Buserelin shortage? : Hi all. I’ve been... - Fertility Network UK

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Buserelin shortage?

JoP32 profile image
31 Replies

Hi all. I’ve been told by my clinic there’s a national shortage of buserelin sub cut so I have to do the nasal sprays.

This is a nightmare for me as I have a very high pressure job with loads of meetings every day so taking the spray on time is going to be really difficult. Plus it means I’ll have to let my boss know now that I’m doing ivf so when I duck out of meetings he knows why. I wasn’t going to tell him I was doing another round yet as had a month off work only in November following our latest loss 😫

Has anyone else been told the same thing? Or does anyone know where I could get some from? My clinic are being really unhelpful. I’m happy to drive almost anywhere to pick it up if I can just locate some! I live in Bristol.

I’m due to be starting on Tuesday (11th) and have only been told today about this. Am panicking now about how to get this sorted in time!!

Thank you in advance you wonderful lot. Xxx

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JoP32 profile image
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31 Replies

Hey Jo! Nah don’t worry I used Synarel spray and it’s really easy. You need to do 2 sniffs twice a day spaced by 12 hours. So I did one in the morning before leaving for work at 7am, and then one at 7pm- on my way back home or at home. Easy peasy 😉🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to

I have to use it six times a day at specific times (8am/12pm/4pm etc)

If it were twice a day that would be fab but unfortunately it’s not for me!

Thank you though! Xxx

I was told this before Christmas but managed to get some from stork. They apparently have loads but were refusing to supply any to my clinic so I had to buy it direct x

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to

Ah! Ok, so I could go direct to Stork? I didn’t try them as they supply my clinic so assumed they had none.

This is so helpful to know - thank you so much!!! Xxx

in reply to JoP32

Yes my clinic sent my prescription directly to them so I didn’t have an option this time, luckily no more buserelin for me! Have u tried calling them? X

ttcemmie profile image

Sorry to hear about this stressful time. If it was me - I'd be calling all the pharmacies and clinics everywhere to see if they have any buserelin (if that's your preference). I am an absolute nutcase, though! Although, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the nasal sprays either...

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to ttcemmie

Thanks ttcemmie! I’ve been doing that since I got the call earlier but nowhere I’ve called locally has any!

Thinking of going further afield! Xxx

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to ttcemmie

And ha ha! Ttcemmie - don’t worry - I’m a nutcase too! 😂🙈😂

KiboXX profile image

As others have said, I would try the pharmacies that supply the clinics, we’ve used Stork and Fertility2U in the past. Maybe try Asda as well?x

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to KiboXX

Thank you KiboXX. Tried Asda, no joy. I will give Stork & Fertility2U a call now. Thank you so much!! Xx

Kwags profile image

Hello, yes my clinic had the same issue early in January and they were supplying suprefact instead(the male version) but actually the same thing as suprepur.. Maybe try asking pharmacies around of they have that? And yes, it does the very same thing.

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to Kwags

Hi Kwags. Thank you for that. Unfortunately they’re also out of stock of the suprefact too! 🤦🏽‍♀️

I’ll keep calling around - there has to be somewhere that has some!!

Thank you! Xx

Nat246 profile image

Or you can have a prostap injection to down reg. it’s one injection that lasts weeks.

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to Nat246

Thank you Nat! Unfortunately I’ve taken Prostap before and it was awful (nurses said my reaction was extreme & unusual 😂🙈🙄) so I’m steering well clear of that if humanly possible.

It is a great recommendation though so thank you so much! Sadly just not right for me!

Thanks again though! Xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Prostap is a great shout as it's only a one off injection. You can do it yourself too and lasts around a month so perfect for treatment! Might be worth an ask with your clinic.xx

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you Cinderella! I had the Prostap before my last FET and had horrendous side effects (mentally in a very bad place). Not sure I or our relationship could handle me taking that again! 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️So much so that I’m going to do a natural FET next tine! 🙄😂

Thank you though for the recommendation- it’s a great shout, but sadly personally not for me.

I hope you’re doing ok - how’s your 2ww going? Are you managing to stay sane?! 😘xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to JoP32

I didnt do well with it either however I didn't realise you were doing an FET! That changes everything. I refused to down regulate. There is also the option to do a semi medicated FET....not sure that's the right word for it but I usually have my period, start on progynova and HRT patches to help build my lining, this stops ovulation and you start progesterone when your lining is ready or it suits you/the clinic for transfer. Might be easier than telling your boss too much and takes the uncertainty of following natural ovulation.

I'm doing ok, I'm defo not staying sane but that's the nature of the game isnt it?!🤣🤯😫🤯😂🤯🤪🤯xxx

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to Cinderella5

Ah, no, sorry - this is a fresh egg collection round but we’re doing PGS this time so if we’re lucky enough to get any blasts that test normal then we’ll do the FET.

Thanks so much for the info on the semi medicated FET - that sounds much better. I have to admit, whilst I’m keen to not have the full medicated FET next time, the thought of doing it completely naturally also felt a bit weird! 😂🤦🏽‍♀️ I’ll ask my clinic about that option if / when we get to that stage 🤞🏻🙏🤞🏻

Glad to hear you’re doing ok. No, staying sane is sadly not an option during the 2ww 🤦🏽‍♀️ - I hope you’re ok though. Will you manage to hold out or will you test early?! (I am shit and test constantly! 😂🤦🏽‍♀️😂) xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to JoP32

Ha ha ha I'm getting confused. Well its defo an option for further down the line then if nothing else!

Will I test early....moi?!😂 Oh yes, I will defo cave. I was dying to test this morning but hubby wouldn't let me, he wont win that game for much longer! I'm also shit!!🤣🤣🤣xx

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to Cinderella5

Ha ha! Yeah, I’m with you on that! 😂😂

Well I’m keeping everything firmly 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 For you!!!

I really hope the time passes as quickly as it possibly can and that you get that BFP xxx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to JoP32

From what I’ve gathered on here, the only reason clinics get you to down regulate for a FET is to make it fit with their schedule so you can deffo put your foot down and refuse to do it. Like Cinderella, I did a medicated without down reg and it was not bad at all! Just estrogen tablets and then progesterone xx

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to KiboXX

This is music to my ears. Thank you so much both of you. I can’t tell you how much reading your advice has helped.

No down reg & straight to estrogen & progesterone- perfect. Xx

JoP32 profile image

Hi ladies.

I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone for replying. You really helped make yesterday so much better and you’re all amazing! 😘

Update - after trying all day (I cancelled all my meetings to get this sorted 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️) we called the clinic at 4pm to ask about something else only to be told that they DO have the sc Bureselin after all & that I had ‘been given miss information this morning as they were all informed of this by email at 7am’.

Cue - mega relief that everything’s sorted mixed with actual rage at the stress caused totally unnecessarily! My partner has made a complaint to our clinic and they have been extremely apologetic which is something.

This rollercoaster has twists and turns in it even when there’s no need for twists and turns it seems! 😂🙄😂

Oh well. All’s well that ends well I guess!

Thanks again for your support you wonderful lot. Xxx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to JoP32

Oh yes, great news! Annoying you had the unnecessary drama but at least it’s sorted now 🙌🏻 xx

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to KiboXX

Ha! IKR?! Yesterday was a total waste of time! 😂🤦🏽‍♀️

Thank you KiboXX!

How are things with you? Do you have a scan date? Xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to JoP32

Feeling very nauseous! 🤢 don’t know why they call it morning sickness because it’s all day!! 🙈 Hoping it’s a good sign that it’s going in the right direction though. Never thought I’d be happy to feel sick!

Scan is on the 13th 🙏🏻🤞🏻 xxx

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to KiboXX

Oh bless you! Yes I’d say it’s definitely a good sign! I had no morning sickness with my first 2 and neither had a heartbeat at the first scan but with my 3rd I felt horrendous (like you - ALL day) and we got to 17 weeks. The morning sickness is definitely a good sign and even though ours didn’t end as hoped it was due to other reasons.

Very best of luck for the 13th!! Please let us know that you’ve seen that precious heartbeat! I’ll be thinking of you!! 💕 🌈💐Xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to JoP32

Thank you so much! I really hope it’s true 🙏🏻 The only thing that seems to help is bread 🥴

So sorry for your losses 💔 Are you doing PGS testing this time? Xx

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to KiboXX

Ha! Yeah carbs were all I wanted too! Hash browns were like heaven! 😂

Thank you. Yeah, doing PGS this time round. Have a great weekend! Xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to JoP32

Keeping everything crossed for you! Thanks, you too 😘♥️

JoP32 profile image
JoP32 in reply to KiboXX

Thank you lovely! Xx

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