1 embryo or 2??: Hi. Ive had my egg... - Fertility Network UK

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1 embryo or 2??

38 Replies

Hi. Ive had my egg collection today on my first ivf cycle. What are everyone's thoughts on asking for two embryos to be put back in instead of the usual one?

Thanks in advance

Elma x

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38 Replies
Jebby86 profile image

Hi Elma,

It’s my understanding that most clinics won’t transfer 2 embryos unless you are a certain age or have already had multiple failed transfers. I had my 3rd transfer 9 days ago and was given the option of transferring 2 embryos this time. Transferring 2 embryos obviously increases the chances of multiple births, which then increases the risks for mum and babies.

Hope this helps and hope you aren’t too sore after egg collection today. Xx

in reply to Jebby86

Thank you jebby86. I agree my concerns would be to myself and any babies. Family/friends feel we should push for two but my gut feeling tells me not to. This is such a precious opportunity that I dont want to do anything that might jeopardise it.x

Jebby86 profile image
Jebby86 in reply to

You’ve still got the chance of one embryo splitting. Talk it through with your clinic, however I’m sure that they would rather only transfer one especially as this is your first transfer. Xx

in reply to Jebby86

Thank you. I think well ask for their opinion but I dont think we should push for it.x

Katty_Holz profile image
Katty_Holz in reply to Jebby86

Yes, below 35yrs of age for the woman the clinic will not agree on 2 transfers... or most clinics won't even if you request for it. When I went for multiple FET they run a whole lot of test to make sure my body will be able to support twin gestation if at all in spite of me being 35+ at the time. So it's really on the clinic whether or not they will agree to a twin transfer and chances are really thin for both young women or one without optimum health reports. @Elma I've learnt a few many things over my fertility journey and one of the crucial one is to only listen to yourself and the doc when taking a major decision. Whether or not you can really push the clinic for twin FET depends on what Jebby mentioned. However, just as opinion I'd agree with Jebby that over the first ever FET it's best not to go for twin transfer even if you can convince the clinic about it. Assuming you're going for IVF after having had your shot at natural TTC... I'd say maybe it'll take a bit longer but then you've waited this far a few more months doesn't really matter. If this doesn't work and your clinic allow you can perhaps go for a twin transfer over next one. I wish though it doesn't escalate to that and wish you luck to get pregnant with the first FET. Good Luck!

Anya80 profile image

After two FET failures with one embryo transfers (one being mmc and second bfn), being 38year old, we decided to go for two embryos for 3rd FET! I’m currently 17wks pregnant with single baby!

I must say that it was difficult decision, but for us it was only reasonable for next move after two failures. I would not recommend this if is first attempt and you are in age below 35.

Good luck!

in reply to Anya80

Congratulations! Yes im 31 so theres no indication from that point of view. Thank you for the advise.


Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to

If it’s an nhs round then you’re not allowed two back if you’re only 31 so it would be a moot point- so you can tell your friends and family that x

in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Its private, not nhs. But thanks x

emmab178 profile image

Depends how things develop with the embryos. If you only have one then that's all that will be transferred.

Don't underestimate the risks with a double transfer. My friend had ivf twins because she had the lowest grade blasts and they didn't think either would attach. She's had to give up work as can't afford to put them both in childcare. Her and her husband haven't slept in the same room for 9 months as one wakes the other one up on the night. She's needed her mum to live with them to be able to cope.

The babies were also born premature.

It's ridiculous for friends and family to wade in on this decision. Best thing to do is see how it develops and talk it with the embryologlist.

in reply to emmab178

Thank you for your reply. Im certainly not thinking of putting two back in the hope that wed have twins, its more for the success of a pregnancy full stop. I would never want to knowingly jeopardise the health of a baby. My gut feeling is to stick with one.

Its funny how people have opinions when they dont really know anything about the process and the risks involved.x

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to

I've found friends just have no idea. The ones that have asked, I've told how long the process is and still after 2 days of injecting they ask me things like 'So has it worked'. Told them it takes 2 months. In one ear and out the other

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to emmab178

So true! 😂😂

in reply to emmab178

Haha that made me chuckle!so true though!x

Personally I would only transfer one because of all the additional risks with twins. Better one healthy baby than risking poorly babies.

in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Your so right. Thank you x

Olivia1980xxx profile image

Hi hi elma . Few years ago when I had my first cycle they transferred blastocyst and morula but nothing to freeze. We end up bfn. My second cycle almost 3 years ago they only collected 6 then went down to 3 and then two only . Age then just before 36 and I being ask by embryologist if I want then can put two but she recommends one because is top quality... I went with what she said . One we had transferred and one to freeze. My baby girl is almost 22 months old... I’m currently on my 3rd cycle and I’m 39 this year so I don’t know how this will end up .. But like they say it just take this one ... XX

in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Congratulations! Thank you for your advise and good luck with your future treatment!xx

Harriet_B profile image

Hi Elma.

I had 2 day 3 embryos put back with the NHS but none of them stick, and then we went private and on our first FET we had 2 top quality blastocysts put back but it ended up with chemical pregnancy. We then had our last 2 top quality blastocysts put back on our 3rd FET and I am now 36 and 10w+4d pregnant with twins. We always wanted 2 to put back as it increased our chances and we’re glad we did and hopefully things go well with the pregnancy and it would mean that I don’t have to go through the rollercoaster ride and heartaches of IVF journey again. Yes having twins is very challenging but we both are so ready to be parents and our twins will know that they are wanted. In terms of pregnancy, yes it is more risky but you will be monitored closely. I get morning sickness and other symptoms but I know some friends and family who were pregnant with singleton but they had far worse symptoms and had to be hospitalised. I also know some friends who have twins and their pregnancy went smoothly and they have beautiful family. Everyone is different though , you have to trust your gut feeling and decide for yourself but try not to overthink things either....maybe write down your worries and concerns but also write down things that would make you happy if you are having twins. I find sometimes writing my thoughts on paper helps me making decision.

Best wishes. Xx

in reply to Harriet_B

Thank you for your advise and congratulations on your successful journey!

I certainly wouldnt be put off by twins at all and like you say they would both be extremely loved and welcomed. If thats what fate has for us then bring it on haha. But I dont want to make a haste decision for the wrong reasons and risk my health. With this being my first cycle I have nothing to compare it with and so would be making the decision for selfish reasons rather than from past experiences like all you amazing ladies have done.xx

toally profile image

You can request 2 if they get to blastocyst stage but not embryo, at embryo they will decide how many to put in based on quality. We ended up with 3 blastocysts and we put two back and I’m so glad we did as they said they were all top quality for freezing but the one we left for freezing didn’t make it so we lost him... do what’s in you gut and what you want in my opinion!

in reply to toally

Thank you for your advise. Its so difficult as your head just spins with information and unsure of what to do for the best.x

Kari55 profile image

Since it’s your first cycle and you are 31, the clinic would most certainly transfer one only unless you have only 2 embryos which are of low quality then they might suggest putting both back. Luckily there are some better guidelines now in that respect. My colleague was told to put 3 back on their first cycle 17 years ago and ended up with triplets. They are all healthy but it was and still is an enormous strain on them. My consultant told me that from all the women who had double embryo transfer and got pregnant, half will have multiples. It’s a very individual situation and decision - I’m currently after double embryo transfer but it’s my 3rd time and I will turn 38 this month. It wasn’t an easy decision to make and twice before we opted for a single transfer. This time we decided to listen to the clinic’s advice. Let’s see what happens. Good luck for your cycle xx

in reply to Kari55

Thank you for sharing your story. I have a lot to think about. Good luck with your cycle!!!x

Kepn17 profile image

I started ivf when I was 27 under the nhs. Each time I was strongly recommended to put in one embryo, this is a government policy and strategy. However it is a very personal decision and something my husband and I considered before we started. I have had 3 fresh rounds (one was cancelled before egg collection) and a frozen round, each time I put in 2 embryos . I am now 21 weeks pregnant with twins and so far a healthy pregnancy. Ultimately it is your decision regardless of age and funding ie private or nhs. I understand the risks and did my own research for this, which if anyone was thinking of doing I would recommend the same. All twin pregnancies are high risk, however identical twin pregnancies are a much higher risk compared with two eggs as they have their own placentas. I currently have scans every 4 weeks to monitor, however different types of twins have scans every two weeks due to risk level to give you an idea. This is not to belittle the risk of premature birth and what comes with that. For us, it was the right decision.

Kepn17 profile image
Kepn17 in reply to Kepn17

Also, my embryos were grade 4aa so it wasn’t due to quality that we were able to put 2 embryos in.

in reply to Kepn17

Wow thats amazing! Congratulations! I agree its a very individual decision. I just want to make the right one. Thank you for sharing your journey x

Ruby26 profile image

I would say I’m your circumstance one is a better option. Risks are much higher with 2. I think it’s because historically 2 back was a normal thing in ivf so people assume ivf equals twins. X

in reply to Ruby26

Thank you for your advise. Ill pounder over all the information over the next few days.x

TipToes13 profile image

All the best with this Elma xox

in reply to TipToes13

Thank you tiptoes13 x

Ivf2018 profile image

We put 2 embryos in now have twins...

CatDV profile image
CatDV in reply to Ivf2018

Hi 😊

May I ask, did you have any complication in your pregnancy because of it being a multiple pregnancy?

aamiller405 profile image

Youd be best to speak to your consultant as I understand their recommendations will depend a lot on your personal situation.

I asked about 2 and my consultant said absolutely no way, because I'm young and all hormones levels are good then he said the chance of them splitting or both taking are high. And he then gave me some statistics about the dangers of multiple pregnancies.

So I was convinced 1 was right for me, however that's not to say it will be the right choice for you xo

ytsrik1978 profile image

I had 2 I have a healthy 4 year old daughter now called talia and she is just the best xx

in reply to ytsrik1978

😊 congratulations!x

ytsrik1978 profile image
ytsrik1978 in reply to

Thank you hunny good luck hunny please use 2 xxxxxx

Katty_Holz profile image
Katty_Holz in reply to ytsrik1978

You had none. I happened to just log in today after almost 2 months and found your text message on my inbox emphasising I check cyprusivf.com. There have been several spams like you in here. @Diane please block this spammer. @other girls this one is fake. Cyprus?? Really?? Not even in my dreams... Some countries offer a cheap medical process that's true but not all are up to the mark to even offer it.

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