Hi everyone..I'm waiting to go in for unmedicated iui, so urine testing every day for natural ovulation. This cycle I never got a positive ovu test at all..has anyone else experienced this? What does it mean?
No ovulation?: Hi everyone..I'm waiting... - Fertility Network UK
No ovulation?
In my experience I would test twice a day as it can be missed, then you know for sure. Some months I didn't ovulate I suppose down to stress of it all. I also had longer cycles. Good luck
I agree with KB11, I always struggled to get a positive ovulation until I started doing it morning and night. I also changed from the cheapy strips to clear blue smiley face. I know they are more expensive but I've managed to get a positive result every month I used them. X
This happened to me when I was undergoing a natural FET. Confirmed by scan that I wasn’t growing a dominant follicle and cycle was cancelled. Then I had a failed medicated FET as I assumed that there was no point trying a natural FET cycle again and I questioned whether I rarely ovulate and that must be the issue. The following month I decided I wanted to try natural FET again a couple of cycles down the line so attempted to track ovulation again as a bit of an experiment. I used clear blue digital 4 day this time and even when I got a positive, the cheapies were still negative. Long story short we conceived naturally that month and I know that wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for the clear blue digital so I’m a big fan after 4 years of TTC and a year full of failed fertility treatment. So basically, you might not ovulate this month but it defo doesn’t mean you won’t next month, and try clear blue digital
Thank you so much. The clinic said they would post me more tests, I think they are clearblue but just the negative/positive smiley, not the type with the flashing smiley in the lead up. So would you say to buy the flashing face kind, then test x2 a day once it flashes, until I get a static smiley? Also, I've been testing first thing in morn but when I phoned clinic said second urine might be better 🤔 wish they'd told me that before!
I’m just waiting for my first proper AF after failed ivf. I was getting clear blue flashing smileys for 6 days on first morning urine. Cheap strips showing completely negative. Then on cycle day 20 (I usually ovulate around day 14) I tested at night as a one off and despite a complete negative in the morning on the cheap strips and a flashing smiley on clear blue, I got a solid smiley (peak) and a positive cheapo test. So I would definitely recommend twice a day testing as I was giving up that very day and would have missed it.
Good luck with it all. X
Thanks for the luck! I do think I've missed it in this month but will do all I can not to miss it next time with all your advice. Really interesting to know your experience that it can happen late in cycle too.... this process is so hard to predict!

I know! My cycles are usually like clockwork. I had my bleed 7 days post fresh transfer (a week before my usual AF) so wasn’t sure if it was actually AF or a response to the horrid procedure. Anyway I’m still waiting for my next bleed and with the very late ovulation (for me) I’m just guessing it’s going to be a much longer cycle this time as an after effect of all the stimulation meds.
It’s so frustrating though isn’t it! Always waiting for something!x
Oh poor you this is so rubbish! I kind of thought most of the waiting was done once we got through the waiting lists but feels there is always more waiting- for our bodies, for meds/diet changes to take effect,or appts, for ppl to get back to us!! Stuck in one long experience waiting room for now....I hope you are taking care of self and trying to keep positive. So hard though.
Also I'm so sorry your cycle didnt work this time are you planning to try again? Tough to be back to waiting again....

Yes I’ve decided to give myself a month off as I start a new job in a couple of weeks and I know that’s going to stress me. I was quite stressed first time round to be honest and think that had a huge impact.
Interestingly I went to see someone who specialises in fertility acupuncture and supplements who I used to work with. He said my liver was out of balance and I had acupuncture for the first time on the Monday and that’s the night I got my positive ovulation test so whilst the skeptic in me thinks it’s just coincidence, the dreamer in me wonders if that made a difference. I feel in a better state of mind for it anyway so that’s got to be a positive!
In terms of next round, it will now be May and using my one and only frostie. It seems ages off but gives me time to detox my body after all the stimulation meds that did me no favours and gave me the most miserable, low & painful month I can remember. I’m praying I don’t have to go through all that again.
So yes, another waiting game until May for me but thinking with the new job & Easter hols it’ll probably go quite quickly!
Sorry for the essay!!x
Hey sorry I've only just seen this message, for some reason didn't get a notification. I really really hope you are right that next try rolls around quickly (for both of us!) I hear what you say about trying not to stress and supporting your body in the meantime, but I'm also self funding so with the invoices clearing out my savings it's quite hard not to stress, haha! Huge good luck both for the new job and your frozen transfer. Take care (I'm getting fed up of waiting but otherwise trying to chill and eat well....what else can we do?) Xx

Hi, no need to apologise at all! We are self funding too so feel your pain. I also lost the majority of my income due to stupid covid so just another kick in the guts! I really think stress has a huge role to play though so I’m trying my best to fight it!
Best of luck to you too. Really hope to see a positive post from you in the not too distant future!!x
I did a practice run of clear blue opk last month and didn’t get a solid smiley until CD26 after 14 days of flashing smiley. My cycle ended up being 41 days so a lot longer than usual. This month is hopefully going to be my natural FET so I’m tracking again. Currently on CD17 and nothing yet. This time around I’m using the clear blue pink tests which only pick up LH. It’s pretty daunting wondering if/when it’s going to happen. But my clinic have said to test once a day only on first pee. X
Hi again! I'm just getting in touch as I remembered you had said about the odd 41 day cycle you had. I'm currently on day 38 and anxiously awaiting it so I can get going with trying again! Average for me is 32-34 days so I am definitely late. I know the long cycle during treatment is maybe kind of normal but I'm unhappy as it seems like one more thing that is hard to predict...like you say, it might mean that my ovu was v late too, like day 26-30, so I shouldn't have given up so quickly this cycle, I was just so sure I'd missed it Finding it hard to understand my own body right now, any tips?

Hey! Yeah so on my practice run I had a 41 day cycle (that was the cycle after withdrawal bleed), ovulated on CD26. Then my next cycle was 31 days which is basically my usual cycle length and I ovulated on CD18 I started my natural FET from that. As you can see all over the place!! Are you using OPKs? Xxx
Yes but as I didnt get flashing face until day 26 (so static smiley might have been anything up to day 30, I guess) and I already had a video appt day 26 anyway, I said to the consultant that I'd just got flashing and she said that sounded too late and possibly anovulatory cycle. So I agreed with her to wait until period and try again next cycle....but still waiting I'm afraid! How about you? Is your treatment going okay now?

I’m sure it will arrive soon. Our bodies have been through a lot! Yes I had my transfer last Wednesday. Currently 7DPT and waiting to test on Sunday xxx
Oh so much luck to you, I hope you get your positive soon and take care of self in the waiting..thinking of you!

I’m now on cycle day 35 of my usual 28/29 day cycle. This is my first cycle after my first failed fresh IVF. I’m waiting to start a medicated FET & can’t register day one because AF is nowhere to be seen. So frustrating. I ovulated late (according to my tests) on day 20 instead of day 14/15 so once again it’s just a waiting game and I feel your frustration. We spend most our time wishing AF wouldn’t show then when we want her to show she stays away. 🤦🏽♀️ Hope you can get started soon x
Thank you! At least I am not the only one I suppose....I feel the same as you with the frustration - grrr!! Hopefully not too much longer for both of us, fingers crossed!!!