From 10 eggs to 6 mature to 3 fertilised - Fertility Network UK

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From 10 eggs to 6 mature to 3 fertilised

PollyPocket0 profile image
29 Replies

Hi all. Had my first egg collection yesterday. Was so surprised to hear they managed to collect 10 eggs (I wasn't expecting that many). Got a call in the afternoon to say 6 were mature and were injected via ICSI. Phone call this morning to say 3 have fertilised normally. A bit disappointed going from 10 to 3 but I realise that it is normal for the numbers to drop off. I've been booked in for day 5 transfer on sunday - I'm taking it as a good sign that they are hopeful some will make it that far! My clinic don't give updates on day 2 or 3 unless there's a problem so it's just a matter of (even more!) waiting until Sunday. I know it's all out of my control now but how do you all get through the next few days? Also any positive stories from having a low number of embryos just to keep me going would love to hear them! Xx

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PollyPocket0 profile image
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29 Replies
HelenJudi1 profile image

Hello... I went from 18 eggs collected to only 7 (I think) and from there we went down to 3... I was told that two weren’t looking good and I was warned we could be left with none. I actually got 3 to day 5 blastocyst... 2 are still frozen and I’ve just had my baby girl from the strongest looking one! Watching the numbers fall is so stressful and I honestly cried a lot waiting to hear from the clinic. People are right though when they say it only takes one! Good luck!

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to HelenJudi1

Hi thanks for sharing your positive story! It's true, watching the numbers fall so dramatically in the first day is so stressful especially when I think they've still got four more days to go! Congrats on your baby girl 🤗

HelenJudi1 profile image
HelenJudi1 in reply to PollyPocket0

Thank you... stay positive! I had all but given up on them when I was told I could be left with none and now I have a two week old baby girl... sometimes they surprise all expectations!! :)

kathgibson22 profile image

I found it so hard waiting until day 5 . Was convinced I'd get there and they would have had all failed. Out of 4 fertilised, 3 made it to the end. Good luck lovely , sending your little embies all the positive thoughts xxx

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to kathgibson22

Thanks so much...that's my fear that they'll be none left at day 5 😥 Happy to hear you got a positive outcome xx

Annak234 profile image

Hi there! You still have 3 that is good! Your results are very similar to mine. 10 eggs , 5 mature only 4 fertilised, all 4 made it to day 3 but only 1 made it to day 5! It was a good one though and was transferred so that’s all you need 😊

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to Annak234

Thank you 😊

Suzy86 profile image

Hey I was in your position and I had some really encouraging replies when this happened to me!

My second retrieval I had 12 eggs and the next day I only had 3 that had fertilised. It was such a huge drop off that I wasn’t expecting as my cycle before I’d had 21 eggs and still 14 in the running the next day. I had frozen transfers from my first cycle and none worked. Anyway from my second full IVF cycle those 3 fertilised were still going on day 5 and I am now 38 weeks pregnant and counting down the days to meeting my baby! I never believed I could be one of the lucky ones after having such a huge drop off. My first

cycle that looked successful on paper was a complete failure and my second which I felt had failed due to numbers is the one that worked for me! You are certainly not out yet and there is every chance your baby is one of your 3! Good luck xxx

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to Suzy86

Thanks so much and huge congrats...not long to go til you meet your baby now! 🤗

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi PollPocket. Just wanted to wish you well with your remaining embies. Fingers crossed there will be two suitable for freezing. Good luck for Sunday. Diane

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to DianeArnold

Thanks so much Diane, I've got everything crossed 🤞🤞🤞

London_Lady1 profile image

3 is a great number! I only got 4 eggs. All fertilised, but due to the low numbers they wouldn't risk letting them go to 5 days. So I had a 3 day transfer and the other 3 were left to grow.

I ended up with 1 in the over (currently cooking that on full heat as got my BFP last week) and have 2 blastocysts in the freezer. If you have 3 quality eggs then you are in a great position. Sure 10 would be amazing, but 3 good quality big blastocysts will be a fantastic place to be!

I'm wishing you all the luck in the world for Sunday. xxx

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to London_Lady1

Thanks so much! Huge congrats on your BFP! Xx

Mutleybob profile image

That’s still great to get 3. Hopefully you have got no calls this far and your little embryos are still doing well.

I’ve only got 1 left now after only 2 collected. All good on my 3 day call this morning, and await Saturdays transfer.

Let’s go into the TWW together!! 😊

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to Mutleybob

Thank you! Wish you all the best for Saturday and yes we can definitely share our 2ww, will be nice to have some buddies! Xx

Libsie3103 profile image

Just wanted to wish you luck for Sunday, we have our fresh transfer tomorrow so we’ll be in the 2WW together! Wishing you lots of luck xx

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to Libsie3103

Thank you! Wishing you all the best for tomorrow as well! Another 2ww buddy - yay! xx

Libsie3103 profile image
Libsie3103 in reply to PollyPocket0

Please stay in touch and let me know how you’re getting on xx

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to Libsie3103

I will do, you too! xx

PollyPocket0 profile image

I phoned my clinic as I was going crazy not knowing how our embryos are! They said that they don't check them after the first day until day 5 as it's better to leave them undisturbed. I guess I'm worried about losing out on the opportunity to have day 3 transfer if not many have made it this far...But at the same time I know they are the experts and I should trust they know what they are doing! My biggest fear would be turning up on Sunday and having no embryos to transfer xx

PenguinBlue profile image

Hi polly, I am in the exact same boat as you. I had 12 eggs collected yesterday and got a call today that only 5 were mature and only 3 fertilised. I feel so down in the dumps but reading the stories on here makes me hopeful that our embabies will make it to day 5.

Keep me posted on how you are doing , have everything crossed your ones make it through for your transfer xx

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to PenguinBlue

Hello! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for yours too! We just have to keep thinking positive. Have they said whether you will be having a day 3 or day 5 transfer? xx

PenguinBlue profile image
PenguinBlue in reply to PollyPocket0

Thank you hun, that is really sweet!! Yes, I had a little cry (or a big cry really) earlier but feeling more positive now.

My clinic only do day 5 transfer as they believe if it doesn’t get to day 5 it would be unlikely to implant. So similar boat to you but they said they would call on Sunday to update me on how they are progressing.

Just keep telling myself that we only need one but it’s so disheartening when you’re expecting a few more than what they tell you 😢

I know how you feel but keep positive for your little embabies! And keep us posted for Sunday too hun xxx

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to PenguinBlue

Aww it's ok to cry as much as you need to - this process is so hard! The support and stories of everyone here has been so helpful in keeping me positive. Hopefully we will both get good news on Sunday xx

PenguinBlue profile image
PenguinBlue in reply to PollyPocket0

Hey hun, thought I’d check in - how did it all end up going for you? Xx

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to PenguinBlue

Hiya! Thanks for checking in! Two made it to day 5 so had one transferred and one was frozen. Was over the moon about having one to freeze as we weren't expecting any 'spares'. Currently in 2ww and test day is Thursday - aghhhhh! How did you get on? xx

PenguinBlue profile image

Woohoo! Amazing news - congrats!!! We were the same in the end too! All three made it to day 5 so we had one transferred and then they monitored the others til day 6 and ended up freezing one more - so happy to know there is one On ice! It was such a stressful time those days in between!!

Eek!! Not long til your test day - what day have you been told to test? How are you feeling?

My official test day is 11th, but that will be 14dp5dt so I might test either Friday or this weekend 😬so I’ll be 10dp or 11dp. But it’s so nerve wracking to think about! xxx

PollyPocket0 profile image
PollyPocket0 in reply to PenguinBlue

Oh yay - congrats to you too! So happy you got one in the freezer too, it definitely feels like a bonus!

My test day falls on 11dp5dt (don't know why different clinics advise testing on different number of days post transfer?!) I'm trying to stay positive for Thursday but at the same time I feel like I need to prepare myself for bad news too - I'm worried about coming down from a really hopeful place back to reality. My hubby thinks I'm thinking too negatively but it's just the way my mind deals with things! How are you feeling about things?

Good luck for whenever you decide to test! It's definitely such a nervous time, these past two weeks have felt very loooooooooooong! Let us know how you get on xx

PenguinBlue profile image

Omg yes, it felt like no hope to actual hope when I got that call, can’t almost quite believe it sometimes!!

It’s sooo weird how everyone tests on different days, 14dpt just seems cruel lol! I know it’s such a weird mix of feelings to being positive but wanting to guard your heart and feelings! I’m feeling the same - I have my moments of feeling v down but generally I am feeling optimistic , probably because it is my first cycle so I’m setting myself up here! I thought I wouldn’t be too bad but I have been googling quite a bit recently now that I am 7dp5dt- I Try to give myself just 30mins to jump into this rabbit hole but it ends up being more 🙈

Gosh yessss, soooo long - I’m back to work now which has helped a little but man I need the time to get to the weekend already! Will keep you posted and please let me know how you get on too 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽 Xxxx

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