Hi, I have had 4 Ivf cycles all with BFP the recent transfer was on 22nd August but unfortunately on 10th September I had really heavy bleeding. On 15th went for blood test unfortunately the beta had really dropped to 350 and was told the pregnancy was not viable. Ivffers with recurrent miscarriages what have you done what was added to your progesterone and estrogen to have a successful pregnancy.
Recurrent Miscarriages : Hi, I have had... - Fertility Network UK
Recurrent Miscarriages

Sorry to hear about your losses. Have you had recurrent miscarriage blood tests? I had about 7 tests done and found that I had 3 conditions that could lead to repeat MC including sticky blood that made my blood clot more than normal - I now am on blood thinning injections from transfer day and aspirin from any positive tests. I also had an MRI of my womb and it showed it was split into 2 parts and I had fibroids as well - all of which could have contributed, we could attempt to fix some of that but not all.. x

Thanks Daisy 1245 it's really heart breaking but I was put on baby asprin. Just trying to stay positive
I had 2 natural pregnancies which both ended in miscarriages. My IVF clinic ran some tests before I started our cycle and I was found to have a blood clotting issue. I was put on blood thinning injections on the day of my Embryo transfer & had a problem free pregnancy. I know the feeling of utter dispair but hopefully you will get to the bottom of the issue & get your rainbow baby too. Lots of love. xx
We’re all the embryos from the same egg collection? At this point I would perhaps try PGS testing some embryos - I know the science isn’t 100% but if everything else has been ruled out ie NK cells, blood clotting, thyroid etc then its likely down to chromosome issues? X
So sorry to read this.. im already numb after two so cant imagine.
I had 2 miscarriage from same batch. My clinic consultant just said bad luck and its numbers game bla bla.
I saw private endocrinologist who tested me positive for autoimmune thyroiditis and am also testing some vitamins privately. This endo suggested baby aspirin but my clinic was very cool abt it. Sometimes i think doctors dont like to be told by other doctors what to do.
I did ask my gp if i can be referred to other clinic and hope i can see a consultant/ clinic that is less arrogant.
Have you changed clinics?