Hey is anyone else waiting for polyp removal before next round? Covid has pushed my op back even further I have been waiting for 4 months! My consultant will not let me proceed with it out the removal as she seems quite concerned about it even mentioned it could be something nasty. But my dr and the hospital aren't rushing it through?
Polyp removal: Hey is anyone else... - Fertility Network UK
Polyp removal

I'm on a wait list to have one removed but they said its so small (8mm) that they might not be able to find it in a hyteroscopy. They advised me to go ahead with ivf treatment.
We bought a access fertility package so if this cycle fails or can't proceed after egg collection we have another go and we'll consider private removal if nhs too slow. But that will be another 2-3k 😱😭. I'm hoping for the best 🤞🤞hope your wait isn't too much longer. Xx
Thank you for your reply ❤ we bought the access Fertility package too!! We've already had our first round which ended in miscarriage. We have one left. Have you had your aptt yet for your polyp removal? Mines twice the size of yours they have made it very clear i can not proceed with the next cycle untill its been removed. Xxx
I just had a very vague letter in last week to basically say that because of the covid back log I'm not high priority (understandly. There's plenty of people not receiving treatment for cancer etc) and won't be seen for a long time. 🤦🏼♀️🤷. I'm in Scotland so things might differ from where you are.
No the hospital said exactly the same thing to me! Im not priority im category 4 which apparently means non urgent. It could be months more and I've been waiting since June. Its comforting to know im not the only one. Ivf can seem lonely and no one understands in your circle. Are you nervous snout the removal? Xx
I think I've become numb to all the fertility processes. Going through the motions just to get to my end goal of becoming a mummy.
The only things that worry me is that it could still cause an embryo not to implant/stick around and also going through with the hyteroscopy for them not to find it! It would be a waste of time, pressure on my body and potentially money. Dr says they often go away themselves. Mine definitely shrunk in the past few months.
My mum had a cluster of them during the menopause. Her surgery went well. Not had an issue since. I believe they laser them away.
You'll be grand. Just hope it happens sooner than later for you. Xx
I was due to have one removed an March and lockdown scuppered that. We decided to go privately as it was all so uncertain. It was 10mm and the private clinic said they wouldn’t do a transfer with it there. Xx
Thank you! I have contacted the hospital and it will be in the new year now before it can be removed. I've accepted it now just feel so deflated. Was it a quick procedure? Could you start treatment immediately after? I have frozen embryos ready xxx
I'm in exactly the same boat! Was due to start IVF last March, got delayed until July due to COVID, managed to get just one embryo, but it had do be frozen due to the polyp they found at egg retrieval - 3mm apparently, caused by the IVF drugs. Still waiting for the op to remove it, but no one at the hospital can tell me when I am likely to be treated, 5 months and counting. My biggest issue is I'm turning 39 in July, so apart from my fertility gradually slipping away if I need another round, then I'll have to pay a lot more at my clinical after then due to my age!!! I know COVID is no ones fault, but this is so frustrating, this is the first place I've found where I can share this with anyone, I feel very alone when it appears everyone around me gets pregnant at the drop of a hat
Oh hun I know exactly how you feel, sending you a big hug 🤗. I've had my polyp removed my surgery was on the 11th December. After calling my Dr chasing my appt I explained how old I was (44) and how I didnt have time to wait. She referred me to a private hospital and the NHS paid. They were so quick at getting me in. If I were you I would call my dr to chase the appt and ask if the same can be done for you. I did look at paying for it privately and if I didnt have a child already I would have paid it. I know exactly how you feel I do have one child from my first round of ivf but he is 8 now and throughout the years so many people around me have got pregnant again and again , my neice has had 4 while I've been trying which has been so hard for me to deal with. Keep on at your dr and dont give up fingers crossed you get you your date soon xxxx