Hi lovely ladies
I have truly found lots of support on this forum. It's been so helpful to know that there are other ladies in the same boat.
There are loads of spam posts here - it's daily and usually from a particular clinic in the Ukraine and there's one in Greece also mentioned here a lot. Seriously, I have fertility problems but I'm sure that doesn't make me completely stupid. If someone only ever post about promoting a particular clinic then there's some ulterior motive. The rules of the forum clearly say not to mention particular clinics and to private message with feedback. Thanks to previous warnings about spam and surrogacy-I don't respond to those either.
Sometimes I find the spam funny and other times I'm offended that sales people are here but I'm hormonal. Again, if a particular clinic is mentioned then I don't respond. We all know the guidelines. I won't get sucked into sales peoples nonsense. I have never mentioned the name of my clinic. To me clinics that are good don't need to infiltrate infertility support forums.
Is this just me? Thoughts please?