Hi guys as I know its deffo over for me...me and my husband are planning for next cycle we have 4 frosties all blastocyst. just wondering have any of you transfered two blastocyst and had twins or a singleton? Is transferring two more successful?
Hi everyone what is best transferring... - Fertility Network UK
Hi everyone what is best transferring 1 embryo or 2??
I think all depends on the quality of embryos. What are the grades, if you don’t mind?
I transferred 2 embryos on day 2, not blasts and ended up in biochemical, I was 27 back then
I can't remember I think BBS xxx
With my fresh ivf ive transfferd only one blastocyst -at age 33 & 34, ive got son from second go.
When returned for second baby we did 3 FET attempts, on third attempt we did transferred 2 blastos since two earliest attempts with only single blastocyst transfer didn’t give us healthy pregnancy (first mmc, secondly bfn).
For us third attempt of FET was natural decision that we need to transfer two since previous attempts didn’t work. I was then age 38 and it was singleton and my baby is now 6months.
All the best to you xxx
Thanku all I want is 1 more a sibling for my little girl who is 4 now. We had a failed fresh transfer I have a scan on 12th to confirm it. So deffo will transfer 2 xxx
I transferred one almost a year ago and it didn't take. In November we decided to go with two hoping that at least one would take. I am now 19 weeks with twins as they both decided to stick. Just be prepared if you decide to go with two.
Hey Hun- I had 2 3BBs frozen and my doctor suggested putting back one at the time as that would give me a better cumulative pregnancy rate....I got pregnant with one 3BB that cycle 😉😉😉
Good luck Hun! 🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻

Rather than write the same thing, I’ll just +1 this post!
Thanks for your message but i put a blast top quality in and yet it's 50 50 find out on the 12th. So putting in 1 again has put me off
My blast was top too but you still have to keep in mind that it’s a game of percentages xxx
I'm aware of that and everything is down to luck. I think having a fet might be more successful than fresh in my mind I see it your body is not compromised with too much meds and egg collection but will see what the doctor advice will be also xxx
Was reading your post and noticed u had a failed fresh then successful fet. What did you change in fet cycle? Congratulations xxx
Yes definitely I also think that a FET is more successful because the body didn’t have to go through EC before. I had one cycle to rest in between, had a holiday and relaxed. That’s all I did- still watched my nutrition (over Christmas, not easy ahaha)! Thank you 🙏🏻 I’ll be rooting for you hun 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

Just to pipe in again 😂 I did exactly the same as Issy, one cycle rest after EC then my FET.
I’ve had three double embryo transfers with two negatives and one MC.
This is my first single transfer of a frozen blast and I’m 10 weeks xx
That's interesting and congratulations xxx
Wow that’s so interesting! 😍#sisters 😍