How many transfers before your bfp? - Fertility Network UK

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How many transfers before your bfp?

Jessy1280 profile image
37 Replies

I'm currently 3dp 5dt and already know it's Failed. Not being negative. Just knew the first time it had failed and now I think I'm in for a second heartbreak. Can't help but feel the clinic don't take me seriously saying there's nothing wrong with me. Amazing High amh for my age, no underlying cause, respond well to meds lining always great but yet my 4abs keep failing. I'm convinced there's something wrong with me if good embies keep failing to implant.

My plan is to use my frozen embies from cycle 1 (4-5ba and 4bb) next transfer. The clinic finally agreed to transfer 2 if my current one fails. If that then fails, I have just one cycle left.

My question is, how many transfers have you done before bfp? I'm nearly 39 and not once been pregnant in my life. I'm starting to lose hope and the pain cuts deeper every single day. Xx

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Jessy1280 profile image
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37 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

I had a bfp on my second and third but it was actually my 6th transfer that gave me my rainbow baby. I was 38.

4bb gave me one of my bfps. It’s a great grade embie. It’s too soon to know despite what your gut says. Mine was wrong many times on 6 attempts xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply toTugsgirl

Where do you find the strength for 6 attempts? All credit to you. I feel like I can never give up on my dream. I don't understand why they don't implant if they're good embies. Thanks for your reply. Desperately trying not to lose hope x

Core profile image

I’m on my 5th transfer and all have been great quality embryos but failed to implant. Clinic have said it’s a numbers game and luck of the draw, not helpful at first but gradually learning to be patient and accept it (although not always!) they also reminded me that success rate is low, so it often takes a few. I’m sure you aren’t out yet though, will keep 🤞 for the rest of your 2ww xx

Greyeverything profile image

Are you NHS funded? I am and I have found that my clinic are really reluctant to try anything different and don’t seem to want to look in to any underlying issues when outwardly everything looks ok. I have now started to do my own research and push for things myself.

I have had two failed transfers, was convinced there was an issue with implantation and then on the third I had my first ever BFP 😱 only for it to end in a chemical pregnancy a few days later. Had my follow up yesterday and managed to convince them to do a blood test to monitor my progesterone next time (although I have to pay) and also looking in to PGS testing my remaining frozen embryos in case it’s a chromosome issue (again will have to pay for this). My point is that even if you are NHS you can push for additional tests etc. You may have to pay for them but it is possible to get them done but I’ve found you have to ask!

Also I felt the same as you at 3dp5dt, could have sworn it had failed then about 5dpt had some weird dizziness, 7dpt felt like I was on a boat all day, tested and got a positive. I know it didn’t stick but still it just shows you can just never tell!! You are doing exactly what I was doing at 3dpt, already planning the next steps for when It fails, it’s definitely a self preservation thing but don’t give up hope just yet. Just wait and see, you may be pleasantly surprised and if not get your research head on and make them listen to you 💪🏻

Jessy1280 profile image

Thank you all. I'm having to self fund. I've suggested to them multiple times I'm low in progesterone but they keep palming me off. I even had Endo scratch in hope it would clear out my insides and then a week of antibiotics. I feel so hopeless and my oh just doesn't understand or want to hear it.

Faith103 profile image
Faith103 in reply toJessy1280

I know you pain about your OH mine is the same. Causes so much friction. I’m just like a broken record to him he doesn’t know how to respond because he’s heard it a million times xxxx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply toJessy1280

I had 6 embryos all fail to implant (one from first round, 3 from 2nd round, then 2 from third round)...all top quality day 5 blastocysts! I even had loads of scratches and also endo removed prior to starting. My 7th embryo implanted then I miscarries at 5 weeks. They said no to progesterone testing then finally changed their mind when their research showed how important progesterone is. For my 8th embryo my progesterone level was just 4 on the day of transfer (I’d been on pessaries for 2 transfers then lubion all the rest), so they switched me straight after transfer to prontogest intra muscular injections and my level went up to 93 and im now 22 weeks pregnant and I’m 39 xxx

MiskyB profile image

I'm having acupuncture alongside my ivf as she is trying to work with my body to clear the energy flow.

I've had acupuncture before for a range of reasons and it has always helped so I'm hoping that it will help this time too!

If anything it will help with relaxation. Good luck with your journey x

BugsMommy profile image

It took three transfers for us and the ERA was the unlock. My cycles are a tad bit longer at 32 days and my clinic finally did an ERA after two failed transfers. The result of the ERA made it clear that they were putting in embryos way earlier than when I was ready.

Hopefull90210 profile image
Hopefull90210 in reply toBugsMommy

Hi, sorry what’s an ERA?

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply toBugsMommy

I've though about the era test but it's £1k I don't have at the mo. I think you can only do it on fresh transfers? My next attempt is my two frozen embryos. I feel so distressed and overwhelmed by it all.. I'm starting to wonder what happens when my 3 cycles run out. Its torture waiting til 10th just to confirm what I already know. Can't see my next attempt happening til January which seems like a a lifetime away. I'm scared it will always fail and that I'll never be a mum. I don't know how you ladies do it so many times xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toJessy1280

No you can do an era on an FET. It just needs to replicate exactly what you do on your actual transfer. So many people finding their transfer window changes after they get era done so I'd recommend it before doing another fet as they are too precious to waste. My era came back delaying transfer by 12 hours. Yet to do my second FET to see if that's the reason. Btw is still early days hang in there xx

Scarlett13 profile image
Scarlett13 in reply toJessy1280

I felt the same but just knew I had to keep going and believe it would one day work xxx

BugsMommy profile image

It’s a receptivity test to check the right level of progesterone needed for transfer. Pls google it. Very helpful.

Georgie17 profile image

I am waiting to start my 7th attempt in a few weeks. It's hard and I just keep going. I have transferred blasts at each attempt but still only one positive which resulted in miscarriage. I have pushed to try a different progesterone this time so that we do something different but it is a trial and error process. Xx

Redpixie profile image

Have you had your thyroids and bloods checked. This can be done by blood test at your gp. I had lupus anticoagulant detected which can affect fertility and my clinic have put me on steroids and blood thinners during my tww. I’m hoping this will make transfer no 4 my BFP 🤞

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply toRedpixie

I might get onto my GP. I feel so lost and helpless. Good luck! How many transfers have you had so far? X

Redpixie profile image
Redpixie in reply toJessy1280

This is my 2nd cycle but 4th transfer. Good luck!

SharlyWarly profile image
SharlyWarly in reply toJessy1280

Hi Jessy - I just wanted to add to Redpixie's comment. I've not had thyroid issues but a friend of mine did. She did 10 attempts of IVF before she worked out (herself) that she had a thyroid issue - def get it checked out. My friend spent £60k before getting on the right drugs - no clinic helped her with this at all. Good luck x

Sa777ra profile image


From my experience at Egypt, bed rest during the 2ww, mean more chance to see positive results.

Kayles84 profile image

I got my bfp after my 3rd FET transfer and I’m 35. I had also had one fresh round that was cancelled as I produced 30 eggs but none of them made it to blasts and one other cycle that was a freeze all as I had too many eggs. It was in this cycle that I managed to get 9 excellent and good frozen blasts which blew us away! Me and my partner had both been taking coenzyme q10 supplements for 6 months at this stage and the clinic decided to use calcium ionophore which helps to strengthen the cell. They basically soak the embryos in this solution for 15 mins on day 1.

I have PCOS and my problem wasn’t with egg count or amh but with quality. I also drank pineapple smoothies everyday after transfer for 5 days as I heard pineapple could help with implantation. After 5 attempts you will try anything! And to our surprise it ended in my first ever BFP and I’m now 17 weeks pregnant and I still can’t believe it! Don’t give up hope - I know it’s hard as time goes on but you will find the strength to keep going. Good luck!

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply toKayles84

Thank you. It's just so hard. I feel like time is running out. I'm nearly 39. It's causing major rows as my oh says I'm depressed all the time. I feel like there's something underlying wrong with me that I can't catch. My oh is adamant there's nothing wrong with me and that it's luck of the draw. X

sun-and-rain profile image

I had 5 ET failure before this sixth one, a 4d old frosty, who managed to cling to the uterine wall (I'm convinced it's due to progesterone support in natural cycle), and I'm now 11+4! And I can tell that with maybe two of the five I just knew nothing had happened because of total lack of symptoms whatsoever, but even this time, I remember the Wednesday, four days before ODT, I felt so premenstrual and grumpy and hot flashes and mild cramps and moody and I don't know what, and I said to my hubby that the period was coming and this was just another failure. But period didn't come. And one day before OTD I actually tested. Positive! Don't trust your gut. It's OK to feel a little reserved, to not engage equally emotionally each and every time - that makes you fall even harder than you would anyway in case of another failure, but don't trust your gut. Your gut is not your friend. Just live your life normally and try to keep your mind occupied with nice things (I was busy planning my best friend's bachelorette's party and following wedding, lucky me!), and then you get your BFP or BFN on the OTD,. And if it turns out negative, well, then you have to make up your mind to know with yourself if you're willing to do it again - and eventually when, and, after having taken some days to grieve, make some plans for the days to come. Are you pausing? Go on a nice weekend off you and your SO. Will you continue the bany chasing, make a new appointment at the clinique to plan the next round. Are you jumping off this baby chasing roller coaster, plan a totally baby UNfriendly, wonderful vacation, of that kind you couldn't easily have gone to having kids, together with your SO and maybe some really, really good friends!

All of luck and happiness I send in your way 😘😘😘

moogs profile image

3rd transfer for me. I was 37. I didn't think I was pregnant the cycle that worked, I had been more convinced I was possibly pregnant on the two that didn't. I had never been pregnant before in 4 years of ttc. Wishing you all the best, it is a really tough time xxx

Jessy1280 profile image

Thank you all for your support and words of hope. I'm tired of the waiting and rollercoaster of emotions. Oh is not supportive at all. Funny thing is, he thinks he is! I have a hatching 4-5ba (which I think is better than my 4abs they keep transferring). The fact its nearly a 5 and hatching of its own accord gives me faith. I also have a 4bb left. Planning on transferring both next time but I know this is not likely to be til January now 😢

Bistbee profile image

Keep the faith love, the 2ww wait is such a head fuck. Try and distract yourself with nice things and try not to worry - worrying won’t change the outcome but will rob

you of your 2 weeks needlessly x

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply toBistbee

Already gearing myself for the next one tbh. I hate to say it but I've given up on this transfer. Just can't bear the wait until January. X

Lorita1984 profile image

I Just wanted to come by and wish you luck. I had my transfer last Saturday of a pgs tested blastocyst. Yesterday I broke down and decided to get a blood test which was BFN at 4.5 days past transfer. Spent all day crying. Today i relised what a big mistake I promised myself I will keep hope and be strong. Keep faith and i really hope you get your bfp❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply toLorita1984

Definitely to soon for you to test yet. I've already given up on this transfer. I categorically know it's failed again. I'm dreading having to wait until January until I can start again x

Lorita1984 profile image
Lorita1984 in reply toJessy1280

I totally understand how you feel. I have self funded both of my cycles to get my only blastocyst. I have one frostie but its a mosaic embryo however my clinic told me i could still use it. I also did an Era test to check my uterus receptivity. If you are having implantation failures i would reccomend it. They take a biopsy from. Your uterine lining and check if you are receptive. Im doing ivf in czech republic as im not from the uk.

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply toLorita1984

What's a mosaic embryo? X

Lorita1984 profile image
Lorita1984 in reply toJessy1280

A mosaic embryo is an embryo that has a mix of normal and abnormal cells detected during pgs testing. My mosaic embryo has an extra part of chrmosone 3 in some cells. My clinic still feel that it is siutable for transfer however the success rate is lower

Flora14 profile image

I have just had 4th failed round of ivf.We are gutted.know how hard it is.have had 3 fresh and one frozen.going to havea 5th next year don'tknow when.I feel like giving up but at same time not ready too.have never actually even got pregnant yet and sometimes I worry I never will.they just fail to implant.we are unexplained start blaming yourself the more rounds you have.I've started to wonder if there is something wrong with my lining now or start clutching at much is pgs testing?x

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply toFlora14

I don't think pgs comes Cheap. I'm considering it but also considering ERA X

Fingerscrossed38 profile image

I turned 39 in August. I did my retrieval in April and got 9 blastocysts. 6 were pgs normals. So if i hadn't have tested then we would have used the 3 abnormals first because they were actually graded the highest. They would have either failed to implant or miscarried so pgs is helpful in weeding out those that will definitely fail. In saying that, my first fet was a chemical which was devastating because I thought having a hatching pgs normal embryo it was a sure thing. But at least we know to investigate other areas and that it's not chromosomal (it could be genetic though and we'll never know because they can't test for those). We have since found I need clexane and fet transfer delayed by 12 hours. I'll do another fet end of the month so we'll see if that's the reason...suspect it will be something else as that seems too easy. It sucks that investigating all this costs so much. Xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply toFingerscrossed38

Is it possible to pgs frozen embryos? I only have 2 left in the freezer from cycle 1 and only 1 cycle left. I know it's Failed this time too. Its just so devastating x

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toJessy1280

Yes people thaw and pgs test and refreeze. I think I'd either transfer them and hope for the best or late them for now, do another cycle and pgs test those and maybe the ones you have now all at the same time as it's cheaper to test them all at once.

I know how devastating it is. I was torn up for almost 6 weeks after my chemical :-(

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