We seem to be the poster couple for strange situations in our IVF/ICSI journey.
For context - Following my previous posts (1 failed fresh transfer overlapping into a failed natural pregnancy) we were given the option of natural or medicated for our next transfer (embryo 2 of 4). We opted for natural as my cycles were fairly regular and consistent. Of course my body then threw me under the bus and gave me an elongated cycle at 31 days (no positive pregnancy tests so not likely to be chemical pregnancy, initial 1 week of spotting not counted as my period and then 6 days full bleeding).
Next step was to test for ovulation from day 8 twice a day - I am now on day 18 with no positive and I feel like I'm losing my mind - have I stopped ovulating? Did I miss it? Will we need to await another month to do this transfer? It feels like soooooo long since our first transfer in January 😟