How did you cope? I'm dreading pregna... - Fertility Network UK

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How did you cope? I'm dreading pregnancy test day of the result being a BFN

Ljayne profile image
2 Replies

Hi everyone, I've had my first embryo transfer and I'm currently on that 2 week wait!

I've just turned 30 and have PCOS and stage 4 endometriosis. I had a laparoscopy in October and I've begun my first IVF round. My husband has slightly low motility so we also had ICSI.

Whilst I'm remaining positive, realistic, eating healthy etc. I'm just dreading that the day comes and the test says a BFN.

I know this is only my first round and I've read such incredible brave stories where people have completed numerous rounds of IVF that are unsuccessful.

Please can anyone tell me what they did on the day of their BFN? My parents are on holiday and luckily my husband has now got the day off work. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself and whilst ofcourse I'll be upset, I just don't want to feel down for weeks crying all day and just moping around the house.

Please can you share your stories any great coping strategies.

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Ljayne profile image
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2 Replies
Emma04 profile image

For me I had to have something planned for the day nothing special but know I had to get up go out and do something. BUT don’t put pressure on yourself do what you feel is right I needed to be surrounded by people but everyone is different. Sending you lots of luck that you see your BFP xx

ttcemmie profile image

Hi Ljayne. The 2ww is awful. I can't work on test day as it's just too big of a day! It's got to a point where I need days (multiple) off now! Depends on what you feel like doing on the day. Our last three test days have been a mix! One day we went to a museum, one day we just stayed in as couldn't face doing anything, and one we were actually on holiday with family so had no choice but to cry briefly and then continue with the holiday. I think my ideal would be a walk in the countryside to a pub (that's what we did on my due date from my miscarriage). We chose a pub that we weren't regulars too, though, as I feel it's slightly tainted now with its association with that date! Distraction and treats for the 2ww! And be kind to yourself and don't require yourself to be upbeat all the time. xxx

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