Hope and advice needed - first round ... - Fertility Network UK

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Hope and advice needed - first round no eggs fertilised

Char1t profile image
16 Replies


We had our egg retrieval yesterday and had 10 eggs collected. Unfortunately got the call today to say none have fertilised - they aren’t sure why as my eggs were good condition and sperm looked good too and have said it could be due to the sperm not penetrating the egg. We are obviously gutted as everything has been going well with all tests and hadn’t expected not to get to transfer. Just wanted to hear from anyone who had experienced the same or had any advice - the embryologist mentioned ICSI could be an option for future but not sure what chances are when the sperm and egg aren’t compatible and where we go from here. This was our first round of iVF and been trying over 3 years with undiagnosed infertility. Thanks.

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Char1t profile image
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16 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

Im really sorry to hear your update, so disappointing for you both! ICSI takes away the need for the sperm to get to the egg to penetrate it so Im guessing that's why the embryologist has suggested trying this on your next attempt. They will actually inject each egg with a sperm in the hope that they fertilise. Hugs.xx

Kiedy84 profile image

I am so terribly sorry to hear your news, I can imagine this is so hard.

I have my first ever egg collection tomorrow, I worry about this also. It seems so unfair and cruel to go through this process and not get a chance to have a transfer. I am feeling very sad hun to hear your update😭😭

L400ynd profile image
L400ynd in reply to Kiedy84

My first EC is tomorrow as well. Sending hugs xxx

Melodys99 profile image

So sorry for you. I only got one egg on Monday and they did icsi but this caused an extra chromosome to develop so we also lost it. I feel I didn't read up enough and fully understand icsi. Its heart breaking not to get to transfer. Xx

Char1t profile image
Char1t in reply to Melodys99

Thanks for responding - I’m so sorry to hear this and hope you are ok x

AS100 profile image

Hey I’m really sorry to hear this, devastatingly frustrating for you. I’ve had 3 rounds of IVF- on the first 2 rounds we got 10 eggs each time, they fertilised but both times by day 5 there was nothing left in the lab 😳 I thought similar to you about sperm and eggs not being compatible but I’m not sure thats how it works. The clinic couldn’t suggest a reason why it wasn’t working as like you we “looked good”. ICSI is definitely worth a shot. Our 3rd round we miraculously ended up with 4 blastocysts. IVF is such a hard battle but cling on to hope ❤️ We still haven’t made it yet, but you’ve got to be in it to win it 🙏 sending you big hugs xxx

Klndmr profile image

Hey. I'm so sorry you have to go through that Its definitely devastating. I was in similar situation in January. We retrieved 4 eggs, sperm was adequate on the day of ec but not the best. They did icsi and 3 fertilised but didn't develop so was all finished by day 1.

With the 2nd round we were aiming for more eggs and the idea was to do half half ivf and icsi. My consultant recommended for hubby Fertilix low dose to improve the dna of the sperm and I was taking co enzyme q10 ubiquinol, inofolic and multivitamin hoping to improve the egg quality and also avocado and eggs every day. We ended up with 7 eggs and 3 made it to day 5. I don't know if was luck or the supplements helped.

Don't lose hope. They sometimes say that the first round is like a trial for the doctors to get to know our bodies and to see how our bodies respond to the drugs. I'm sure they will look at everything closely and next time you will have better outcome. Sending lots of hugs hun ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Sweetpea76 profile image

We had very similar to you a few years back, I had 3 eggs collected - all of which were good - but unfortunately none fertilised via ICSI. On the 2nd round, my meds were increased and I had another 3 eggs collected. Two were transferred but never made it. On the third round, we literally threw everything we could at it as it was our last chance financially (plus emotionally, physically and mentally). I was on maximum dose of meds and had an endometrial scrape. 3 eggs collected, 2 made it for transfer and one is now a thriving toddler.

Please don't give up. The first round is definitely a 'learning curve' for everyone and a chance to see how your body reacts.

All of our rounds were ICSI as we we're told that it was our only option and even then, really slim chances of success (less than 5%) due to many factors.

Good luck xx

AnnieAnnie profile image

That's so frustrating when you had great numbers. But on your first cycle and if your OH's SA is all good, then there is no way of telling until it's too late whether ICSI maybe needed. On my first cycle we did IVF and had over 80% fertilisation rates, however for our second and third cycle, given my low number of eggs, we told our clinic we wanted to do ICSI so that we had better chances with fertilisation. They said that they would recommend it to us in any event given we had been ttc for over 2 years. Have they said your eggs and your OH's sperm are incompatible? Did they say whether your eggs were all mature? It seems that ICSI would be the first thing to try before anything else and to see what fertilisation rates you get from that, as it takes away the need for the sperm to penetrate the egg. Check out the HFEA website on ICSI xx

Char1t profile image

Thanks for all your responses. I’ve been struggling this week but feeling a little more positive now that ICSI might be an option. We have so many questions and hope to get a follow up appointment booked soon - we were meant to get a call back with an appointment within 24 hours but guess we aren’t high priority anymore as they keep not returning our calls. Does anyone know how long the wait usually is between 1st and 2nd cycle? We think we want to get started again as soon as we can if they are able to.

Melodys99 profile image
Melodys99 in reply to Char1t

I've had two failed cycles now, saw my consultant on Friday and starting the next one in early July. They want me to try dhea so I started taking that on Friday. Got some letrozole to take for May and June just so I dont feel like I'm wasting months really Xx

in reply to Char1t

Hi im sorry for your news.. do you have children allready? or is this your first your trying for? What is you diagnosis?

I have unexplained infertility im so scared of trying ivf.

Char1t profile image
Char1t in reply to

We have no children- we have unexplained infertility and been trying 3+ years.

Oh ok. How old are you? Was your amh and fsh normal? I would suggest icsi we are trying for second my husband has 2% morphology and going to try icsi.

Char1t profile image

I’m 31- levels were all fine as was sperm and eggs so no indication till they tried to fertilise that there was an issue. Am hopeful that they didn’t pick up any other issues and that ICSI will be an option. Good luck with yours.

Good luck with yours to.

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