Hi everyone, ok so I am totally getting a head of myself.... I start ivf with donor sperm on my April cycle.... I want help and advice if you can please..... do I have one or two put back in? (I know I might not even get two but all being well) thank you all so much
1 or 2 : Hi everyone, ok so I am... - Fertility Network UK
1 or 2

Hi KitKat82
I've also been doing IVF with donor sperm. And I also was deliberating between transferring 1 or 2 embryos. The biggest thing I have learnt is that you cant plan for these things, I felt like I had so many decisions to make (before I needed to) - whether to have fresh or frozen transfer etc.
In the end you need to be flexible and listen to the advice of your clinic. I had planned to have a frozen transfer and in my mind decided I would risk two embryos if I could - because of my age (Im 40).
In the end I only had one embryo - which was a shock - and so I had a 3 day fresh transfer with my one embryo.
Just take each stage of the journey as it comes and be flexible
Best of luck to you xxx
Would you like one or two babies at the same time? Also, have you looked at the medical implications to you and your body? If something goes wrong with 1 then it may impact the other?
I did put 2 back once, thinking it would increase my chances of having a baby. In actual fact overall I am not sure it does increase your chances. I was terrified of actually having twins when we finally got our bfp. Then I did more research and found that the next time I opted for one. I wanted all the nutrients and goodness to go to that one. I am now sitting here listening to my little 7 month old snoring away for his morning snooze.
Good luck whatever you decide xxx

Thank you, that’s the problem I am having as you know I already went into premature labour so I am at risk (although my gynaecologist said she’s not taking any chances and I’m having a stitch put in) I really do turn d how may I have I just want a healthy baby.... 🙏🏻 But saying all this I don’t know if I will even get two embryos but Mr Chui seems to be VERY positive
This journey is so hard. But as HenBella said above, and I guess you know already, you can plan all you like it just be ready for whatever happens to be actually something that you never even considered. I found that really hard as I like to know my options, have considered them, and made my plan. When the curveballs come it is then more difficult to accept them and move to the next plan.
I hope whatever you chose ends up with the outcome you have worked so hard for.
Big hugs and crossed everything for you xx
I don’t really have any advice on what you should do but I’ve done both. My two embryo transfer is my eldest and my single embryo transfer resulted in my twins. I’m sure whatever you decide to do will be right for you
Good luck 🤞🏻🙏
Thank you so much. Wow what a twist for you 🥰😊
Hey Kitkat!
How exciting things are progressing for you now! Has your clinic said if you can transfer 2? Mine was 1 on my first go and was a BFN so I am going to ask about transferring 2 at my review next week (I'm 40 now so think they allow it).
I am sure if you had 2 put back & they both stuck they would monitor you more closely due to your history and same for me as I have blood pressure issues.
Do what feels right for you and what you can cope with - it would be difficult but worth it <3
Keep us posted and good luck with your cycle! xxx
Hi ☺️ Yes they have said I can have two and it’s totally my choice!! The fact I have been pregnant three times before and all naturally they are hopeful but you just never know you can have great embryos and they could not take or not as good and they work it’s so difficult. I guess I will just know when the time comes 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Hi, I am a single woman going throug IVF with a donor, currentl in the middle of down regulation. I've given this a lot of thought, I think it has to be what's right for each person. I always thought I'd go for 2 if I had them, but strangely in the last few weeks I have changed my mind. I will go one because I would be 40 when I had the child, and I want to give that baby everything I have, I worry I wouldn't be able to cope emotionally and also physcially with twins.
Also I think I would like the security of freezing any extras I have in case the first doesn't take or potential siblings further down the line.
I completely understand why someone would choose 2, I guess we just make the call when the time comes Good luck!! x
Thank you so much 😊 and I wish you so much luck
I always thought given the choice I would have had two transferred. But then I was sat in the chair (stirrups) and the doctor asked us if we would like one or two transferred. We asked what they recommended and they said they would always recommend one but it was our choice. We went with one. And we got the BFP and a frostie
I think we made the right choice!! I’m scared of the thought of twins.
Good luck with whatever you choose!