First round - no embryos to transfer - Fertility Network UK

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First round - no embryos to transfer

Rosey2020 profile image
24 Replies

I received the awful news this morning that none of the 5 eggs from my first collection yesterday have made it. Two were mature, one didn't survive ICSI and the other did but didn't make it through the night. I'm so so gutted. I knew this was a hard journey, but I naively didn't think it would be over for us so soon/before transfer. It's such a blow. I have AMH of 7 i think and partners sperm is low (hence ICSI) but has improved, both 37. We were expecting better results than this. Is this a sign of things to come? My eggs being poorer quality than expected? Or can different rounds just vary and we just got unlucky? Maybe a different protocol (I was on long) would be more successful? Thanks in advance for any advice/help xx

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24 Replies

I am so sorry to read this, I can imagine how crushing it is.

Don't panic too much about this being a sign of things to come. I think our bodies learn from each round of IVF and whilst we all hope we will be the one who gets the miracle BFP and IVF will fix everything the reality is its very much a learning process.

My first round I got 3 eggs collected and 2 fertilised, they whacked them back in on day 2 as they weren't looking great.. it was a negative result

However I had been on long protocol like you (they normally put 'older' women on long..) and they swapped me to short for my next round I got 13 eggs collected 6 fertilised, 3 blastocysts on day 5 and managed to get pregnant

The pregnancy didnt last but hopefully that shows how a change in protocol can make a whole lifetime of difference.

All hope is not lost! x

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to

Thanks so much for your reply Daisy1245! That really has given me some hope as that's a big difference for you from the different protocols. I'm sorry that the pregnancy did not last for you though x

Franjohn profile image

Ah I’m so sorry. I know exactly how you feel! I’m about to start round 4! So I know this is way easier said than done but try not to be too disheartened. My second round of icsi I had nothing to transfer so they changed up my protocol and the next round I had 2 early blasts to transfer now they didn’t take but with a change of protocol we had more eggs!! For example my round that didn’t work they added menopur as soon as that was taken out we had a better egg count which resulted in 2 embryos. When you chat to your consultant they will recommend a different cycle for you. Annoyingly it’s often about trial and error. Xxxx good luck xx stay strong!

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Franjohn

Thanks for sharing your experience Franjohn. TBH i didn't realise they could tweak the meds too within the protocol but that makes sense. Hopefully they'll find a better mix for me next time and I wish you the very best of luck for round 4! xx

Purple276 profile image

Oh Rosey, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Must be so disappointing to get this far. Like others mentioned it can be a but trail and error with how you respond to your protocol. Also one cycle can be totally different to another with no reason at all -very frustrating and makes it hard for us who like to understand what is going on with our bodies.

I've been lucky with the long protocol but definitely ask about switching to short. Also ask at your review if there's anything else they suggest for the next round. Doesn't mean it's all over but take some time to feel sad as it's totally understandable.

Wishing you all the best for your next round xxx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Purple276

Hi Purple276, thank you. I do wish things were more clear cut but there you go. I wonder if they'll just put me on the same protocol and see if I just respond differently/just had a bad month 🤷‍♀️ . I'll definitely ask the Dr about short protocol when I see him...which isn't for another 5 weeks! That's the other thing about all this - the waiting!! Anyway, as you say it's not over yet. Hopefully the dr will have some encouragement. With you all the best also xx

Che138 profile image

Hey darling I’m so, so sorry to read this. We had a disappointing first round too which knocked us bandy as never imagined that would be what happened (we’ve unexplained infertility so figured ivf would do the trick) we’re about to go again on a second cycle and this time we’ve been switched from long protocol to short and with a different down reg. the consultation we had after was really helpful and like the ladies have said above just felt like it was a bit trial and error in terms of how you respond to the drugs. Please be kind to yourself and keep hope, it’s also ok to allow yourself to grieve this - heavens I was a total mess back in September. That said I’m feeling positive for this next cycle - hopefully we’ll have a better outcome. Thinking of you heaps and wishing you all the luck in the world for your next cycle xxx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Che138

I'm so sorry you also had a bad first round Che138. That must've been an extra shock if you have unexplained infertility. It makes me feel better that you say you were also a mess afterwards too, though would obviously not wish it on anyone! I had a few days booked off work anyway after EC and today was supposed to be my transfer but dreading going back to work tomorrow. I'm so glad I'm working from home so can cry without anyone seeing lol! Anyway in between that I'm starting to feel a lot more hopeful and the posts here helped. I really wish you all the best for this cycle and hope the tweaks make the difference for you! xx

Milly_Oz profile image

Hi Rosey, so sorry to hear this has happened to you. I had a similar result on my first round...6 eggs but only 2 mature and didn’t survive ICSI. It was a short protocol.

My 2nd round we added priming with Prognova tabs and Testogel for 2 weeks prior to day 1. I also used HGH from day 1 and changed my IVF protocol drugs to Menopur and Puregon. I got 12 eggs 2nd time round but we tried natural insemination which didn’t work. Now on round 3 with the same protocol but this time will do ICSI (found an issue with the sperm so need to do this). Got 14 follicles and waiting for egg collection now. Also they are giving me an extra day to try and get the egg quality up and slightly longer trigger.

If this doesn’t work I may look at the longer protocol.

So definitely this is trial and error but there are lots of things that can be done to improve outcomes. Best of luck xxx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Milly_Oz

Sorry to hear that Milly_Oz. Wow, 12 eggs up from 6 is good! Sorry to hear they didn't fertilise though. Really wish you the best of luck with your upcoming EC and ICSI!! xx

minnesota_girl profile image

Rosey, I'm so sorry to hear this. I've been in the same position, for my first two cycles. 6 eggs first cycle, only 3 embroys, stopped on day 3. Second cycle only 2 eggs, 1 embryo, stopped day 3.

It's so hard to hear it's over before transfer, and I remember crying on the floor both times.

The good thing is that you can learn from cycles and your doctor should be suggesting tweaks to get a better result next time. My tweak didn't work the second time, but then I've gotten a much better result third time.

Have you looked into additional supplements for egg quality? I noticed an improvement in my third cycle which I'm in now when I took DHEA for 3 months before, as well as coQ10 etc.

But it's hard to see everyone talking about transfer when all you want is to get to that stage x take care of yourself, take some time to be upset, and then when you're ready, talk about what to do next 💕💕💕

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to minnesota_girl

Oh minnesota_girl, crying on the floor I can relate to. I'm so sorry. I'm so glad things have improved for you third time around. I've been taking coQ10 for a long time, but not DHEA. Thanks for the tip - I rang my clinic to ask about it today and they're going to send me a PDF about it while I wait to discuss with Dr in 5 weeks (the earliest appointment I could get at the moment). For some reason I thought it needed a prescription but apparently not.

Yeh, there's a lot about the transfer and the TWW and to be honest I was very worried about the TWW - had made a plan for it and everything but I just didn't even think I wouldn't get there! I guess a bit naïve of me. Thanks again for your reply xx

Libsie3103 profile image

I'm so sorry to read this - it's a tough journey but I don't think any of us prepare ourselves for an issue with fertilisation. I certainly didn't expect it. On my 2nd, of 4, egg collections I had 19 eggs and none fertilised and we used ICSI so I expected our fertilisation rates to be a lot better. It's tough but definitely not a sign of things to come. The clinic can make changes and learn from the cycle. As I understand it protocol can have an impact on egg quality so definitely worth asking about that and whether you can try a different approach? There are supplements you can take and also try and increase your protein - on my successful round I had a pint of whole milk a day - the clinic said protein is good for growing cells. On my 3rd & 4th egg collections I had 12 eggs and got blastocysts from both so please don't loose hope just yet. I know it's incredibly tough - look after yourself, do some of the things you love, give yourself time to grieve this round and then you'll be ready to fight again I promise xx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Libsie3103

I'm glad it's not just me who was totally unprepared for a problem at the fertlisation stage! Wow, though I don't blame you with 19 eggs with ICSI, that must've come as a shock!! It's great you've had better cycles since. I do probably need to get more consistent with my protein so interesting you say that about whole milk. I got very confused about whether to have full or low fat dairy as read conflicting things but maybe full fat is the way to go?!

Thanks for what you said about giving myself time to grieve and that I'll be ready to fight again - it means a lot as although I want to get cracking again asap I'm also absolutely crapping myself about it right now!

Wishing you all the best xx

magda22 profile image

Ahhh so sorry, i do know how crushing this is. I had 3 rounds with zero embryos created - heart breaking. I don't think it is necessarily a sign of things to come. Yes ask about a different protocol. For some people this makes the difference. Maybe take additional steps in diet and supplements (both you and partner) to boost micronutients and improve gamate quality. This isn't a guarantee, but makes you feel like you're doing what you can. I don't think you should give up after 1 round, you're still young. It's frustratingly impossible to say in which month the good egg will be released, but you have a good chance. As others have said, take some time off now (now you can drink wine and coffee 😉, care for yourself, treat yourself). In time, make a next plan. Loads of love cos it's so hard x

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to magda22

Oh I'm so sorry to hear this madga22. I'm going to up the ante on my high protein diet and try DHEA. I did have some wine at the weekend. And soft cheese just because I could! (I don't think I've eaten this for at least 2 years just incase!). I think all this will be a bit easier when lockdown is eased so there's more to do to distract yourself. Although I will say even going to the supermarket after having isolated for weeks (where the cheese and wine was purchased) was exciting at the weekend!! Love and the very best of luck in the future to you too xx

Purpledoggy profile image

So sorry to hear this. I have heard a lot that round 1 is the investigation round while they figure out what your body wants/needs, so your next round should hopefully be much better :) xx

So sorry to read this. For different reasons, I didn’t make it to embryo transfer in round one either and it was completely crushing. My clinic said to me that the first cycle is not only a treatment but it’s also an investigation which helped me handle it over time. We got a more appropriate plan together and I felt better after a few weeks. It doesn’t take away the horrible thing that’s happened to you, but have faith there will be options available and they just need to tailor the treatment to you, now they know your needs better. It’s a terribly hard and cruel journey-Be kind to yourself and surround yourself with lovely people for now xxxx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to strawberriesandcream

Thanks for your reply strawberriesandcream. It's really reassuring. I'm sorry you went through such a disappointing start too xx

Rosey2020 profile image

Thanks Purpledoggy. Hopefully next time will be an improvement xx

Amy1122 profile image

Hi Rosey, this happened to me too.. I was so surprised. My first round was a write off for this reason, my second round was an improvement and I had one to transfer (sadly BFN) but I held on the that fact that I had one to transfer so positive.

I’m about to start my third round next Monday! Hoping this one turns into my angel baby...

Stay positive!

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Amy1122

Thanks for your reply Amy1122. I'm so glad things got better for youon the second go. Do you mind me asking if you changed anything up for it? Wishing you all the very best for your upcoming cycle! xx

Amy1122 profile image
Amy1122 in reply to Rosey2020

Hi Rosey! So on my first round I did short protocol and I had Menopur of 150, for my second cycle we did short again but at 175. Now for this third cycle .. I’m doing the long protocol.. so this will be completely different!! Xx

Rosey2020 profile image
Rosey2020 in reply to Amy1122

Thanks for answering my question Amy. Hope you get even better results this time around xx

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