Just looking at my notes. My amh level is 4. 8. I know this is really low my last ivf I only got 1 egg. I don't know much about amh levels. Can anyone advise me on how low this is? Has anyone had a lower level and still got pregnant? Xx
Amh level : Just looking at my notes... - Fertility Network UK
Amh level

Hi Katya, I posted a similar question about amh and got a few replies. Have a look at my AMH post. One lady was pregnant with twins and read her post that she had delivered healthy twins with lovely pictures! I'm sure some of the others on here will give you some advice though!xx
Hi thanks Cinderella. Just looked and yes it seems that its possible way below 4.8. The lady with twins was below twins!! So it must be possible I'm just very impatient and don't think I've got time to just wait for it to happen. How are you doing?x
I'm a little impatient too but thankfully we're about to embark on our next round! Hoping for a much better result with our embryos this time due to the drug adjustments and I've been taking DHEA. Finger crossed! Have you decided what you want to do next?x
That's great. When do you start? We're hoping to get a donor egg cycle booked in Cyprus just looking into it at the moment. Hopefully for December/January. I was going to take DHEA but was advised to speak to my doctor first. We have our follow up appointment on the 11th November at the hospital so will see what they advise but pretty sure we won't get another cycle. Good luck xx
Thank you honey! Should start meds in around 3 weeks so it's coming....slowly!! Obviously if this doesn't work then donor egg is probably the route I will take too but trying to be positive that we'll get better results! I have a friend that had success with a donor egg so don't give up hope!!xx
Yes hopefully but really feel that this process is taking its toll now. Had a friend today tell me she's pregnant. Feel bad that you can't be happier for people but it still knocks the wind out of me everytime esp when they weren't even trying!! Then you feel bad that you feel that way in the first place xx
Mine was 4.7. I got 6 eggs after they put me on the highest level of drugs. I'm now 16 weeks pregnant.
My hospital consultant was really negative about my chances, but once I got to the actual clinic the consultant she was super positive and wouldn't even entertain the possibility of it not working!
Well I got told if I got less than 3 eggs I wouldn't get a 2nd go. I only got 1 egg and they said I responded really well to treatment. Don't understand it!!x
I was 4.7 and also got 6 eggs. Currently on 2ww so hope I am as lucky as you cyantist🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀😀😀😀I was told the same on nhs that less than 3 eggs collected would mean no more treatment but I assume apart from cost private would still be an option to consider as surely they won't have that criteria xxx
They never mentioned that to me at all (I was NHS as well). But then the rules change so much between areas I guess it's not surprising.
It's frustrating because you only need one good egg! Does it mean you're having to fund the next cycle yourself Katya?
Fingers crossed vic - hope you get that BFP soon!
It's very frustrating. We re still waiting for our follow up appointment at beg Nov but I know they will just say we won't get a 2nd cycle. We would have got a 2nd free cycle using a donor egg but we would have had to find our own donor. I'm not comfortable with that. Good luck vic with your 2ww xx
I know it's so tough isn't it. Staff only mentioned that criteria to us very late in the day which was probably just as well as would have worried about it. That said we got 6 eggs so we can get a second round if needed..hope not..testing tomorrow😁😁😁😁😁😁 it just seems so unfair as as said above you only need one good one. My Amh levels were also not mentioned till late in the day and the nurse kind if brushed over my result.i then googled when I got home and panicked and asked about it more on our next visit. More to do with age for me I think but still low for my age but staff seemed pleased with 6 eggs. To be honest it is numbers overload as woman next to me got 22 eggs and I really did try to just focus on notion of just needing 1 good one. Lots of ladies have had low amh when I googled and successful pregnancies so not a disaster..far from it..keep going if you can xxxx
6 eggs is amazing I was devastated to only get 1 as follicles had seemingly responded well. I know they need to warn you but I felt they scared me too much. Even when I went for egg collection they said there may be no eggs and I was also told that the treatment may be cancelled if I don't respond. It's a horrible journey. I would have loved to continue with my own eggs but don't feel we have the time or money. All the best for tomorrow! !xx
It is a horrible journey that's for sure. And so crap when it comes down to paying for it..just doesn't seem fair to me. Whatever you decide I wish you loads of love and luck xx
Hi There, I am 41 and have the same level. My doctor told me its normal for my age bracket and not to be disheartened by it. I was really worried by the result and he said not to be chances are still good. Good luck xxxx
Oh - and am starting next month! Just been to sign the legal stuff - trying not to get too excited or hopeful!