Morning everyone, this site helped me on my last cycle. So thought I’d ask again. 2 transfer of donor egg embryo. This was gain another hatching blast but frozen one, last was fresh. This time I am getting cramps everyday since transfer it’s strange. Like a pulling 😢, like period unfortunately. Sorry for TMI abut I had little tiny clear discharge with little tiny boobs of brown. I mean tiny. OTD is Friday and like last time I am holding out for bloods. But I guess I feel I am out so wondering has anyone else had 2 failed donor egg cycles 😪 xx
6dp5dt-hatching blast-donor eggs - Fertility Network UK
6dp5dt-hatching blast-donor eggs

Morning, I haven't but I just wanted to send a big hug. Your not out until they say your out so keep positive. Also I've been having clear discharge (almost sticky) and that's from the vaginal suppositories (no frostie on board yet). Don't know if this helps xx
Are you on any progesterone? What kind?
Hi, yes I am on suppositories 1000mg Utrogestan x
Hmm. Any constipation? I think it’s a bit early so don’t give up hope yet.
No, none, just sore breat when I take my bra off x
Everyone will have different symptoms or none at all. You have a few more days to go so just try to stay positive. I had a 5 day hatching embryo transfer (frozen cycle). And nurses and doctor was confident that it would be successful but it wasn’t. The first 3 days after transfer I was super uncomfortable. Shooting pains lower pelvis. I just knew it didn’t work. I did my test at 6 days and it was a negative too. But I just knew it didn’t work. But ladies on her had negatives and then positives so anything is possible. Don’t give up yet. I know it’s hard my lovely. But you have to wait to OTD anyway so just go with it. Look after yourself and your mind and look after your body. PS. I used constipation as a gauge as to whether It worked or not. Simply because I read some where that if progesterone is being used to sustain a pregnancy it can leave the colon dehydration which results in constipation.. if I find the article I will post it on here. Take that with a pinch of salt though because everyone is different and as I am a vegetarian I don’t really get constipated. Watery discharge at this is indication of hormonal activity. I think if you have brown spots maybe a positive sign and potentially hcg hormone not high enough yet??
Hi I have just started my meds for my 3rd transfer with a Donor Egg. My first fresh cycle I had cramps and also browny colour discharge, I spoke to my clinic and they upped the progesterone, they said it could have been irritation from the progesterone, I did get a BFP which sadly ended in a MMC but I think the discharge was implantation bleeding so hang on in there xx

Fingers crossed for us both love. All the best of luck xxx
You too hun, the 2ww is the worst!! The meds give us all kinds of symptoms so it's hard to pin point what is normal and what isn't!! Let me know how you get on,I'll have my fingers crossed xxx

I sure will do, bloods Friday morning x
Hang on in there, this could be implantation. The drugs are evil as they give us so many aide effects rather don't know what is going on! I've had 4 failed transfers, 2 x OE 2 x DE and on my 5th I've finally gotten a BFP which is scary as hell. I had no idea what was going on on any of transfers!! Wishing you so much luck!!🤞xx
Hi Babypleasexx I’m also doing bloods this Friday on a DE transfer, my first, after 2 OE and an IUI, never had a positive. I can’t often say this but I think I know exactly how you feel, it’s constant and non stop thoughts of am I or aren’t I, could it be possible this time, it’s so so hard. I also get the pulling feeling but when I had acupunture before and after my transfer she advised I just take really really slow and deep breaths from my diaphragm and I did this last night and it seemed to work so maybe try that. I only get it at night when I lie down don’t know why. Hope you are getting through the days ok, the meds are the worst as so many symptoms but can’t take anything from them. I hope so much that was implantation, it is absolutely 100% possible my friend, let’s hang on in there together Xx
Awww emma I truly hope you get a positive my lovely too. Let’s hope someone is looking down on us. Currently wide awake with banging head, few twitches today but no cramps or discharge. I think I actully May have a cold. Only 5 Days to go c
So 2 days until OTD and I feel
Absolutely normal 😩😢. No cramps or twinges. Nothing! Couple headaches but that’s likely the hormones and stress. Totally gutted and skint. I’ll have to take finance for the next lot. My sister in law is now announced she’s pregnant yesterday again, she smokes, drinks loads. Sometimes it’s just not fair on us ladies is it. Hope anyone in the 2ww is ok. I know a few of you are on here x