Hi ladies,
I was wondering if anyone is doing banking cycles (cycles freezing all embryos to be transferred at a later stage)
Hi ladies,
I was wondering if anyone is doing banking cycles (cycles freezing all embryos to be transferred at a later stage)
I did wonder about this myself and posted about it , i think after getting the opions of others that its al depends what stage your at , for myself iv never done ivf so this will be my first go so i need to see how my body will react etc etc. Iv sorted decided to see how my first go goes and then later bank them as im not getting younger im 36 x
I did banking - 3 rounds. Have a look back over my posts, with low amh Unfortunately it didn’t go well for me, but I do think it’s a bit of a safety net trying to get as many embryos as possible before trying to transfer x
Thanks for answering my post. I read your posts and can see we are similar (I have very low AMH and hypothyroidism). Did you do the karyotype test at the end?
I did do the karyotype tests via the miscarriage clinic and apparently both me and jon perfectly normal xx
What would they have done if you had not been diagnosed normal? Wondering whether it’s worth testing or if in any case there is not much you can do about chromosomes problems
Depend what it was I guess, I have no idea! But even though we are normal we gave up on my eggs. But lots of people with low amh like mine get a good embryo early on and get their bfp. We (well I do!)think I’m more complicated as when our BFPs fail (pregnant 4 times plus chemicals) I get an odd burning whirling sensation inside a couple of days before so I’m sure I’m fighting them off. So we have moved to surrogacy with my sisters eggs and a surrogate!xx
Hey lovely - we have chatted before but wanted to add my experience for the sake of sharing (for everyone else) I started my ivf journey at 41 and have always done fresh cycles - I’ve managed a bfp (mmc) and a CP.. my clinic believe the best place for embryos if you don’t get loads is with the mum - even if it’s a day 2 transfer
Not saying that’s the right thing but i think it probably depends on volumes - if you get 10 embryos go for freeze all - if you get two I would personally transfer - but that’s just me!
Ps ivf2020A - 36 is NOT old on here Or in ivf terms - you are a spring chicken xx
A spring chicken loool x thanks they say after 34 its all over dont they and after everything i been through i feel like im 90!xx the concept of banking them has intrigued me bt lets see how i go with my first roundx its good to hear about your experiences daisy x
I’ve paid for a 3 cycle package and have decided to freeze all the embryos in round 1 and 2 and then have a fresh transfer on round 3. The reason being is that I’m expected to get only 1 or 2 in each cycle since my amh is very low due to severe endometriosis. I’ve had surgery to remove ovarian cysts in the past, at the moment they have not grown back so I’m taking the opportunity to bank as many eggs as possible. With having a low ovarian reserve, I don’t know when my eggs will deplete completely. I also think that if I am lucky enough to fall pregnant, there is a chance of miscarriage therefore it will mean waiting a few months for my body to heal and doing a new cycle which does take more time. For me, waiting an extra 8 weeks to collect and bank all of the eggs I can (they should be the best quality) makes sense but I guess it depends on your circumstances xx
We will wait and see how close we get. For example no fertilisation or low quality embryos over 3 cycles is probably a sign that it’s not going to happen for us this time round. We are extremely lucky enough to have a now 20 month old girl from a previous cycle. I am 36 with very few follies left for my age so it’s definitely a concern xx
I am also doing embryo banking. We wanted to test our embryos (PGS) and unfortunately last cycle we only had one embryo making to day 5. We paid for 8 embryos to be tested and actually only 1 been biopsied. Our clinic offered us the opportunity to go through another cycle in order to produce more embryos for testing. We will have egg collection next month 🤞
Did the test come back positive? How many cycles will you do before trying a transfer? Xx
I banked , 5 rounds over 7 months (Jan-July...vit two had to be canceled half way through stims as poor response ) then transferred following Jan. Long journey, had to trust the process but now 19 weeks pregnant on my first transfer. The key is to PGS test as you go along...don’t bank and then ‘test all’ at the end.