So I should know this being on my 4th FET but since doing IVF my periods are much lighter has this happened to anyone else?? I’m meant to start oestrogen tablets on day 1 of my period and my clinic have said day 1 is first day of full flow, so if it starts in the middle of the day the next day would be day 1. I started spotting Friday then period started this afternoon but still seems quite light, I’m assuming day 1 is tomorrow but panicking that’s it would have been today and I’ll mess up starting the medicine tomorrow! Also worrying that my period is lighter than usual! Sorry I know I’m probably overthinking but would appreciate some words of wisdom!xx
When is day 1??: So I should know this... - Fertility Network UK
When is day 1??

My clinic says anything before 4pm is day 1 some clinics day 6pm...depends what time this afternoon it started?
My clinic say day 1 is full flow before midday, otherwise day 1 would be the following day. I had a lot of stress last time trying to determine what was day 1 as I had weird spotting and intermittent bleeding (but not red) for a couple of days before full flow started. I kept worrying I'd missed it so you're not the only one. I'm sure it will all be ok, wishing you lots of luck with your cycle x
Thanks, it’s so difficult I’ve taken the tablets today but my period still seems really light? Typical it’s on the weekend so it’s difficult to speak to the clinic, just hoping I’ve done the right thing petrified of this cycle being cancelled xx
Totally understand how you feel, I'm naturally quite anxious and over think quite a lot so would be doing exactly the same if I were in your situation. These things always happen on the weekend too! Typical! I hope that all will be ok with your cycle x
I always seem to come on at the weekend as well!
Thanks it seems to be back to normal now, I’m like you complete over thinker and super anxious!xx
So glad all is back to normal now, hope the rest of your cycle goes smoothly xx
Thanks and thanks for helping me feel abit more normal about freaking out!!xx
No problem 😊. Its funny, during my last FET cycle I thought i was being quite calm and not as anxious as my first fresh cycle but after my transfer when I asked my lovely nurse a few questions my husband laughed and my nurse responded 'its ok, I've got to know Allison quite well during this cycle'. I think they now expect my questions and also know how much information and reassurance to give me when things dont quite go to plan so it really helps. This process is really hard and when you're anxious and an over thinker it does often make things much harder. xx
That’s so true, it’s great your staff have been so lovely. I hope the cramps and bleeding have eased off xx
No more red blood since last night, but still discouloured/light brown when I wipe (sorry tmi!). Still have some discomfort though so have barely moved from bed except to go to the toilet and do my meds. My husband is on hand to bring me food and drinks! So glad my scan is tomorrow morning x
I was always told that day 1 was whatever day it turned to proper red blood flow. Seems to be slightly different definitions depending what clinic you are at.
I know what you mean about the lighter periods since starting IVF. That was on my list of things to bring up at my next review appointment because I was worried about it. I tend to get brown spotting for a day, then maybe a day or 2 of red blood then back to spotting. Much lighter and shorter than previous. Sorry for tmi! X
Hi core, I’m so glad others are experiencing the same with their periods. Mine are so short now. I usually get spotting for 3-4 days now before full flow. And my full flow only lasts 2 days! I’m worried about mine. Good luck for your next FET xxxx

Thanks, have you mentioned anything to your Doctor? I’m so annoyed I didn’t say anything in our follow up xx
Not yet but I’m going to. I will let you know when I do and what he says about it xxx
Hi there, at my consultant follow-up I spoke about my periods and how light they’ve got. He told me that it could be due to all IVF medication and my body still adjusting after the ectopic pregnancy. He didn’t seem too concerned. So I went to get my progesterone tested again off my own back and My GP phoned to confirm that ovulation was occurring.... xxxx
My clinic say day 1 is the day you get fresh red blood, I've never had fresh red blood on any period so just count it as the day I come on regardless of time. Sometimes I've come on on a friday night and not been scanned until Monday which would then be the day I've started my meds. I think for the sake of 24 hours you should be absolutely fine 😊 good luck!x