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Hi guys can someone with knowledge tell me how low is 3.4pMol/L for 39yrs is it average low or low low? ☹️

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33 Replies
Anne-Marie2017 profile image

I don’t know the ranges for age, sorry. But I do know that when I had mine done at 32 years old mine was 4.2pmol/L and that was considered the lower end of low for my age. At the time I was devastated as the secretary told me my result was normal on the phone and for once it felt good to have a “good” result in something. It wasn’t until I got the letter in the post that I realised it wasn’t 😥 However, my consultant reassured me that it’s not a definitive marker as such and you only need one good egg. She was right and I became pregnant naturally just before our first appointment at the IVF clinic.

in reply to Anne-Marie2017

Hi my letter was mostly how we talked about previous mc and how they thought even tho I’m 39, 40 In March the chances for natural conception is still achievable knowing my history etc and they have referred me for a hsg and put on the bottom.

PS the results of your amh was 3.4 meaning ivf wouldn’t be an option without a donor.

Happyonholiday profile image

Hi gcw, it quite low. Mine was 3.2 at 38. I was told it was within average for my age but then researched and discovered average was between 2.5 and 50. What it has meant for me is that for my IVF cycles they collected 4 eggs on my first IVF cycle and 5 on my second. I was pretty upset when I found out when I first started on this route 7 months (1 IVF, 1 ICSI and one FET) ago, but I got a bfp last week. I really think it's quality not quantity of eggs that count. I was also told that it shouldn't affect your chances of getting pregnant naturally, because you only produce 1 (or 2) eggs at a time, but that didn't apply to me as I'm single and using a donor.

Best of luck and don't be too worried about numbers x

in reply to Happyonholiday

The letter said to continue to try naturally any ivf would be a donor.

Mycatsaremykids profile image

This is the information sheet I was given...

Hope this helps xxx

Hopefulholly profile image

I have an amh of 3.5 and I’m 29 one clinic told me I had a 1% chance of it working I changed clinics as I really don’t like negative energy my next consultant said she didn’t like to go on amh as it is only a guide and you may have more follicles than expected and I’m glad I choose to change as I’m now 31 weeks pregnant.

Just remember it’s only a guide and although you may never have big numbers in ivf it’s all about quality xXx

BarneyandPatsy profile image
BarneyandPatsy in reply to Hopefulholly

Which clinic please

Hey. I am 33 and have an AMH of 3.5 which is very low for my age. I saw a specialist consultant today about it and he reassured me it was egg quality not egg quantity. I am going to have IVF but mainly due to fact we have been trying for 3 years with no joy (unexplained), not because the of low AMH. Although that will make the IVF more difficult! I would recommend speaking to a specialist consultant that deals with low AMH if you can. Wish you all the best xxx

in reply to Love_the_mountains

I think because I have kids and 3 mmc lately it’ll still happen naturally and won’t even discuss treatment for at least another year. Don’t know if we can afford it anyway. End of road

Love_the_mountains profile image
Love_the_mountains in reply to

Its so hard isnt it. My NHS funding got rejected so have gone privately but it's going to be very hard! My consultant said today there is every possibility to conceive naturally as I'm ovulating every month. Time will tell! Dont give up. Keep trying. Theres still hope xxx

in reply to Love_the_mountains

When we got referred what I wanted out of it was the basic fertility tests to give us an idea if we had any issues I guess what we’ve had so far have all been ok amh is low but age appropriate I’m guessing & I’m getting a hsg sometime I’m betting that will be fine too. So really I suppose I have got some answers if not all.

Love_the_mountains profile image
Love_the_mountains in reply to

It's just reassuring to have some answers isnt it. I hate all the unknowns! I hope it all works out for you xx

in reply to Love_the_mountains

Lol well I thought it would reassure me I thought knowledge is power but tbh I feel more at a loose end lol ahh well.

Love_the_mountains profile image
Love_the_mountains in reply to

Bless you. I know...sometimes too much knowledge is more concerning haha. I'm terrible haha xx

I'm sorry the news is upsetting for you. I felt absolutely floored when I heard my results,I was so upset . why is it okay for them to tell you it's IVF only with a donor, I know you've had a traumatic past with MC so they could be wary of putting you forward to treatment I guess ...but amh is only one factor and a lot of doctors use it to judge which meds to give you surely!!? You've not had ivf before have you? They don't know how you will respond to meds and how many eggs you will produce. Have you got an AFC done? Amh needs to be done alongside that really to get a rounder picture. Oh gcw104 I'm sorry your going through this! X

in reply to

No that is the only test I’ve had so far regarding fertility the others were for reoccurring mc. Tbh it doesn’t really matter we probably won’t have ivf so what is the point. I thought they might have tried clomid even tho I’m guessing I ovulate ok tho 1 test was abnormal 1 ok and had 3 pregnancies so prob first test was wrong. But it said there’s nothing they can offer to assist at this time. They do think we still can achieve a natural pregnancy I’m doubtful.

in reply to

Yeah, I remember you've said IVF isn't a route necessarily for you ... AFC might be useful for you, or give you some peace e.g. if you only had a couple of visible follicles it could suggest there isn't much developmental competition between them so the egg you produce might not be as great as if 10 follicles were competing in growth - dont get me wrong I'm not doctor, it's just something I read... its an argument I guess.

you know Clomid might not be a bad shout... It might make you produce an extra egg or two and increase you've chance a little? Its not fun though !! but it's cheap so easier to persuade NHS to give it to you ...

How's charting going by the way?

in reply to

They said no to clomid I thought they might try that but nope. I don’t know what AFC is I’ll google. My charting well 1st mth I think was fine then had 2 dodgy charts last mth I think was better but I think I’m making it up as I I go along I still wake around 4am take temp and doze not fully asleep wake take temp again totally diff I’m doing 2 charts just to see the out come it’s quite interesting I like abit experimenting. I know fine well it’ll be the chart with the dropping temps rather that the higher one lol

Kw91 profile image

I’m 28 and have an AMH of 2.6... my doctors have told me not to worry too much as it’s about quality not quantity but I completely understand what you’re going through. I felt like a ghost of my former self when I found out. Be kind to yourself ❤️

Noah1981 profile image

I had mine done in April before I started this process and mine came back at 21.4 I’m 38 and they said that was really good for a woman of my age so I’d imagine to be in single figures it’s pretty low xx

in reply to Noah1981

Yeah it did say low but in accordance with age I have achieved 3 pregnancies between 37-38 just not successful ones ending at 12&13w ☹️

SharlyWarly profile image

Sorry to hear that the NHS aren't playing. Just worth noting however, AMH levels fluctuate. It would be worth finding out what range they would consider IVF for you. You can get your AMH done privately for around £100 so it might be worth retesting - mine changed in one month from 5.5 to 1.5!!! Makes a big difference to how you view things if nothing else x good luck

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to SharlyWarly

could That be different test methods between treat centres? There one in Scotland that my clinic use and won't use the results from the Cambridge (Think it's there) one the nhs use.

SharlyWarly profile image
SharlyWarly in reply to emmab178

Oh brilliant, you've got to love all these twists that IVF comes up with huh???!!! Yes, it could be in the testing which means that all testing should be taken with a pinch of salt rather than a dead cert. Sorry things are already complicated for you :-)

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to SharlyWarly

Nothing's simple in ivf or we wouldn't be paying so much for it!

in reply to emmab178

That’s true I wish everyone the very best trying with ivf

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to

Good luck to you to. My mate whose now in the recurring miscarriage team (now 41 and just lost another at 9 weeks) says she is getting support from the Drs all the way through her next pregnancy.

I'm wondering if they will offer her progesterone like us ivf ladies get.

I know it doesn't feel like it but it's a good sign you can get pregnant and tubes etc aren't damaged no issues with male factors.

in reply to emmab178

I asked about progesterone at the clinic they said it’s not proven to help so they don’t offer it. Yes after 3 mc u get early scans, I’ve not had another pregnancy so don’t know for sure what is offered.

I have got pregnant but not for a year now that’s why I had a review with the clinic.

Thank you x but I think I’m done with dr and clinics I’ll do this hsg but that’s it if we’re not doing ivf there isn’t really a point I guess.

SharlyWarly profile image

Fair enough, hopefully you won't even need it anyway! :-)

Olivia1980xxx profile image

Hi gcw104 before we

Went through first ivf my AMH was 15.7 age 34. Year after we had sec cycle and my baby girl is 2.5 years old.

Last November my AMH was

5.7 age 38 so even those that we had one embryo left in freezer they recommended do fresh one so we did this feb .

We had good respond one was transfer and another 3 suitable to freeze.

Didn’t work so in this aug we done natural frozen cycle and we had 2 embryos put back in but didn’t work .

So now we have only two frostie left and I’m 39.

I will definitely want to check my AMH level next year before we decided to use my frostie.

I don’t know what is low low but yourS is 3.4 And u almost turning 40 so in my opinion is not bad at all hun . I have to say I had better respond this time with lower AMH then I had before. Xx

in reply to Olivia1980xxx

Sorry I think I clicked on the wrong but I replied at the top x

I guess it’s quality aswel I hope you have some luck for your next round. Thank u x

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