Hi I don't post much as it doesn't seem very appropriate as we had our beautiful daughter Francesca in June 2019 after a 7 year struggle due to delayed diagnosis of endometriosis eventually after my third surgery we had our first daughter. I tend to just try to support others on this difficult journey
We lost our daughter at 20 weeks pregnant in November last year and had a second chemical pregnancy last month ( had one before Francesca)
The real point to my post is to warn other ladies against purchasing triple clear blue pack from amazon- the tests are faulty. Luckily I had 2 other tests a clear blue digital weeks one and a first response which both showed positive this morning at 12 days post ovulation I then used the plain digital from amazon despite following instructions correctly showed a book error message and the supposed early clear blue showed a barely visible second line. If these were our only tests we would think it was definitely a negative . To women TTC or having treatment stay away from this pack from amazon seems a faulty batch . I brought the first response tears from amazon that were fine the line was how I would expect at this early point a lighter but very visible second line.
. I wanted to save others the heartache of seeing a false negative dodgy test.
Good luck to all of those trying and having treatment try to have as much hope as you can miracles can happen Xx