Strong Bfp but Blood for 5 days when ... - Fertility Network UK

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Strong Bfp but Blood for 5 days when wiping, particularly strong today 14DP5DT, please help

LadyGem profile image
20 Replies

After transferring our 10th final embryo with the NHS on Friday 14th, I got BPF Sunday which was strong, again Monday and on Tuesday my OTD, the lines were super strong. I'm now 14DP5DT but I have been wiping blood on and off for 5 days but today it feel heavier. Its started as brown and stringy but now it's pinky red everytime I wipe. There's nothing in my knickers. Sometimes there's small bits of tissue like discharge with blood in my urine. I've rang the local EPU and my clinic but they said it's too early to scan & they don't do blood tests. The clinic said to just test again next week. I'm not in any pain but I have pinching or tugging in my vagina. I'm on cyclogest twice a day rectally. I feel sick, upset and completely afraid and alone. I'm convinced it's a miscarriage. My husband is really trying but he has no idea what to do it's causing us to bicker. No one will say that this is normal, I don't think it is. The clinic say I'm 3 weeks pregnant. Please, does anyone have any advice?

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LadyGem profile image
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20 Replies
JenRoy profile image

Bleeding after an IVF BFP is really really common. I think around 80% of women get some bleeding with an IVF pregnancy, usually early on. Sometimes it can seem quite heavy.

The bleeding could be coming from the cervix. Pinky red sounds less worrying than really fresh. And you’re not in pain which is good.

But it’s so hard to know. If you search the topic in here you’ll see loads of recent and similar posts. Lots of people saying they had the same but all ended up ok.

No one will be able to tell you it will all be ok. But there’s still lots of hope 😘. Try and do as much as you can to relax. Take time off work if needed, I definitely would as this is so much more important. There’s nothing you or your hubbie can do so it’s best to try and talk about how you’re both feeling and support each other. I know you both must be unbelievably stressed & scared.

Your body will be doing everything it can to hang on to your little bean.

Does your clinic suggest increasing your cyclogest?!

Sending lots of hugs and fingers crossed for your bean 🤞🤞🙏🙏xx

KiboXX profile image

Hey lovely,

Sorry you’re having such a worrying time. Was your embryo a day 5 transfer? If so, that would make you 4+5 weeks rather than 3. This website is great for calculating dates:

As Jen said, bleeding is really common especially with IVF and honestly there is no real way to know whether it’s good or bad at this stage. Are you using cyclogest in the front or back? If it’s the front then that might be causing irritation so I’d definitely recommend switching to the back, it’s way less messy too!

Get plenty of rest and take care of yourself. Hoping it eases up soon for you xxx

recidwen profile image

Hey! Take a look at my recent posts about bleeding!! Sooooo many women on here have recently got their bfps and had bleeding. Xxxxx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi LadyGem. Could even be down to some infection?? Perhaps you can arrange a urine test via your GP as soon as you Can? Meanwhile, just rest when you can and keep up with any prescribed medication. Thinking of you. Diane

LadyGem profile image

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply everyone.

It was the EPU clinic who said I was 3 weeks and it did cause me confusion as I thought I was closer to 5, you'd think after 10 embryos I would be more clued up! I've checked the link and it says 4 weeks 5 days, I don't know of I feel better or worse for knowing that!

I have only even been pregnant once before and that was through ivf; it ended in a MMC at the 7 week scan, so as soon as I got my BFP I have been terribly anxious. At first I wanted spotting and cramps but this happening every time I go the loo now and it felt so heavy and AF like this morning. The cramps are mild and feels like a tug or pinch in my vagina.

I'm now in bed, resting and reading, trying to relax. I have no idea how I'm going to get through the next few weeks. Fortunately I'm WFH now and my boss and my team are amazing.

I'm super impatient and would rather just know right now what's happening, good or bad, so I can try to get over it and come up with plan B, i.e private clinics. I'm not given up even though right now I don't even have thr energy to get out of bed!

I read all your posts recidwen and wow what a journey but huge congrats! Fantastic news.

I am tempted to look for a private blood test but there is no way I can leave my bed today, I can't face outside right now, would you guys recommend it? x x

recidwen profile image
recidwen in reply toLadyGem

A couple of days of resting up really helped stop the bleeding for me and so did repeat beta hcg. Maybe get an Uber there and back? Xxx

Rose2700 profile image


Sorry, i cant really offer any advice but i am going through pretty much the same as you. I got my BFP after 2nd round IVF last Thursday which was 10dpt but ive had bleeding since Monday, it started off just spotting but now its pretty much like a period, mainly on wiping. I rang my clinic and went in for a scan and blood test on Tuesday, the scan didnt show anything because its too early but the dr said my hcg levels were good but they didnt ask me back to see if they were increasing as they should. The bleeding got worse after that and its been pretty much constant, worse on a morning and evening. Also i dont really have any symptoms. I havent had much cramping but i do feel just as i would at the start of my period 😔.

Its such a horrible feeling isnt it and the not knowing drives you crazy.

But i am taking hope from other stories ive read on here where people have had bleeding and still have a successful pregnancy, i think thats all we can do is take it easy and hope that a miracle happens! 🤞🤞🙏🙏

LadyGem profile image
LadyGem in reply toRose2700

It's devastating. And I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy. I truly hope everything is OK for you.

My clinic won't see me, neither will the EPU, I feel like I'm a pest for calling them but I'm so desperate for someone to tell me this is relatively normal. You're right I'm going crazy, I feel completely overwhelmed and helpless. My poor husband is a man a very few words and he seems so angry, I know it's not at me but I blame myself.

I could murder a strong drink right now just to relax me or take my wind off it but I'm sipping water of course, even though I utterly dread going for a wee x x

I really hope it worked out for you x x

Smudgepinks profile image
Smudgepinks in reply toRose2700

I'm in the same boat, BFP on Thursday. Had spotting since Wednesday which I was really pleased to have at first. But has got heavier as days go on. Clinic stop medication after BFP and have said monitor and retest on monday.

Trying to stay positive but at the same time panicking. Let's hope all turns out well for us all ❤

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply toRose2700

Hi Rose2700, i am going through something similar, so sorry you have blood aswell its so worrying isn't it. I am 5 weeks 6 days and been bleeding on and off since 5 weeks 3 days! I thought it was pesseries as when i switched to back door it stopped for a whole day! I have a rectocele so don't know if its all irritated up there from putting them in up front. Anyway so i had a scan at EPU and they saw embryo had a heartbeat and is measuring a day ahead. Still early days but its just to say i too thought it must be going wrong but was ok. Was told bleeds are common in IVF . Praying for us all xx

Rose2700 profile image

Thank you! I hope the same for you 🤞

Thats frustrating that your clinic wont see you, its the not knowing thats the worst isnt it. Some times i feel hopeful and other times i think its all over.

My partner is very much of the positive mindset which is good i guess but also frustrating as he just thinks everything will work out and i shouldnt stress, which is easier said than done!

Im the same, constantly going to the bathroom, hoping it has stopped but its been pretty much consistent for 4/5 days now.

Do you have a scanned booked with your clinic for 6/7 weeks?

Thinking of you and praying we both have a positive outcome! ☺️ X

Char2189 profile image

I am 4dp5dt and I have pinching and tugging pains in my Vag too 😞 I think that it is the cyclogest irritating our cervix and causing the bleeding. The clinic do not sound too concerned so I would just try and relax and rest as much as you can. I know easier said than done xx

Melbrod profile image

Hi ladyGem, I was also in the same boat as yourself.. I had a 5dft on the 6/8, I had strong BFP and had symptoms of feeling really sick and then couple of days later a massive bleed came like a period, I was scared so I also rang my clinic and to be honest they wasn’t great said “keep taking your meds and do another pregnancy test in a weeks time” I wasn’t happy with that so I went to my local A&E and they transferred me to EPU and arranged a scan, I had a scan the same day and the sonogropher said baby’s heartbeat was abit slow but could be because it’s only just formed but said everything looked ok.. so I went home still worried but ok knowing that baby was still there, that following night I had really bad clots, infact huge (sorry for detail) so that night I didn’t sleep with worry so the following day again I went to EPU and I thought they would be like ‘not her again’ but they wasn’t they were absolutely brilliant and arranged another scan the same day.. I had a scan and baby was still there ☺️🤞 baby’s heartbeat has become more regular but I’ve got an internal bleed from either cervix changes/implantation bleed & said I may carry on bleeding for few days but not to worry as baby is ok. I have since been on/off bleeding.

I hope this has given you some hope.

Please go through your local A&E or ring your gp for a referral to get piece of mind xxx

LadyGem profile image
LadyGem in reply toMelbrod

Thank you for your reply, how many weeks were you when you went in for your scan? The EPU won't touch me because I'm only 5 weeks 4 days (in fact they are trying to tell me I'm only 4 weeks!) Melbrod

Rose2700 profile image
Rose2700 in reply toLadyGem

I went to A&E on the weekend who sent me to the EPU, i was only 5 weeks 4 days at that point and they couldn't scan me because it was the wknd but they did do a blood test which reassured me a little bit, they also booked me for a scan on tuesday which i had but still non the wiser as they couldnt see much.

Im really surprised they wont see you especially if you have had heavy bleeding! Maybe try the A&E route and see if they will do a blood test.

Sorry you are going through this, its really horrible isnt it. Dont think i would of coped with the waiting if i hadn't of gone to the hospital to check things even though i dont know for sure it did reassure me a little bit x

Melbrod profile image
Melbrod in reply toLadyGem

I was 6 weeks but only measuring me 5 weeks 3 days so it is possible x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply toMelbrod

I am going through exactly the same Melbrod. Saturday when i was 5 weeks 3, i had a bleed, i switched pessary to back door and next day stopped, i then switched back on the monday and more blood and clots came out! This morning at 5 weeks 5 days had a scan at EPU, and heartbeat there, sac, pole but couldn't bring up yolk sak? strange! Anyway i was relieved but since having probe inside ( which hurt like hell so weird) i have had a bit more blood. Official scan at fertility clinic not til next Wednesday! The worry never ends does it! I am convinced its irritation or my rectocele ( fingers crossed) no clots or anything seen around sac. P.s heartbeat will be slow this early it really only picks up pace 6-7 weeks. :) Very best wishes to you xx

LadyGem profile image

Thank you for all your lovely replied and helpful advice. I'm still bleeding off and on, nothing in a pad just when I wipe.

Last night it did gush out of me when I sat on the toilet which lasted for around 20 mins. Unfortunately my clinic or the EPU (which is based in thr same hospital as my ivv clinic) still won't see me as I'm only 5 weeks and 4 days. There is a hospital at the end of my road and I'm tempted to ring them (they have an early bleeding unit)

I'm not in pain but I am feeling shakey, probably with all the anxiety.

This is the hardest period of my life and there's still so much to go. I have nothing but respect for anyone going through IVF or fertility treatment. Wishing you all lots of luck

LadyGem profile image

Hi all, just to let you know the local hospital were fantastic and got me within an hour of calling this morning. I had a scan and they saw a sack and yolk but said it was too early for anything else. They couldn't explain the bleeding but said there is no normal when it comes to early pregnancy. It has completely put my mind at rest.

I have a scan booked in for Wednesday with my clinic and Thursday with the local hospital, what will be will be. In the meantime I'm just going to try and relax and hope for the best.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to write to me. I wish you all the luck in the world x x

sunset212 profile image
sunset212 in reply toLadyGem

Hi LadyGem, having a similar situation to you, bleeding and no idea where the source is. I had a scan at EPU also today i am 5 weeks and 6 days, they could see sac, fetal pole, heartbeat but couldn't view yolk sac but said highly likely there because heartbeat present. I am still bleeding a bit since coming home. Even the probe when they put it in really hurt! Which is not like me at all. ( have a minor rectocele to boot) i have bloods again tomorrow. Both sounds good so far for us both xxx

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