Yesterday we had our 12 weeks scan and so happy to say everything is perfect. Yesterday I should have been 12 weeks exactly but they have now changed my due date and said I am today 13 weeks, has anyone else experienced this? I thought with IVF if would be spot on? Thank you again for all your support along the way, it has meant a lot, sending lots of love, positive thoughts and love to you all. xxxxx
Sensitive Post - 12 weeks scan! - Fertility Network UK
Sensitive Post - 12 weeks scan!

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Wonderful picture Debrakay!! Congratulations, glad to hear all went well. Cant really help with the dates but I have seen other ladies being told their dates are out, just not sure what the outcome was!!xx
Awesome picture! I was thinking about you yesterday so I'm glad everything went well for you. The exact same thing happened to us. I should have been 12 +3 but the baby measured and 12 +5 weeks so now I'm 13 +2! No idea why and she didn't explain.
So very happy to see your exciting news. Congratulations. Such a huge milestone to get past.
As for the dates my baby was dated 2 days ahead of my due date ( according to my last period) and my first baby was the same! Neither were ivf so cant comment on that front. I think scans are a more reliable method to predict the due date.
All the best with the rest of your pregnancy xoxo

Thank you so much x❤️
Congratulations. I think it just depends on measurements. Mine was ahead on the 12 week scan but they said they would keep with the IVF due date but I know a lot of places go with the 12 week scan x

Thank you very much. X❤️
Congratulations. What a special picture. Hope you have a very smooth pregnancy. Enjoy it! Xx
They did this with mine, mine was ahead in the beginning so my due date was brought forward 5 days, in theory they know how old the baby is etc as they know when it was put in, but on the dating scan they measure length then estimate it from there, I wouldn't worry too much it's not that accurate, baby will come when it's ready xxxx

thank you for the info. sure will. xxx
Great news
My BB has been measuring well ahead at every scan and 2 different sonographers have mentioned changing the dates but my Dr has stuck to the original date based on last period (she was from a FET). I'm going to bring it up again next time we're there though because she's massive and I'm almost in the 3rd trimester now xxx
Beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations xxxx

thank you so much. xxxxx
Congratulations. Glad everything went well. When I had ivf they specifically said they wouldn't amend my dates as it's the most accurate dating. I really wouldn't worry though, I've heard other people say their EDD was amended despite it being ivf. And that's really all it is, an estimated due date! Enjoy knowing your little one is growing safe and well
With my second pregnancy (not ivf) they put my dates back about 5 days and as silly as it sounds I was a bit disappointed to be put back. But in reality it's not a big deal! I was just desperate to get past 12 weeks. The baby will come when it's ready anyway, and if it's like my first that'll be way before the EDD!
Good luck with your pregnancy! Welcome (almost) to the second trimester