Hey, looking for others experiences (positive or negative, a mini survey). My official test day is tomorrow but I should have started spotting on Saturday and so far no sign. I caved and tested on Saturday morning (3 days before test day, 4 days before 'missed' period) and got a BFN. I've read lots of stories on line about people testing negative before OTD but positive afterwards but I assumed that they ovulated late (obv not possible when your entire cycle is under medical control). Does anyone have any experience of this (I'd like answers either way please e.g. tested negative and it stayed negative or tested negative and got a positive later). I'm not on any meds like progesterone and I had a clomid IUI with pregnyl.
Otd is here. My doctor issued urine test is showing an incredible faint positive but the clear blue is a pretty clear BFP! This is officially the most pregnant I’ve ever been. 🤞🏼
Sadly my tests only got stronger for 1 day. After that they got progressively weaker until today when I got a negative. A chemical pregnancy was confirmed today by my clinic. I’m going to take a break from this site for a while. Thanks for all your support and good wishes. Xx