I had some bleeding on the morning of my 6 week scan. At the scan the fetal heart rate was 96bpm which the doctor said should have been over 100bpm. Obviously all of this has made me really fearful. Have another scan on Monday when I will be 7 weeks 3 days. I am trying to stay positive but finding it harder everyday. Has anyone been through anything similar with a positive outcome.
Scan: I had some bleeding on the... - Fertility Network UK
Hey Friz
Easy said then done but please try not to worry I have read many times of woman bleeding early my sister did and was fine.
It’s really not much lower than the dr would expect. Try to get as much bed rest as possible and take it easy xxx
Thank you I’m trying to stay positive but have felt so ill this week as they increased my dose of cyclogest too.
Hi..totally understand your fears...however on a note of positivity..i have two friends due in June...both bled up to 16 weeks with no explanation and have continued with healthy pregnancys. Hoping all settles for you xo
I bled with my twins, I lost one and continued to bleed, doctor told me there was not much hope and to prepare to lose the other one. I have a healthy 3yr old little boy, so dr was wrong. Bleeding isn’t always a sign, but sometimes it can be. Easy said than done, because I was a wreck at the time, but if you can, try to remain focussed and positive.
Hi exactly the same happened to me. I increased the utrogestan and by 7 weeks the heartbeat was where it should be. Best of luck next week and try not to worry.