11dp5dt natural FET - BFN but no AF e... - Fertility Network UK

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11dp5dt natural FET - BFN but no AF either

Gueritarubia profile image
10 Replies

Tomorrow is OTD (beta), but I’ve been testing as my AF was due last Monday. I’m going through a natural FET, the only drug I took was a trigger shot Saturday nearly three weeks ago (so will have ovulated Sunday, latest Monday). I’m testing BFN on urine tests, but my period hasn’t arrived either, which one would’ve expected to 2.5 weeks after ovulation if not pregnant. What the hell is going on? Chemical? I’ve been waking up a tad nauseous every morning early AM for the past weeks, my breasts are tender... (no AF symptoms for me), and also have a sore lower back for the second time today (which indeed does happen on first day of AF)...

Sorry, really struggling. Bad enough my fifth attempt is again BFN, but the uncertainty of hanging by a thread is worse! Guess they’ll tell me tomorrow. Rant over.

Positive pants back on.

Can’t resist asking even though I think I know the answer: Is there even the tiniest hope left or by this point a first response should’ve been at least showing some form of colour?

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10 Replies
Hope76 profile image

That does seem odd as if a BFN you would think as no progesterone then period would be here. 🤔

I am crossing everything for your OTD. You never know I keep reading on here about late implanters 🤞🏼🙏🏻

Gueritarubia profile image
Gueritarubia in reply to Hope76

I know... I’m puzzled. Still no period, still symptoms, still negative. Very late implanteer that still could give me early symptoms? A chemical? Or could it be as bad as an ectopic? One more sleep and I guess they’ll tell me something once they see beta values...

🤞🏻 🙏🏻 🍀

How are you? Counting down days again? 😉

Hope76 profile image
Hope76 in reply to Gueritarubia

I know it’s a mystery, that’s good your Clinic do blood tests, mine don’t 🙈

Am fine, feeling queezy & hating smells I usually love so all good oh and no spotting at all so am very hopeful 🤞🏼.

I phoned my clinic to double check scan date as it seems an eternity away. 🙈😂 Plus the Online IVF calculator says am already 6 weeks, so thought my scan should be next week ! They reckon I will be around 7 weeks, 5 days on 14/09 and that is the correct date for scan. So another week and a bit.... good news though my partner is allowed into scan 😀

Gueritarubia profile image

Oh so annoying your clinic doesn’t do blood tests!

Sounds soo positive with the queasiness and smell hating! One can almost love it after such a journey, isn’t it? Oh time does drag on for you until the scan... indeed an eternity until the 14th but at least you’ll be far enough along for a heart beat to be visible. If I remember correctly that’s when I had the scan with my first. Amazing news your partner can come along! Weird times to be pregnant in... Grow little bubba, grow!

Hope76 profile image

I know I never knew it was a thing until I read about it on here !

Am so tempted to buy one of the digital tests that tell you how many weeks but heard they may not be accurate for IVF pregnancies and well I don’t want to get unnecessarily anxious !

Funny every day am saying ‘ grow baby grow’ - positive thinking has got me this far 🤞🏼

Thinking of you today and really hoping it’s good news and you will be joining me soon on the next long wait 😘

Gueritarubia profile image
Gueritarubia in reply to Hope76

Bad news :-( Looks like it might’ve been a chemical, beta level only 2. Weird as still have all my symptoms and no period...

So hope your baby continues to grow! Grow baby grow!

Hope76 profile image
Hope76 in reply to Gueritarubia

Oh no 🤦‍♀️ Am so very sorry I had been so hoping this was your time.

Take time to recover and come back fighting 💪. You have more Frosties ?

Thank you for your support despite your bad news it is so thoughtful and kind 😘

Ve-ev profile image

I know how you feeling. It’s my days 7 since Natural FET ... I never took any medication and they transferred a top quality blastocyst 2 days after my natural ovulation. I have also paid for the embryo glue..., up until today didn’t much have any particular symptoms apart from now and again tingling feeling on my lower abdomen, and discharge after 3D day. bloated and i am literally sleeping like never before 🤪 like 9 to 10 hrs. Today though I woke up feeling awfully emotional and Bloated my breast also hurt so hopefully it’s pregnancy and not PMS . I don’t want to test to early so I decide to test after I miss my periods . Hope that will be the case . Good look to you all the best 👍

Gueritarubia profile image
Gueritarubia in reply to Ve-ev

Hope it goes well for you! I’ve just heard that this was yet another fail 😔

Ve-ev profile image
Ve-ev in reply to Gueritarubia

Oh I am so sorry but please don’t loose hope. It will happen ... just try be positive ( I know not easy) as am wreaking my brain too. But Try do something good for yourself... and don’t give up. Sending you 🤗. Take Care 💓

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