Recurrent miscarriage and ectopics - Fertility Network UK

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Recurrent miscarriage and ectopics

nsj2023 profile image
8 Replies

Hi everyone, I'm just looking for some support and advice really. I'm currently experiencing my 6th pregnancy loss :( I've had both miscarriages and ectopics - I've now had three losses at 4 weeks, one at 6 weeks (suspected ectopic), one at 8 weeks (ruptured ectopic, resulted in left tube removal) and a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks that didn't grow past 8 weeks. I did somehow manage to have a successful pregnancy after the first three losses, with my daughter who was born in 2020 and who I am so lucky to have.

I am still at a total loss as to what's going wrong. I've had various blood tests and nothing has shown any issues, and my egg reserves seems to be average for my age (I'm 35). I've been told I have a dermoid cyst on my left ovary and a fibroid, and I'm on the waiting list for a laparoscopy to remove the cyst and fibroid and to check the health of my remaining tube. It has been suggested that I could have endometriosis although I've never had any symptoms of it.

I have spoken to a private consultant who recommended a higher dose of folic acid, as well as 150mg aspirin and progesterone. Our next steps are either going to be saving for IVF or to have the laparoscopy privately.

I feel so alone and hopeless. Has anyone had a similar experience and have any advice at all? I would really appreciate it. Thank you, wishing you all the very best.

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8 Replies
Esb27 profile image

Hi Nsj2023. I'm so sorry you've been through all of this, it's a tough journey. Please know that you are never alone, especially on here, there is always someone that has gone through something similar who can offer a kind word or advice.

I'm in a similar ish boat, except I've not had any full term pregnancies. I've had 3 chemicals at 4/5 weeks (two of which were natural and one through IVF), 1 missed miscarriage at 5/6 weeks (natural) and two ectopics (both natural - one medically managed and one where my right tube was removed as it has started to rupture). All my blood tests have come back fine, hycosy on my remaining tube showed no problems or scaring, and aside from polycystic ovaries (not PCOS) I'm otherwise 'healthy' - though I will say there are soooooo many tests you can get done/pay for in the fertility world that could find something, but at least the initial ones were okay.

Not sure how much advice I can offer as I'm still a little lost myself. I will say if you're worried about ectopics in the future then IVF is probs a good way to go, I know you won't be able to get NHS funding (if in the UK) as you've had a baby already but we started it last year as we were told that our chances of having another ectopic, as we've had two, was 25% where as with IVF the chances fall dramatically to 2-3%. So that could be worth exploring if you can afford it.

Not sure if you are like me though, if anything the ectopics are scary but the miscarriages feel so much worse and seem more likely every time I fall pregnant.

I think the progesterone and aspirin could be a good shout and deffo worth a try! (I can't comment on the higher dose of folic acid but seem others mention it before). I took progesterone with IVF and I thought it would help - sadly it didn't but it wasn't to my detriment - either I didn't take enough or I had a chemical because the embryo wasn't chromosomally okay....or something else of course.

I'm waiting for a follow up with my IVF clinic next week to discuss next steps for frozen embryo transfer number 2 but a low dose of aspirin has been suggested to me too, as has a hysteroscopy and an endometrial scratch. At this moment in time I just want to throw everything at it for the 4 remaining embryos we have. I literally HATE saying it but sometimes it's just bad luck, not everyone gets an answer and they have to go through a lot of hurt before they are successful (something I struggle to deal with a lot).

I would highly recommend IVF though, as you have been successfully pregnant before which could be a good sign (maybe you just need some help getting to the final destination?). Also if you go private you can do tests on the embryos to see if they are genetically okay or not which could stop any future heartbreak. I can't do it with an NHS funded cycle but I would if I could.

Feel free to DM me any time if you're feeling down, this journey is sooo hard but I have found this forum helpful and supportive during the tough times (friends and family don't always understand) x

nsj2023 profile image
nsj2023 in reply to Esb27

Hi Esb27, thank you so much for your reply, I really appreciate it. I’m so sorry to read what you’ve been through too - it is such a tough journey as you say. I don’t think there’s anything like it really - it’s the constant reminders everywhere that I find the hardest, of what I’m not able to do that most people take for granted.

Sorry that you are still searching for answers too. I wasn’t aware that you could have polycystic ovaries without PCOS so will have a look into that. My cycles are really irregular and again I’m not sure why so perhaps that could be a cause. Or the possible endometriosis, who knows! I have a feeling that when they do the laparoscopy they might say my tube looks fine, which would lead to more confusion as I have a theory at the moment that fertilised eggs are getting stuck in the tube and not implanting properly. It could however just be chromosome issues or down to bad luck as you say. I just think 6 times is pretty tremendous bad luck.

I hope that your next cycle of IVF goes well and that you get a positive outcome. I think ivf will be our next steps for the reasons you say - I want to understand a bit more about what’s happening for us and where things might be going wrong. We just need to get saving as we don’t have much money.

Thank you, please dm me any time too. I agree that friends and family can be so well meaning but often don’t get it and that in itself can be really hard! I’m here any time you want a chat x

Esb27 profile image
Esb27 in reply to nsj2023

Yeah have a look into it - luckily as far as I'm aware anyways, polycystic ovaries shouldn't really cause you any trouble, just that you have a lot of follicles so when you do IVF you are a lot more likely to get OHSS (I got it after my egg collection and it was very painful!). I do wonder if due to the fact that I have a lot of follicles I wonder if the egg quality is there but that's just a theory at the mo.

Good luck with the lap - I think it's good to check just to make sure you don't have any bad scaring from the ectopics.

6 times is super bad luck, it almost sounds unbelievable (trust me i'm the same!) but I have also read of women going through fertility issues like miscarriages like 8-10 times before they are successful. Usually there is a reason, and I hope we both find ours, but I think in this world you have to be prepared that we might never find anything :( but we have to live in hope!

Thank you that's very kind. Deffo look into IVF, it makes you feel a little more in control as well, as naturally you have no idea what's going on half the time haha. Good luck!! Keep us posted on your journey x

DG2022 profile image

I can’t offer advice really. I’ve had 3 unsuccessful ivf with miscarriages, and just waiting for surgery to remove my right tube with ectopic (4th pregnancy and natural). I’m really sorry for your losses, hope the lap gives you some answers. Sounds like you are blessed with your daughter hold her close and look after yourself xx

nsj2023 profile image
nsj2023 in reply to DG2022

Hi DG2022, thanks so much for your reply. I’m so sorry to read what you’re going through with the ectopic and the miscarriages too. It’s so so tough isn’t it. I found The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust really helpful when I went through my ectopics, there are people you can arrange a phone call with who have been through it themselves and that really helped me. And they have forums too. I am wishing you all the best for your recovery and really hope you have a positive outcome soon.

I am definitely blessed with my daughter - the more struggles we have the more I realise how much of a miracle she is really.

Take care and look after yourself too, I’m here any time you want to chat x

DG2022 profile image
DG2022 in reply to nsj2023

thank you. Their info has been great actually. X

Marylyn profile image

Ask your Dr to check vitamin D ,folate,active vitamin B12 levels as deficiencies in these can cause recurrent miscarriage.My information comes from 50 yrs a midwife & fertility awareness educator .

nsj2023 profile image
nsj2023 in reply to Marylyn

thank you Marylyn, that’s really helpful and I’ll do that x

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