Hello, I had a 5BC blast that had started hatching day of my transfer, has anyone any success stories to give please?
5bc blast success, started hatching - Fertility Network UK
5bc blast success, started hatching

No success story yet but got a call this morning to say we have 5 embies. Aiming for blastocyst transfer on Thursday. Good luck - everything crossed for you. Xxx
Not yet, got a 4bc+ and a 5bb to transfer next month, so I guess the 5 might also be in danger of hatching. It was frozen on day 6. I looked up the odds of success with these embryos and it indicated moderate, and plenty of pregnancies and live births. Wishing you lots of luck and baby dust 💖💖
I had a successful transfer and now nearly 11 weeks pregnant. Just hoping my 12 week scan is all ok. Seems like such a long journey and constant little hurdles to get over with IVF. Stay positive and look after yourself. I hope it all works out for you.
Thank you, was your grade a 5BC blastacyst?xx