Hi all, I hope you're coping OK in what are very difficult times! These groups are so useful as here are so many women who truly understand! Regrettably I had a second miscarriage after over a year of ttc (we were scheduled in for fertility treatment but I miraculously got pregnant naturally) which was dealt with using a D&C last week. My specialist niece referred me to the recurrent miscarriage clinic, but apparently I don't fulfil their criteria as I *only* had 2 miscarriage. They have not considered other factors (my age, 38, and our infertility history). I'm really keen to understand what's going wrong and I wanted to ask you to let me know about the tests you have done, when you've done them and how you went about the process. We're planning to see a private gynacologist and I've already asked my GP for some Hormone blood tests and blood clotting tests - I figure i might as well try to get on the NHS whatever is possible. Any advice/ tips/ sharing of experiences is more than appreciated! If you can recommend a fertility expert/ recurrent miscarriage expert in the East Midlands area, this would be a bonus too! Thanks so much for your help! This group is really a lifeline!! xx
Tests for recurrent miscarriages? - Fertility Network UK
Tests for recurrent miscarriages?

Im so sorry DJ you going through this. Its just heartbreaking 💔. I didnt wait for the nhs referral as i thought would take long. I have 3 early mc’s through ivf. Private obgyn did blood clotting, some auto immune tests (i have auto immune thyroiditis) such as lupus. He then wanted to do a hysteroscopy to check my uterus (shape fibroids etc) and lastly suggested a nk cell test. Im still waiting for the results but just wanted to share with u the tests i did. Keep strong x x x

Hi Mimi, thanks so much for your response, and I'm so sorry to hear about your losses! Yes, I've heard NHS testing would take quite a while! How did you get on with your tests? What was the timeline like? Fingers crossed we can both get some answers soon! xx
Just heard that my sample was not usable. 6 weeks gone for nothing. For private tests you usually can go straight in although sometimes you have to do them at certain cycle days. X x x x
I’m just so sorry you have experienced miscarriage, let alone twice now. You have my deepest sympathy and empathy, having had three recurrent myself. I also relate to the added kicker of it taking longer to conceive.
In hindsight, I wish I had asked for the second loss to be tested, but on the NHS - like you mention, it’s not a standard procedure to do that until the 3rd....so it would have been a case of paying ourselves....which I probably would have done if I had the thought.
Since the 3rd (and being in a pandemic) we just decided to pursue fully private treatment.
I’d already had ‘standard’ hormone testing and ultrasounds via the nhs that didn’t show up anything obviously problematic.
Via the private gynaecology clinic, I had full blood testing done to rule out things like karyotype, thyroid, autoimmune disorders ...it was like a ‘bundle testing package’ they offered for the subject of recurrent pregnancy loss. They also look at amh for ovarian reserve.
It felt so good to access as much information as possible. I’m based in London, so can’t recommend anyone specially in your area I’m afraid - but maybe someone else on here can.
The only thing that came up for me was a single mutation of the MTHFR gene. It’s actually pretty common, but can sometimes be linked to pregnancy loss as it relates to not processing folate properly and micro blood clotting.
So a simple solution of increase folate and baby aspirin helps me cover that issue just in case.
My partner had karyotype test too - also normal.
It wasn’t until we had a crap outcome with embryo development with ivf that we were advised to look into more male factor testing with sperm dna fragmentation. This highlighted an issue...which again felt like a long, long overdue piece of the puzzle coming to light.
So now - the attention is also on my partner, with treatment from a urologist and a bit more testing.
My advice it to be as proactive as you can - finances of course come in to play, but knowledge is power. And although the NHS are wonderful....right now, you have to be your own advocate in your fertility needs.
My experience taught me that male factor isn’t given the same attention that female is....so for the first 3 years of our TTC journey, I just presumed it was all me!!
I hope you feel as best you can after your surgery - I linked up to my local nhs mental health services after mine and they connected me to a local charity that support women going through pregnancy loss. So I hope you get all the support you need and wish you so much luck and light xxx
I completely agree. You have to be as proactive as you can at this point and if you can, seek out private assistance. I also had 2 early miscarriages, and the NHS would not investigate because it needed to be 3 before I could be referred. I demanded tests to check my thyroid and my hormone levels. Finally, I went to a private gynaecologist who scanned me at various times throughout my cycle to determine whether I was having implantation failure due to low progesterone or thin lining. As I couldn't seem to get pregnant naturally again, I decided to do IVF. Turns out my thin lining was one of the issues. I'm really sorry you have to go through this, and I totally understand the devastation. Once you are able to, do your research, ask your GP the questions, demand referrals, or go private if you can. I wish you all the best in your journey.
Thank you for this Murielsmom and I'm also sorry to hear about your losses! Yes I totally agree we need to be proactive! At the same time it's stressful as we're grieving and I keep chasing up nurses, consultants and my gp on a regular basis, and trying to find out what options I have. Trying to get an appointment privately with a gynacologist now - hopefully he can help and asked my gp for some blood tests - fingers crossed! Hope everything goes well for you too! xx
Hi Rocky, thanks so much for your response! I'm so sorry to hear about your losses too - it's so traumatising! I think it's really crucial to find answers and to prevent this from happening again and I find it so interesting to read about the make element to it all too because of course that's 50% of the genetic contribution!
I've already increased my folate intake based on my nurse's recommendation and am taking baby aspirin - i feel these small things are something I can already do at this stage!
Thanks also for the mental health recommendation! I'm actually starting with counselling next week and hope this will help. After my first miscarriage I haven't sought any help and I think that's one of the reasons for why I coped very badly with it, so I'm really keen to change this this time around!
Please keep strong and keep me posted how you're doing! xx
Hi hun. I'm really sorry for your losses 💕. I know the NHS have to have their criteria's but is so annoying that 2 miscarriages isn't enough when it's such a horrific thing to go through and they'll only investigate further when you sadly reach 3!!
It's quite some time ago since I went through the reoccurrent miscarriage clinic, but like people have already mentioned, I had checks for NK cells, Thrombaphilia screening. I also had a couple of hysteroscopies done which showed I had polyps which they believed could have contributed towards my early losses. It might be worth trying to push for one of these just to have a good look and see if there's anything causing issues, as not everything shows up on the ultrasound scans.
I've sadly reached 8 miscarriages now with 4 early losses, 3 ectopic pregnancies and 1 late loss and I know how frustrating it is just wanting to know why this keeps happening to you.
Wishing you lots of luck in getting some answers and the help you need 💕🙏xXx
You are such a soldier and an iNspiration that u are still standing after what youve been through. Lots of cuddles for you 😘😘😘
Hi Clover, thanks so much for your response! I'm really sorry about the losses you've had to go through! How do you cope with this? This must take incredible strength!! Yes I agree, will ask for as many tests as Ican. During my visit recent d&c I've also had a big polyp removed from my cervix which according to the consultant is likely to have been caused by the pregnancy hormones in the body! I wonder if there are more. We were supposed to go through fertility treatment and I was just about to have an hsg but then my period didn't arrive and I was pregnant! I wonder if I can still get this done on the NHS even though my situation has changed now! I hope things are going OK for you - keep strong!! xx
Hi hun. I definitely have my days we're I just think how much more can I put my mind and body through when it's like trying to swim with someone's foot on your head, but then I just give myself a bit of kick in the bum and think I'm never gonna get my rainbow baby being like that haha! I really hope you can get it done on the NHS and hope the wait isn't too long (so many waiting lists 😩). Did you hear back from Tommy's in Birmingham eventually? I'm just waiting for my period to start after my last cycle was cancelled but it's taking forever to show it's face...bloody typical haha! Xx
Hi Clover, thanks for your message! That's such a poignant description of how I feel too- it's needing to motivate yourself every time to speak to the hospital/ nurses/ consultants again! And yes, the constant waiting for something is terrible, a period, test results, doctors calls, it feels like it's never ending! Turns out my GP made the referral via post rather than the online booking system and therefore Tommy's told me they haven't received the referral. So I've been spending this week chasing that and waiting for my GP to get back to me - I've left several messages again. We're now booked in to see a private gynaecologist next week - I'm curious to see what he suggests and my plan is to try and do what I can on the NHS and pay privately for the rest. Happy days! Do keep me posted how you're getting on! xx
Do you live anywhere near Coventry? The Tommy’s clinics will see you after 2 miscarriages if you are local.
I’m sorry for your losses, it’s so hard and frustrating that you have to have 3 before any tests can be carried out.
As you’re in the East Midlands it’s worth looking into the clinic run at Coventry hospital (as Mycatsarekids suggested too), they do specific research into recurrent miscarriages and test for NK cells which can be a reason behind miscarriages. You would still benefit from all the other tests - thyroid, chromosomes etc but it’s worth ruling everything out. You don’t need to be referred by your GP you can just contact them directly. Here’s another link warwick.ac.uk/giving/health...
They were really helpful and informative and although this didn’t end up being a reason for our miscarriages it was still reassuring to know.
Good luck and yes be as proactive as possible because months can go by and you’re still waiting so if you can afford it I would definitely look into private testing x
Hi Sei, thanks so much for your recommendations, that's really useful! I've been in touch with Tommy's Birmingham clinic - I followed up a couple of times, but still waiting to hear back! How long did it take you to be seen by them? Fingers crossed I'll have some news soon! xx
I got tests done at my fertility clinic I was referred for fertility but used the app for reoccurring mc as I’d had 3 by the time the app came around. They ran their basic tests all came back fine he had sperm test then we had fertility tests all fine I was 39 at the time low amh but that was the only thing. I had 2 more chemicals and now
I’m 27w pregnant now at 41 hate to say “just one of them things” as mc is an awful to keep going through but sometimes the pregnancy is just not right.

Hi gcw, I'm sorry to hear about your losses and congratulations on your pregnancy - that's such great news! I understand what you're saying. Having 2 miscarriages in a row however is very rare - only 2%, so I really want to have this investigated thoroughly as I cannot find myself in the same situation again! Fingers crossed I'll get some answers soon! All the best for your pregnancy! x
I know why doesn’t it take 3 to get tests done 🤷🏻♀️ money I guess like 1 isn’t enough. Good luck hope you get some answers.
So a major cause of recurrent miscarriages (especially early in first trimester) is immunology issues. I had tests done with doctor shehata at the Crp clinic to test my nk cells... I am now 23 weeks pregnant because of him. There's another specialist in nk cells called doctor quenby at Warwick University, I think. Worth a Google.
Good luck x