Hi, about a month ago I went to a scan and found out our baby had stopped growing and had no heartbeat. I had a d&c at what should have been 8.5 weeks pregnant almost 3 weeks ago.
We have an appointment in a couple of weeks and then plan on doing a frozen transfer as soon as I get my period back.
I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice on anything we can do to help be more successful in the future? I’ve now had two full rounds of ivf and gotten pregnant twice, (I have a wonderful daughter from the first round) and our dr says we should consider that successful and this is just an unfortunate case of 1 in 3, but nothing about our recent round feels successful, it feels like I’ve wasted 3 months of my life and all I’ve got to show for it is constant sadness.
I’ve started seeing a naturopath and organised some blood test (vit d, thyroid etc)
Is there anything else I can do?