I don’t really know the purpose of this post except that I feel I need to get how I feel off my chest before I burst.
It’s ironic, I’m quite capable of telling people that it’s okay to feel a certain way about whatever situation they’re in yet I can’t accept my own advice.
I had a miscarriage in March with my first baby, and went through my first failed IVF cycle in November. I’m due to start again in January 🤞🏻
My miscarriage hit me really hard and I’ve struggled with that for a long time. I’ve done everything I can to get myself into a good and healthy mindset - yoga, pilates, healthy eating, lots of walking, lots of me time, meditation, reflexology, acupuncture etc. (Really, I’ll try anything!)
Anyhow, I struggle with pregnancy announcements like many of you but I’ve particularly struggled with my little sisters news.
My little sister is nearly 20 weeks pregnant. She fell pregnant unexpectedly, unplanned and whilst on the pill which makes this situation even harder for me to swallow and my feelings even more complex.
Today she found out she’s having a baby girl, which is wonderful news and I am pleased for her but I feel so heartbroken for myself and my husband - I just cried.
My sister is my bestfriend. She’s so supportive and kind and beautiful and I love her so much which is why I think I’m struggling with these complex feelings.
She announced her pregnancy online today but also announced the name of her baby - which she didn’t tell me about. I felt really hurt by that. I don’t think she realised I didn’t know - I’d like to think she would have shared such a lovely thing.
Seeing her pregnant belly (I’ve not seen her since the summer) and all of my family and my friends be so excited for her for some reason stung me. And then my eldest sister shared it on her social page and says how excited she is ..
I felt utter jealously at seeing all of my family and friends gush over the news and I know it’s because I want it to be me. I feel like it was my time to have a baby and it’s been taken away from me. I also feel embarrassed that I’m in this situation - that it’s my fault. It makes me feel like an outsider with my own family. They all live in the same city too so see each other frequently whereas I don’t.
My mum tells me it’s not a race and it will be my turn soon but it was my turn, it was taken away from me. My mum knows how I feel, how much I struggle with this and on the surface I’ve supported my sister as much as I can but it’s just too difficult for me. I can’t bring myself to see her and she keeps messaging me saying she loves me and is thinking of me and I just can’t bring myself to respond.
Right now, I feel like I want to be away from my family to protect myself. But at the same time I feel so isolated and lonely even though i have the most amazing husband.
This is a very long post and I’m sorry - but my chest is burning right now so I needed to write all of this down in the hope it eases how I feel.
This whole journey completely sucks. I hate that any of us have to go through the pain and really wish it was much easier and kinder on us ♥️
If you’ve read all the way to the end then thank you so much xx