I am day 20 of a 28 day cycle today I’ve started feeling down and started cramping which to me in a usual sign a week before my period is due. I’m using the clear blue ovulation kits and for the past 9 days I’ve only had high fertility I’ve not had peak but I almost think it’s to late to have ovulation now on this cycle. Have I not ovulated this month? I’m so upset as last month I got a peak and this month I didn’t. I had a lap in sept so I am scared there is something wrong with my ovaries? Any advice will help thanks 🙏
No ovulation ???? UPSET: I am day 20 of... - Fertility Network UK
No ovulation ???? UPSET

Please don’t be upset- after a lap it can take 3 months for ur cycle to return to normal.
I had excision surgery in March and in sept I had the same as u and gave up with the testing on cd 19 but I ended up having my period on day 33, And then the month after I had a 22 day cycle .....
I know how difficult it is to ttc with endo- stay strong and positive x
It’s so horrible because I can’t conceive if I’m not ovulating. My periods are normally bang on 28days and always are every month. If it’s not picked it up have I not ovulated? Is there any chance I could have missed testing at the time of LH xxxx
Yes there is always that chance , don’t stress over it cos that won’t help x
Horrible really is I wish I was someone else sometimes 11 years of this crap and I’ve had 2 periods since my op and my endo doesn’t feel any better 😔 xxxx I lost my tube in July so I’m a nervous wreck
Was it a specialist who did ur lap? I feel like my endo is back too but still ttc , just not sure how long to carry on for ....
I’m in exactly the same boat yes a specialist he told me to try for 9 months and then go for ivf he said my body is back to its normal anatomy now so best time to try. I’ve chased ivf yesterday I’m going to go for that because I can’t feel like this every month it’s killing me xxxx how long have you been trying
I’ve got a baby girl who will be 2 in dec and she took me 2 1/2 yrs so not long really and I know I am lucky to have her, sometimes I think I’m being greedy by wanting another..🤷🏽♀️ I don’t want to go for ivf because we did try it last time and it failed and we ended up conceiving naturally 6 months after.
I think it’s about relaxing with endo but that’s difficult. I had an ectopic in July after writing off never having kids but when I conceived then I don’t think I was thinking about it now I feel I think about it all the time. What stage endo have you got.xxxx don’t feel bad about your daughter I want at least 3 if I can
Stage 4 endo- my excision was 8hrs long so it’s quite bad. My ovaries etc were all stuck to my insides and my bowel overlapped.... I am trying not to stress but it’s hard not to at same time!
Yea mine was the same wasn’t in surgery as long but my bowel was stuck to my virginal wall my ovaries was stuck together and I had cyst. Just seems like every month is a battle when I’m not pregnant xxxx it’s so hard really is. How old are you if you don’t mind me asking
I’ll be 39 in dec so time is not on my side either
Do you know if endo stops our egg quality as we get older. Everyday feels like we are losing time it’s so awful xxxx
What is that. What’s it supposed to do xxxx
Thanks hun will do. Keep me posted on how your getting on. Thanks for the chat and advise xxxx
I also think I have not ovulated this month due to my PCOS. I always get high for many days but no peak. It’s so hard when you’re trying to conceive and have no idea as of when of if you ovulated.
Do you think the fact we are only getting highs means we haven’t ovulated it have we missed it? Are you periods regular or not xxx
My periods are regular, I usually get it on 17th or 18th of each month. I know that Clearblue keeps giving ‘high’ until finds the ‘peak’. Sometimes I had high for 15 days in a row. I never had the peak with Clearblue, although my friend did and got pregnant. I’m using different tests now, called Ovaview and I find them accurate. I know I had my peak on 2nd July and got pregnant on that cycle (unfortunately my pregnancy ended in miscarriage). Do you have regular cycles?
I’m so sorry for your loss. I had an ectopic in July and lost baby and tube. My periods are regular usually around 28 days. As far as I was aware in the past when I have tracked my ovulation I’ve always had high peak. Are other tests your using showing you are ovulating? Xxxx I don’t know what to make of these clear blue ones I got a peak last month and this month nothing I even went and bought a new application
I’m so sorry for your ectopic, I was so scared I had it as my hgc levels were growing slowly. That must be even harder than a miscarriage, but I know people who got pregnant with one tube so I’m sure this will happen for you very soon! I don’t know the consequences of an ectopic, if you need time to get back to normal with your cycles?
Also, the best thing is to TTC from day 10-12 of your cycle (depending on how long your cycles are) every other day. If you have a 28 day cycle then start on day 10-12-14-16-18, this would be my suggestion!
I think I started testing on day 10 and I’ve had flashing smiley everyday since then and I’m not on day 21. I feel crampy and irritable so that tells me I’m on the downfall to period. I just had that I’ve not had peak it worries me so much xxxx
I’m sorry hun for what you are going through. It’s very tough. I didn’t get on well with the clearblue dual hormone ovulation tests I’d have so many “high days” some months no “peak” it really stressed me out. I switched to clearblue digital ovulation which only show the Lh surge & I tested twice a day until I saw my Lh surge second cycle after my third lap I got very lucky. I think with endo you have more amounts of oestrogen than most women so the dual hormone ovulation tests are the best for us endo ladies. My fertility doctors advice was “ to try 2-3 times a week throughout the cycle & ( I love this😉) to ditch the sticks & buy a nice bottle of wine instead 🍷!!! 😉 I think he was trying to de stress me! His method of trying sounded much more fun than mine!!!! But I still didn’t give up my favourite sticks!!! 🤪
Maybe if you feel the sticks are stressing you more just try 2-3 times a week throughout the cycle that way you still have just as good chance of conceiving xxx

Thanks for the advice Jess. I’m day 21 of 28 day cycle and I’m still on high fertility no peak. Foes this basically just mean I haven’t ovulated this month. I think I need to stop using them tbh I don’t think they help knowing but I want to know if there is an issue with my ovaries xxxx
It may be better to track bbt ... it is far more accurate at telling you when u ovulated