despite promising myself and my husband that I wouldn't become drawn onto IVF treadmill.
I am wondering whether my best odds may now be egg donation/ sharing but don't know many who have done this and what it entails.
Would like to hear from others who have explored or undergone this treatment.