Partners attendance on Egg Collection... - Fertility Network UK

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Partners attendance on Egg Collection day

PaulaDag profile image
40 Replies

Hi All,

Has any of your clinics agreed for your partner to be there on your egg retrieval day? Ours is next week sometime and my private clinic in Bristol is saying he cannot come in or be there for me, and needs to wait outside or come back due to Coronavirus. He does need to come into the clinic to provide his part(!) as we live too far away but then he has to leave apparently. I find that disappointing considering everything is mostly open now and masks are being worn and temperates taken!

Considering he's paid thousands to the clinic also for ICSI IVF and he won't be there for me or to hear all of the information they tell me, but rather hear it 2nd hand from me which is not the same especially as I'll probably be sleepy.

We have our 1st stim scan tomorrow to see the size/number of follicles. Does anyone know what size they are generally looking for in order to proceed to egg? I am 42 (last week!) and on my AFC scan I had 8 follicles which they said was ok for my age. We've started Ovaleap stims last Friday, 17th July so wondering if I'll even be ready early next week.


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PaulaDag profile image
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40 Replies
KiboXX profile image

Hi Pauladag,

Good luck for your egg collection! I know it’s daunting but you’ll be fine. You can always ask the nurse/doctor to write down any information (although they do normally give you it all on a print out) if you’re worried you won’t remember.

My maternity hospital still isn’t allowing partners to scans, inductions, early labour so it is definitely not back to normal as yet. I know it’s not ideal but they are doing it for the right reasons x

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toKiboXX

Thanks for the reply Kibo. It does seem to vary from clinic to clinic. My first stim scan was low follicles sizes so unsure at this stage on next steps now unless they grow more!


KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply toPaulaDag

Don’t give up, it’s amazing what can happen between those scans 🤞🏻xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toKiboXX


Stato profile image

My partner came with me yesterday for my egg collection and to do his part! You’ll need a chaperone to take you home. So given he needs to be there for two reasons, it does seem odd not to allow him to hear the info too. You may find when you get there it’s all fine. I can see why they’re limiting people when not essential though eg scans and even transfers.

My doctor was aiming for enough follicles to be 14mm diameter, I think they hope for 16mm by collection day. Try not to think too much about it. Trust you’re in good hands and they will make the right decisions based on your circumstances.

Good luck! X

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toStato

Yes I agree it is odd as he needs to be there to do his part and also chaperone me. If I get to EC I’ll ask the clinic then. At the moment it looks like a slow response to my stims on 300 iu Ovaleap so now worried I won’t get to EC.

My largest 2 follicles was 11.7mm and 11.4mm. Then a 6mm and 4.8mm. Those are my 4 largest sizes which I don’t think is great :( . It seems some clinics have a policy on how many follicles are needed to proceed to EC


Stato profile image
Stato in reply toPaulaDag

There’s plenty of time. Try to trust them. And unfortunately people sometimes need a new attempts to get the meds right. I know it’s hard! X

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toStato

Yes you're right there is time, only day 10 of stims today. 🤞xx

Ivfgotadream profile image

My husband didn’t come to my 5th and final egg collection and to be honest it was absolutely fine and actually nice not to have someone hovering over me. He also hasn’t attended any of my 4 transfers and it hasn’t bothered me - I don’t have enough energy to think about anyone else but me at these things

First scan they’ll just be measuring all the follicles they can see over 5mm - they’ll most likely start plotting them on a graph so they can track growth and also do a blood test to check e2 levels and LH levels

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toIvfgotadream

I know what you mean as mine fusses also.

I don’t think my sizes were great on the day 8 scan at 11.7, 11.4 and 6mm. The rest were under 5mm. Nurse wouldn’t take blood test even though I asked


London_Lady1 profile image

My hubby was allowed in for the whole of my egg collection day. He wasn't allowed in for any scans etc leading up to it, but for the egg collection day he needs to do his bit and take you home so they let him in for all of it, but he was just in a waiting room for most of it.

If they only allow him in for his part (my hubby calls it 'His time to shine!') don't worry too much as he won't have to wait too long. For my egg collection I was in and out in less than 2 hours. Although I only had 4 to collect so you're might take a little longer!

Hope all goes really well and wishing you all the luck for a great BFP in a few weeks time. xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toLondon_Lady1

Thanks so much. It’s all very stressful but am hoping I make it to egg collection due to low numbers and sizes xxx

London_Lady1 profile image
London_Lady1 in reply toPaulaDag

Do you have a booked in date for it all? Wishing you all thr luck in world. Xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toLondon_Lady1

No date booked in yet. The nurse said its possible maybe for Friday...but i guess it depends on the scan tomorrow. She said some of her patients go to day 17 stims so..who know...i assumed that was only if they had follicles growing at the same rate but could be wrong xx

London_Lady1 profile image
London_Lady1 in reply toPaulaDag

I hope the scan goes super well tomorrow and the follicles have had a great growth spurt over the weekend. Xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toLondon_Lady1

Thank you 🙏🤞 xx

Kitty230515 profile image

My husband wasn’t allowed in with me for my collection or scans leading up to it. I think it’s standard procedure in most clinic now unfortunately.

I was really anxious, but the nurse was lovely and really looked after me.

He was allowed in for the transfer and he’s also allowed in for our 6 and 8 weeks scans. Which I’m so grateful for.

I hope it all goes well for you. Xxx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toKitty230515

Thanks for sharing. Fingers crossed my follies have a growth spurt over the weekend for Monday’s scan


Finchee27 profile image

Good luck for egg collection!! ☺️

I had mine last Wednesday and had to go in alone. My husband went home during the procedure. Egg Transfer on Monday was also performed alone. I just made sure I took lots of pictures of our embie to show him later and filled him in on everything. They would have allowed a video call if preferred. The clinic staff were lovely and very reassuring throughout. I was fine but can also appreciate it isn't very nice to not have your husband/partner be there both as support and so they can feel involved.

Wishing you all the best on your cycle, an fingers crossed all your dreams come true! x

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toFinchee27

Thank you so much. That’s a good idea re lots of photos for partner. That’s exactly it re. him being sort of left out as it’s his journey to and I want him there to share everything with me first hand, but I understand with covid-19 it’s unfortunate

Let’s hope I get to EC with low follicle size and number at Fridays scan. It was abit of a shock but hoping they grow over the weekend


Mutleybob profile image

My husband was not allowed in either. I think it’s quite standard at moment. To be honest it didn’t bother me. It saves me having to talk to and look after him instead of just thinking about me 🤣 I quite liked the bit of downtime, the sedative nap was lovely! Bristol are very efficient so in and out pretty quick. My hubby went to b&q and there is a Costa nearby while he waited.

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toMutleybob

🤣. I’m coming around to the idea of him not being there now 🤣


My husband had to wait in the car after doing his bit. It was absolutely awful. I just sat and cried on my own while I waited for them to discharge me. I understand why he couldn’t come in I just found it really hard.

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply to

That is what they have told me, that he has to wait in the car after which I think is a little bad considering he’s spent so much money with the clinic. He could be there hours so will need to go and find a cup of tea somewhere! I think I’ll find it very hard to, I’m hoping the policy changes by the time/ if we get to EC as they said it’s being reviewed on a weekly basis.

I hope your egg collection went well.


Miracle43 profile image

Hi PaulaDag,

My husband wasn’t allowed for any of my scans, collection or transfer.

He was only allowed to come into the clinic to do ‘his bit ‘ then had to wait outside for me.

It was extremely hard but understandable why xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toMiracle43

Yes it is hard but at the same time understandable. I don’t really mind for the scans but for egg collection and transfer I feel more uneasy and like I want him there


EL7815 profile image

Looks like it varies clinic to clinic as my husband wasn’t allowed for pre-egg collection scans but was allowed to stay throughout egg collection and also transfer. I was expecting them to say he wouldn't be able to stay after giving his sample so it was a pleasant surprise. I’m in Oxford UK.

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toEL7815

Let’s hope my clinic do the same when the time comes. Thanks for the reply


Bluepaint profile image

My egg collection is tomorrow and they have said my husband can come with me but I’m not sure to what extent (other than his bit of course)! It’s not so much the procedure I’m worried about but the outcome & hearing news on my own. They haven’t said he has to wait outside but will find out soon.

The nurse said at my last scan that they are looking for 16mm diameter- it took me awhile to ask what all the numbers meant she was calling out - but I imagine if they are close then they will still be used.

8 follicles sounds pretty good to me, think I might have 6 but guess I will find out tomorrow! Wishing you good luck with yours X

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toBluepaint

Hi, I hope you egg collection went well On Friday. I feel the same way as you, it’s about the outcome and hearing the news on my own.

I have another scan on Monday and the Friday day 8 scan seems a slow response with a 11.7mm, 11.4, 6 & 4.8mm. The rest were less than 4mm so wondering if they will up my ovaleap 300 iu dose.

How were your sizes and numbers at your scan? My 8 was afc pre stims. I was expecting many more so was disappointed to have so little


Bluepaint profile image
Bluepaint in reply toPaulaDag

I sometimes wish they would tell us more at the scans and sometimes it feels best not to know. After the first scan they upped my dose as obviously they weren’t growing enough. The lady said I had 6 follicles developing well on my second scan. At 3rd scan 3 were at the right size and 2 not. When they did egg collection yesterday they got 3. One of the follicles was empty. I was expecting more too, makes waiting at the moment harder & am feeling nervous about if I will get anything to transfer 😬 Trying to stay positive but is hard.

As someone else said though, a lot can happen between scans, mine were a slow burner and maybe they’ll do a last push from your scan on Mon depending how they are. Wishing you lots of luck 🤞X

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toBluepaint

Yes it a double edged sword isn't it. Wanting all the information but it potentially being upsetting also. I don't know enough about IVF to have good questions to ask them in that moment. Only after i research can i formulate coherent questions 😂.

Its good they upped your dose. I do feel a bit miffed that she wouldn't do that on Friday for me. Maybe i should have pushed for it but i was guided by them and need to trust i guess.

Many congrats on egg coll yesterday. You might have 2 amazing good quality eggs there. I'll keep everything crossed for you. Try to relax (ah coming from me! ;).

Yes fingers crossed my scan shows improvements on Monday 🤞🤞xx.

Good luck also for your embies. Let us know how it goes xx

Libsie3103 profile image

I think as others have said it varies massively by clinic and what they’ve agreed with the HFEA as part of their new protocol. I had my egg collection on Monday and my husband had to wait in the car until he was called to do his bit and then wait for me.

To be honest it was totally fine, the nurses were great and really attentive and I was in & out really quickly. They also didn’t share any information afterwards (other than the number of eggs) but the embryologist called in the afternoon with an update / details on next steps.

We have a fresh transfer tomorrow so I was fully expecting to go in alone. That would be fine if I had to but I’m less keen about doing this alone! Any way they’ve said he can come in which is amazing.

I know it’s tough but clinics really are trying to ensure things can go ahead while minimising the risks to you and their staff. Personally I’d rather it this way than for clinics to be closed and treatment delayed for longer. Wishing you lots of luck today!! xx

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toLibsie3103

Hi, I’m so pleased your hubby was able to be there for your transfer. I hope it went well. My numbers and sizes were on the low side so another scan Monday to see if they’ve grown 😢


SuzyL123 profile image

Different clinics have put different covid contingency plans in place which have been agreed with HFEA to allow them to open back up, so they have to stick to it. My husbands not allowed in with me for our egg collection next month (other than giving his sample), I’d rather that than still having to wait for them to reopen so at least seeing that as a positive

Good luck for your treatment!🤗

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toSuzyL123

Thanks. Good luck with your egg collection next month 🤞


Hope76 profile image

I know how you feel, my partner has always been there holding my hand for egg collection plus transfer. He also picks up all the important stuff from the Drs as am concentrating on the job at hand. I value his support & my clinic feel it’s unfair as they see us as a couple. I just feel it’s so unfair, yet we can go to a bar or restaurant together (which I have no interest in doing)

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toHope76

Exactly, mine is far more astute than me to get all the info while I'm an overly emotional wreck. I really did want him there through every step and if/when i eventually get to EC. Attending the scans has been hard w/o him! Especially when my follies aren't growing as fast as expected.

That was my point, everything is open rests/bars but we pay privately and they won't let him into the clinic.

MrsHardy1420 profile image

We’re going to a clinic in Cardiff and it’s the same for us. It’s a little heartbreaking isn’t it. But I think it’s more to do with the Guidelines they have to follow to be allowed to stay open. Good luck :) x

PaulaDag profile image
PaulaDag in reply toMrsHardy1420

It really is. Good luck to you also x

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