Hi everyone this is my first round of icsi. After egg collection we had 3 embryos but by day 3 only 2 had fertilised. We were told that we had 1 top quality embryo and one good quality. Transfer was tuesday gone and I'm just so anxious waiting to find out if it has been successful or not. I've not been sleeping great as I have had few pains in my tummy and feel very bloated from the pessaries. I'm trying to be as stress free as possible but has anyone got any tips on how to prepare for the results?
How to prepare for pregnancy test. - Fertility Network UK
How to prepare for pregnancy test.

I had my Tranfer yesterday so look forward to readying reply’s here. I wish I could close my eyes and wake up on test day. Feel so helpless after taking months of medication now only taking 2 pessaries a day.
I know it was only yesterday but I want to feel something happening, so far nothing.
I’m trying to just rest as much as possible. What’s been your plan?
I've been resting as much as possible too. I took a week off work after egg collection to give myself some time to relax but it is very hard when you know you have no control over it. I wish you all the luck in the world with yours you will have to let me know your results. Where abouts are you from? Xx
Up north, Newcastle area u? My phone has never had as little battery as it has this last week! Googling everything and anything x
Aww I'm the same are you centre for life? Snap I cant help Google stuff 😂 xx
Wow such a small world!! How have you found the clinic? X
It really is. Yeah they have all been lovely with us. We had been going for over a year we are NHS funded and get 3 cycles for free but fingers crossed that it works first time 🤞🤞 how do you find it? xx
We have been going for around 3 years, we started with Clomid and then icsi. This is my 2nd round of nhs funded. Thought I would be mentally more prepared this round but I think I’m more anxious. All the best luck to you and your partner! Can’t wait to see you me BFP results 🥰xxx
It's weird coming off injections isn't it? For almost a month (on LP) you have injections every day, and I keep forgetting I only have to do the delightful pessaries for now 😂. Hoping the time passes quickly for you and that you get the result we all dream of. Maybe try not to spend TOO much time googling every post or experience anyone ever had! ... I've really fallen into this trap this time and it's hard to get out of! 😢 xx
Hi, I have had 3 x 2ww’s now and I’m not sure anything can really prepare you for the results! I always have tried to do it when I know I have a couple of days off work to come to terms with the result and I’ve never lasted 2 weeks, the longest I have managed is 9 days and I’ve always had an accurate result by then. Good luck, hope you get a BFP x

Thank you xx
The 2WW is awful and taking the test is the worst bit. I didn't have a successful 2WW but we prepared by writing a list of things we'd do for a BFP and things we'd do for a BFN to give a focus whichever way. I was totally convinced it wouldnt work until I felt pregnant (about 10 days after 5 day transfer) and then was completely floored by a BFN. I think it would have been easier for me if I'd expected the worst the whole time but everyone is different. Really hope it's all you've hoped for this time round.

That's a great idea though runuphill! Creating a list of to-dos for either outcome. I'll remember that if I ever actually get to ET 🤦♀️🤞xx
Just be yourself, be positive, do what makes you happy and leave the rest in the hands of God, just got my BFP yesyerday and am wishing you the same😘😘