Buserelin injections and period - Fertility Network UK

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Buserelin injections and period

Hannakallas profile image
22 Replies

Hi all,

Quick question!

I started buserlin injections (ahead of my frozen embryo transfer later this month) on cycle day 21 and I'm currently on day 9 of my injections but still no AF?

I've got scan booked in in 6 days time and I'm concerned that I have not got my period as of yet..

Does anyone know when can I expect AF to make an appearance?

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Hannakallas profile image
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22 Replies
Rol81 profile image

Hi, my nurse said not to worry, it can sometimes delayed, but regardless of it coming or not that I would still be going in for my first scan on Friday (day 12) From what I’ve read everyone is different , I’m on day 9 also , was worrying like you but I just got it now (a day late)

Hannakallas profile image
Hannakallas in reply to Rol81

Hey, Are you going for FET as well? xx

Rol81 profile image
Rol81 in reply to Hannakallas

Hi. No , not a frozen embryo transfer. I had a short protocol in August which was unsuccessful. Embryos didn’t not implant unfortunately . So this is my second go now , doing the longer protocol. Hoping I’ll get a better result and more eggs.

I’m on day 9 of Buserelin injections and all going well be starting Meriofert as soon as they instruct me. Clinic haven’t been very good with information. I have an appointment on Friday so hopefully will know more then .

Cinderella5 profile image

Buserelin delayed my period for a doof few days ao dont worry, I'm sure it will come.xx

F_J_762301 profile image

Hi ladies,

Currently in same situation! Last time i was on buserelin period came just over a week in. This time...11th injection tonight and nothing yet 🙄 my scan is a week tomorrow. Hoping it shows soon...trying not to get stressed! Does anyone know id theyll still scan you if youre bleeding a bit (like towards end of period) xx

Hannakallas profile image
Hannakallas in reply to F_J_762301

Hey, I'm on day 11 now and still no signs. I've even googled on how to bring my period forward (been eating loads of pineapple and exercising) but it clearly has not worked. My scan is on Monday (11.01) and clinic said if I'll come on my period from Friday they'll re--schedule the scan; or if my period won't show I'll still go in for a scan to see what's happening.

Has your AF appeared yet?

F_J_762301 profile image
F_J_762301 in reply to Hannakallas

Yes mine appeared this morning! My scan is next Wed. Fingers crossed things get moving for you soon, or yoh can go for your scan and see whats happening xx

Beatrix_K profile image

They told me AF ‘would show up at some point’. My period came on day 9 (on day 11 now) so I wouldn’t be overly concerned, I’m sure it’ll come soon enough. X

Hannakallas profile image
Hannakallas in reply to Beatrix_K

Hey Beatix_K.. Thanks for your message!

I'm on day 11 now and still no AF; spoke to my clinic and they said if AF doesn't come by Friday (tomorrow) they'll have to reschedule the scan.. Oh well, all fun and games this ICSI.

Beatrix_K profile image
Beatrix_K in reply to Hannakallas

Well I hope it comes tonight but sounds like they have a plan for you - see it as just another hiccup. x

Hannakallas profile image

EDIT! EDIT! EDIT! Only writing this update in case someone is in the same position as me (when I originally wrote this post)! My spotting finally started on cycle day 33 and full flow started on cycle day 35. I was on day 12 of my injections when AF finally appeared. So whoever might gain from this post - trust the previous comments, your period will come :)!

F_J_762301 profile image
F_J_762301 in reply to Hannakallas

Glad you are all sorted! Why is it the one time you want it to come, it shows up late! When is your scan re arranged for? Xx

Hannakallas profile image
Hannakallas in reply to F_J_762301

It's scheduled for this Thursday 14th Jan, very excited but the whole journey has been so challenging so I'm sure there will be plenty of more ups and downs alongside with multiple posts in here, lol!

F_J_762301 profile image
F_J_762301 in reply to Hannakallas

Oh my first scan is Wed so we could be very close for our transfers! I know what you mean about ups and downs I have had my fair share. But to be honest I have never had a problem with a medicated FET (this will be my third) they have all ran super smooth (until i got BFN 🙄). Xxx

Hannakallas profile image
Hannakallas in reply to F_J_762301

How did it go yesterday? It's our first round of IVF which turned into ICSI and from there we had to go with FET.

Had my scan today and I told my doc, I'm prepared for the worst so whatever he sees on the screen I wont get upset about! But my lining was perfectly thin and ovaries very quiet! However, I have got endometrial cyst which has been there since the beginning; so I am hoping it will not come to bite me up my ar@e later...or uterus for that matter, lol.

I will be on Progynova 2x a day for the first 4 days and then 3x day from day fifth onwards. My next scan is on Thursday (21.01). What about you? xx

F_J_762301 profile image
F_J_762301 in reply to Hannakallas

Glad everything looked ok with your scan! Hope your cyst doesnt cause you any issues. Same here, nice thin lining and ovaries quiet. I am still waiting for them to ring me with my next scan date and when to start progynova 🙄 i rang earlier cause they said it would be yesterday afternoon and i still hadnt heard anything, but was told the embryologists are just doing the booking in and it will probably be tomorrow now that i get a call back 🙄 i know they are super busy and limiting numbers of cycles each month so im trying to stay patient xxx

Hannakallas profile image
Hannakallas in reply to F_J_762301

The one thing I’ve learnt with IVF/ICSI procedures is that everyone will have a tailored plan to suit their body and to maximise their chances for success. Regarding the cyst, he said as it’s endometrial cyst it’ll be fine and nothing to worry about but you never know. I’m just dreading for next scan and keep thinking of everything that can go wrong... eg lining is not thick enough or once it comes to thawing the embryos that they won’t survive the thawing process...(they’ll thaw 2 embryos..)

I can’t believe it’s your third go!! I’ve got so much respect for you as I know for a fact I would not be able to go through this process Mentally again...

F_J_762301 profile image
F_J_762301 in reply to Hannakallas

I always think of things that could go wrong! Then I have to try and make myself be rational and just take it one step at a time. Remind myself I am doing everything I can and some things are out of my control.

How many embryos do you have remaining? Are you having 1 or 2 put back?

This will actually be my 5th transfer 🙈 I have had 2 natural FETs and then 3 medicated ones. Its such a tough process. Sometimes I don't know how I have kept going myself! Xx

Hannakallas profile image
Hannakallas in reply to F_J_762301

So we've got 3 embryos: One 8 cell embryo (grade 2) and two blastocyst embryos grades 4Bb & 4Bc. The lab will thaw 2 of them (the grade 2 and blastocyst 4bb), and they will transfer whichever is better. They have not suggested transferring 2 of them but they want to see how far the grade 2 embryo can grow..

The weeks go past so fast when you look back at things; but the days go so slow.. Have you heard back from your clinic yet regarding when your next scan will be?

Alwaysbelieving profile image

I was due on my period on the 8th Jan and had signs of it coming with spotting and this is when I was told to start injections. However I’m still spotting and by now I’d normally have a proper period. It’s like it’s holding off. Do you think it will just come in a few days? I know that an impossible question to answer really 😂 but thought it would bring it on not delay it! Any advice would be greatly appreciated x

Hannakallas profile image
Hannakallas in reply to Alwaysbelieving

Haha, I know exactly what you mean by asking impossible question (I might be the master in asking these kinds of questions). To be honest, I lost all hope of my period arriving and my partner kept telling me to relax (so annoying, but I did relax and stoped thinking about it and started doing loads of deep cleaning to get my mind off it!). Nevertheless, my cycle started with spotting on Friday - nothing at all on Saturday, but then the full flow came on Sunday.

Good luck and I'm sure your period will come shortly!

SianieShorts profile image

My AF came 3 days before my scan and I was still bleeding a little at the scan but they said not to worry. They just want to check that the ovaries are quiet/down regulated. Hopefully it will come in the next few days xx

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