We’ve been told we’ve unexplained infertility since 2017 after trying since Jan 2015 to get pregnant naturally and on our 6th cycle. We’ve had a lot a couple of house moves, moved jobs and cyst problems in this time - hence the time being so drawn out.
We had the transfer yesterday from our third fresh cycle (6th in total).
I responded well to the stims and ended up going in early for egg collection and we had what would be deemed a successful egg collection with 12 collected and 12 fertilized eggs the next day - the embryologist was really hopeful & positive about the result last Thursday when she called us to let us know - we hadn’t had so many fertilise before.
However, having had good response in the past and having my hopes dashed, I really tried not to get excited even though we’d made loads of changes to try improving egg quality with better diet, cutting out perfumed cosmetics and weird and wonderful supplements.
I started to allow myself to wonder if this time things would be better - but I hadn’t prepared myself for things being worse. I feel terrible for my OH, he looks broken.
Yesterday morning the embryologist called us - we were in the car park - it was 15mins before ET. She said that nothing had developed like they would have expected it to by day 5 - there were x1 okish one (about 3 in old system) and another a bit worse quality out of 12. The rest were a bit slow to develop or stopped growing at all. We also paid extra for a time lapse video and embryo mapping to monitor embryo development and from this new system they’ve concluded there’s only a 10-15% chance of the better of the two sticking & resulting in pregnancy (rated a 1 in new system). We were devastated, this was much lower odds than we’d hoped. I bawled in the toilet while getting changed and cried right through the ET - of course also worrying that the anxiety will affect any small chance I have.
My OH and I have spoken about egg donation. I don’t feel hopeful about this transfer but am I jumping the gun with latching onto this? I’m 42 in November, my OH just turned 40, so I’m at a point where I feel like I might be at the end of the road with my own eggs. I just don’t know if I’ve the energy for investing more time, emotion and money in my own eggs.
The embryologist rang this morning and told us we had a decision to make about one of our embryos that had developed quite suddenly overnight to an expanded blastocyst and if we wanted to freeze it. From the POV of the old system, it would have been graded as a 4AB or 4AA even, so initially better than the one we put back. However when put through the new embryo mapping system which compares it against 10,000 embryos, it’s progress is graded low (1) - as in, the same or less than the better one of the two that were put back yesterday. Also, although they give it a 95% chance of surviving the freezing process, they only give this one a 2-3% chance of survival in the womb.
It was a difficult decision to make but my initial gut reaction was, it was not worth keeping, so I have to live by this. My husband had the same thought process. If we hadn’t had frozen cycles before and we didn’t do time lapse/embryo mapping this time, we would have kept it, but given the experience we’ve had with frozen cycles where we put back embroyos of a similar quality (without any knowledge of the time lapse/embryo mapping process) and had no success, it makes sense not to continue with it, otherwise what was the point of the time lapse/embryo mapping?
I’m not really sure what I’m looking for anyone to say here, but I feel like I needed to say something to get it off my chest. Idk, maybe experience of anyone out there at my age who have had success with poor quality embryos after multiple failed cycles?
Thanks so much for anyone who’s taken the time to read this xxx
1st round:
- 16 collected
- 1/2 ICSI, 1/2 IVF
- all 8 ICSI fertilised
- 6 to blastocyst
- x2 very good quality put back
- x4 for storage)
- Chemical pregnancy, period after 2 weeks
- X2 FET - both negative
2nd round:
- 13 collected
- All ICSI
- 9 fertilised
- 5 to blastocyst
- x2 very good quality put back &
- x3 for storage
- Fresh - Chemical pregnancy, period next day
- X1 FET- negative
3rd round
- 12 collected
- All ICSI
- 12 fertilised
- 1.5 to blastocyst
- 1.5 put back
- pregnancy test Friday 14th May
- X0 for storage (decided today)