HelloI'm back here again! This forum was so supportive when I was going through IVF in 2022 and I now have a gorgeous two year old boy. We decided to transfer our last embryo and I'm currently in the 2WW but of course I've tested early.
As a serial early tester I've been doing FRER tests daily and watching the progression. With my first transfer in 2022 they got dark but then never became a dye stealer and it ended in a chemical. With my successful pregnancy by 11dp5dt the test line was stronger than the control line and by 14dp5dt the control line was barely visible.
I know this makes me sound like a lunatic to compare but I'm worried I don't have a dye stealer at this stage that it's going to be a chemical. I did a clear blue digital today and got 2-3 weeks which is really positive as that's what I got at this point in my successful pregnancy . I've read on other forums and threads that the new FRER (that have opaque pink caps) are less sensitive the the old ones with light pink caps. It was the old tests I used in 2022.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Am I just absolutely mad doing this to myself.?
Why is this so hard? My anxiety is so bad I just can't enjoy this 😔😔😔